@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ let pp_simple_state f {pre; post; pruned} =
let pp_state f = Format.fprintf f "@[<2>[ %a ]@]" (pp_comma_seq pp_simple_state)
let start () =
let mk_simple_states () =
let a = Topl.automaton () in
let starts = ToplAutomaton.starts a in
let mk_memory =
@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ let start () =
let configurations = List.map ~f:(fun vertex -> {vertex; memory= mk_memory ()}) starts in
List.map ~f:(fun c -> {pre= c; post= c; pruned= []}) configurations
if Topl.is_deep_active () then mk_simple_states () else (* Avoids work later *) []
let get env x =
@ -80,6 +83,14 @@ let get env x =
let set = List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal
let is_trivially_true (predicate : predicate) =
match predicate with
| Eq, AbstractValueOperand l, AbstractValueOperand r when AbstractValue.equal l r ->
| _ ->
let eval_guard memory tcontext guard =
let operand_of_value (value : ToplAst.value) : PathCondition.operand =
match value with
@ -90,17 +101,18 @@ let eval_guard memory tcontext guard =
| Binding v ->
AbstractValueOperand (get tcontext v)
let add predicate pruned = if is_trivially_true predicate then pruned else predicate :: pruned in
let conjoin_predicate pruned (predicate : ToplAst.predicate) =
match predicate with
| Binop (binop, l, r) ->
let l = operand_of_value l in
let r = operand_of_value r in
let binop = ToplUtils.binop_to binop in
(binop, l, r) :: pruned
add (binop, l, r) pruned
| Value v ->
let v = operand_of_value v in
let one = PathCondition.LiteralOperand IntLit.one in
(Binop.Ne, v, one) :: pruned
add (Binop.Ne, v, one) pruned
List.fold ~init:[] ~f:conjoin_predicate guard
@ -241,3 +253,26 @@ let small_step path_condition event simple_states =
let large_step ~substitution:_ ~condition:_ ~callee_prepost:_ _state = (* TODO *) []
let filter_for_summary path_condition state =
List.filter ~f:(fun x -> not (is_unsat path_condition x.pruned)) state
let simplify ~keep state =
let simplify_simple_state {pre; post; pruned} =
(* NOTE(rgrigore): registers could be considered live for the program path_condition as well.
That should improve precision, but I'm wary of altering what the Pulse program state is just
because Topl is enabled. *)
let collect memory keep =
List.fold ~init:keep ~f:(fun keep (_reg, value) -> AbstractValue.Set.add value keep) memory
let keep = keep |> collect pre.memory |> collect post.memory in
let is_live_operand =
function LiteralOperand _ -> true | AbstractValueOperand v -> AbstractValue.Set.mem v keep)
let is_live_predicate (_op, l, r) = is_live_operand l && is_live_operand r in
let pruned = List.filter ~f:is_live_predicate pruned in
{pre; post; pruned}
List.map ~f:simplify_simple_state state