@ -1046,50 +1046,76 @@ let of_exp e =
(** Transform *)
(** Transform *)
let map e ~f =
let map e ~f =
let map_ : (t -> t) -> t -> t =
let map1 op ~f x =
fun map_ e ->
let x' = f x in
let map1 op ~f x =
if x' == x then e else norm1 op x'
let x' = f x in
if x' == x then e else norm1 op x'
let map2 op ~f x y =
let x' = f x in
let map2 op ~f x y =
let y' = f y in
let x' = f x in
if x' == x && y' == y then e else norm2 op x' y'
let y' = f y in
if x' == x && y' == y then e else norm2 op x' y'
let map3 op ~f x y z =
let x' = f x in
let map3 op ~f x y z =
let y' = f y in
let x' = f x in
let z' = f z in
let y' = f y in
if x' == x && y' == y && z' == z then e else norm3 op x' y' z'
let z' = f z in
if x' == x && y' == y && z' == z then e else norm3 op x' y' z'
let mapN op ~f xs =
let xs' = Vector.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f xs in
if xs' == xs then e else normN op xs'
let map_qset mk ~f args =
let args' = Qset.map ~f:(fun arg q -> (f arg, q)) args in
if args' == args then e else mk args'
match e with
| Add args -> map_qset addN ~f args
| Mul args -> map_qset mulN ~f args
| Ap1 (op, x) -> map1 op ~f x
| Ap2 (op, x, y) -> map2 op ~f x y
| Ap3 (op, x, y, z) -> map3 op ~f x y z
| ApN (op, xs) -> mapN op ~f xs
| RecN (op, xs) -> RecN (op, Vector.map ~f:map_ xs)
| _ -> e
fix map_ (fun e -> e) e
let mapN mk ~f xs =
let xs' = Vector.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f xs in
if xs' == xs then e else mk xs'
let map_qset mk ~f args =
let args' = Qset.map ~f:(fun arg q -> (f arg, q)) args in
if args' == args then e else mk args'
match e with
| Add args -> map_qset addN ~f args
| Mul args -> map_qset mulN ~f args
| Ap1 (op, x) -> map1 op ~f x
| Ap2 (op, x, y) -> map2 op ~f x y
| Ap3 (op, x, y, z) -> map3 op ~f x y z
| ApN (op, xs) -> mapN (normN op) ~f xs
| RecN (_, xs) ->
assert (
xs == Vector.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f xs
|| fail "Term.map does not support updating subterms of RecN." ) ;
| _ -> e
(** Pre-order transformation that preserves cycles. Each subterm [x] from
root to leaves is presented to [f]. If [f x = Some x'] then the subterms
of [x] are not traversed and [x] is transformed to [x']. Otherwise
traversal proceeds to the subterms of [x], followed by rebuilding the
term structure on the transformed subterms. Cycles (through terms
involving [RecN]) are preserved. *)
let map_rec_pre ~f e =
let rec map_rec_pre_f memo e =
match f e with
| Some e' -> e'
| None -> (
match e with
| RecN (op, xs) -> (
match List.Assoc.find ~equal:( == ) memo e with
| None ->
let xs' = Vector.copy xs in
let e' = RecN (op, xs') in
let memo = List.Assoc.add ~equal:( == ) memo e e' in
let changed = ref false in
Vector.map_inplace xs' ~f:(fun x ->
let x' = map_rec_pre_f memo x in
if x' != x then changed := true ;
x' ) ;
if !changed then e' else e
| Some e' -> e' )
| _ -> map ~f:(map_rec_pre_f memo) e )
map_rec_pre_f [] e
let rename sub e =
let rename sub e =
let rec rename_ sub e =
map_rec_pre e ~f:(function
match e with
| Var _ as v -> Some (Var.Subst.apply sub v)
| Var _ -> Var.Subst.apply sub e
| _ -> None )
| _ -> map ~f:(rename_ sub) e
rename_ sub e |> check invariant
(** Query *)
(** Query *)