@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
* )
open ! Utils
module F = Format
module F = Format
module L = Logging
let compare_call ( pname1 , loc1 ) ( pname2 , loc2 ) =
let compare_call ( pname1 , loc1 ) ( pname2 , loc2 ) =
let n = Procname . compare pname1 pname2 in
let n = Procname . compare pname1 pname2 in
@ -26,23 +29,51 @@ module CallSet = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet(struct
module CallSetDomain = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( CallSet )
module CallSetDomain = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( CallSet )
module Domain = struct
module Domain = struct
include AbstractDomain . Pair ( CallSetDomain ) ( CallSetDomain )
module CallsDomain = AbstractDomain . Pair ( CallSetDomain ) ( CallSetDomain )
module TrackingVar = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( Var . Set )
let add_expensive call ( expensive_calls , allocations ) =
module TrackingDomain =
CallSetDomain . add call expensive_calls , allocations
AbstractDomain . Pair ( CallsDomain ) ( TrackingVar )
include AbstractDomain . BottomLifted ( TrackingDomain )
let add_expensive call = function
| Bottom -> Bottom
| NonBottom ( ( expensive_calls , allocations ) , vars ) ->
NonBottom ( ( CallSetDomain . add call expensive_calls , allocations ) , vars )
let add_allocation alloc = function
| Bottom -> Bottom
| NonBottom ( ( expensive_calls , allocations ) , vars ) ->
NonBottom ( ( expensive_calls , CallSetDomain . add alloc allocations ) , vars )
let stop_tracking ( _ : astate ) = Bottom
let add_tracking_var var = function
| Bottom -> Bottom
| NonBottom ( calls , previous_vars ) ->
NonBottom ( calls , TrackingVar . add var previous_vars )
let remove_tracking_var var = function
| Bottom -> Bottom
| NonBottom ( calls , previous_vars ) ->
NonBottom ( calls , TrackingVar . remove var previous_vars )
let is_tracked_var var = function
| Bottom -> false
| NonBottom ( _ , vars ) ->
TrackingVar . mem var vars
let add_allocation alloc ( expensive_calls , allocations ) =
expensive_calls , CallSetDomain . add alloc allocations
let call_summary_of_astate ( astate_expensive , astate_allocations ) =
module Summary = Summary . Make ( struct
type summary = Domain . astate
let call_summary_of_astate = function
| Domain . Bottom -> assert false
| Domain . NonBottom ( ( astate_expensive , astate_allocations ) , _ ) ->
let expensive_calls = CallSet . elements astate_expensive in
let expensive_calls = CallSet . elements astate_expensive in
let allocations = CallSet . elements astate_allocations in
let allocations = CallSet . elements astate_allocations in
{ Specs . expensive_calls ; allocations ; }
{ Specs . expensive_calls ; allocations ; }
module Summary = Summary . Make ( struct
type summary = Domain . astate
let update_payload astate payload =
let update_payload astate payload =
let call_summary = call_summary_of_astate astate in
let call_summary = call_summary_of_astate astate in
{ payload with Specs . calls = Some call_summary }
{ payload with Specs . calls = Some call_summary }
@ -50,9 +81,12 @@ module Summary = Summary.Make (struct
let read_from_payload payload =
let read_from_payload payload =
match payload . Specs . calls with
match payload . Specs . calls with
| Some call_summary ->
| Some call_summary ->
CallSet . of_list call_summary . Specs . expensive_calls ,
Domain . NonBottom
CallSet . of_list call_summary . Specs . allocations
( ( CallSet . of_list call_summary . Specs . expensive_calls ,
CallSet . of_list call_summary . Specs . allocations ) ,
Domain . TrackingVar . initial )
| None -> Domain . initial
| None -> Domain . initial
end )
end )
(* Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly
(* Warning name when a performance critical method directly or indirectly
@ -266,7 +300,34 @@ let report_allocations pname loc calls =
module TransferFunctions = struct
module TransferFunctions = struct
type astate = Domain . astate
type astate = Domain . astate
(* This is specific to the @NoAllocation and @PerformanceCritical checker
and the " unlikely " method is used to guard branches that are expected to run sufficiently
rarely to not affect the performances * )
let is_unlikely pname =
match pname with
| Procname . Java java_pname ->
( Procname . java_get_method java_pname ) = " unlikely "
| _ -> false
let is_tracking_exp astate = function
| Sil . Var id -> Domain . is_tracked_var ( Var . LogicalVar id ) astate
| Sil . Lvar pvar -> Domain . is_tracked_var ( Var . ProgramVar pvar ) astate
| _ -> false
let prunes_tracking_var astate = function
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , lhs , rhs )
when is_tracking_exp astate lhs ->
Sil . exp_equal rhs Sil . exp_one
| Sil . UnOp ( Sil . LNot , Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , lhs , rhs ) , _ )
when is_tracking_exp astate lhs ->
Sil . exp_equal rhs Sil . exp_zero
| _ ->
let exec_instr astate { ProcData . pdesc ; tenv ; } = function
let exec_instr astate { ProcData . pdesc ; tenv ; } = function
| Sil . Call ( [ id ] , Const ( Cfun callee_pname ) , _ , _ , _ )
when is_unlikely callee_pname ->
Domain . add_tracking_var ( Var . LogicalVar id ) astate
| Sil . Call ( _ , Const ( Cfun callee_pname ) , _ , call_loc , _ ) ->
| Sil . Call ( _ , Const ( Cfun callee_pname ) , _ , call_loc , _ ) ->
(* Run the analysis of callee_pname if not already analyzed *)
(* Run the analysis of callee_pname if not already analyzed *)
ignore ( Summary . read_summary pdesc callee_pname ) ;
ignore ( Summary . read_summary pdesc callee_pname ) ;
@ -280,7 +341,22 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
else astate in
else astate in
add_expensive_calls astate
add_expensive_calls astate
| > add_allocations
| > add_allocations
| _ -> astate
| Sil . Letderef ( id , exp , _ , _ )
when is_tracking_exp astate exp ->
Domain . add_tracking_var ( Var . LogicalVar id ) astate
| Sil . Set ( Sil . Lvar pvar , _ , exp , _ )
when is_tracking_exp astate exp ->
Domain . add_tracking_var ( Var . ProgramVar pvar ) astate
| Sil . Set ( Sil . Lvar pvar , _ , _ , _ ) ->
Domain . remove_tracking_var ( Var . ProgramVar pvar ) astate
| Sil . Prune ( exp , _ , _ , _ )
when prunes_tracking_var astate exp ->
Domain . stop_tracking astate
| Sil . Call ( _ :: _ , _ , _ , _ , _ ) ->
failwith " Expecting a singleton for the return value "
| _ ->
module Analyzer =
module Analyzer =
@ -320,10 +396,15 @@ module Interprocedural = struct
match checker proc_data with
match checker proc_data with
| Some astate ->
| Some astate ->
match astate with
| Domain . Bottom -> ()
| Domain . NonBottom ( ( expensive_calls , allocations ) , _ ) ->
if performance_critical then
if performance_critical then
report_expensive_calls tenv proc_name loc ( CallSet . elements ( fst astate ) ) ;
report_expensive_calls tenv proc_name loc ( CallSet . elements expensive_calls ) ;
if no_allocation then
if no_allocation then
report_allocations proc_name loc ( CallSet . elements ( snd astate ) )
report_allocations proc_name loc ( CallSet . elements allocations )
| None -> ()
| None -> ()