Refactor of declRefExpr_trans & MemberExpr_trans

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D2570492

fb-gh-sync-id: f6ea39f
Andrzej Kotulski 10 years ago committed by facebook-github-bot-7
parent 43958b461a
commit 9e39f3bf72

@ -302,86 +302,147 @@ struct
let root_node' = GotoLabel.find_goto_label trans_state.context label_name sil_loc in
{ empty_res_trans with root_nodes = [root_node']; leaf_nodes = trans_state.succ_nodes }
let declRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info decl_ref_expr_info d =
let enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state.context in
let name_info, _ , type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let const_exp = match CTypes.search_enum_type_by_name context.tenv name with
| Some v ->
let ce = Sil.Const v in
Printing.log_out " ....Found enum constant '%s', " name;
Printing.log_out "replacing with integer '%s' \n" (Sil.exp_to_string ce); ce
| None ->
"WARNING: Found enum constant '%s', but its value was not found in the tenv.\n"
(Sil.Const(Sil.Cint in
{ root_nodes = []; leaf_nodes = []; ids = []; instrs = []; exps = [(const_exp, typ)]}
let function_deref_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state.context in
let name_info, decl_ptr, type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let pname =
if CTrans_models.is_modeled_builtin name then
Procname.from_string_c_fun (CFrontend_config.infer ^ name)
else CMethod_trans.create_procdesc_with_pointer context decl_ptr None name type_ptr in
let address_of_function = not context.CContext.is_callee_expression in
(* If we are not translating a callee expression, *)
(* then the address of the function is being taken.*)
(* As e.g. in fun_ptr = foo; *)
let non_mangled_func_name =
if name = CFrontend_config.malloc &&
(!CFrontend_config.language = CFrontend_config.OBJC ||
!CFrontend_config.language = CFrontend_config.OBJCPP) then
else Procname.from_string_c_fun name in
let is_builtin = SymExec.function_is_builtin non_mangled_func_name in
if is_builtin then (* malloc, free, exit, scanf, ... *)
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun non_mangled_func_name), typ)] }
if address_of_function then Cfg.set_procname_priority context.cfg pname;
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pname), typ)] }
let var_deref_trans trans_state stmt_info decl_ref =
let open CContext in
Printing.log_out " priority node free = '%s'\n@."
(string_of_bool (PriorityNode.is_priority_free trans_state));
let context = trans_state.context in
let _, _, type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
let pln = trans_state.parent_line_number in
let sil_loc = CLocation.get_sil_location stmt_info pln context in
let tp = get_type_decl_ref_exp_info decl_ref_expr_info in
let typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv tp in
let name = get_name_decl_ref_exp_info decl_ref_expr_info stmt_info in
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
let pointer = CTrans_utils.get_decl_pointer decl_ref_expr_info in
let decl_kind = get_decl_kind decl_ref_expr_info in
match decl_kind with
| `EnumConstant ->
let const_exp = (match CTypes.search_enum_type_by_name context.tenv name with
| Some v ->
let ce = Sil.Const v in
Printing.log_out " ....Found enum constant '%s', " name;
Printing.log_out "replacing with integer '%s' \n" (Sil.exp_to_string ce); ce
| None ->
"WARNING: Found enum constant '%s', but its value was not found in the tenv.\n"
(Sil.Const(Sil.Cint in
{ root_nodes = []; leaf_nodes = []; ids = []; instrs = []; exps = [(const_exp, typ)]}
| `Function ->
let pname =
if CTrans_models.is_modeled_builtin name then
Procname.from_string_c_fun (CFrontend_config.infer ^ name)
else CMethod_trans.create_procdesc_with_pointer context pointer None name tp in
let address_of_function = not context.CContext.is_callee_expression in
(* If we are not translating a callee expression, *)
(* then the address of the function is being taken.*)
(* As e.g. in fun_ptr = foo; *)
let non_mangled_func_name =
if name = CFrontend_config.malloc &&
(!CFrontend_config.language = CFrontend_config.OBJC ||
!CFrontend_config.language = CFrontend_config.OBJCPP) then
else Procname.from_string_c_fun name in
let is_builtin = SymExec.function_is_builtin non_mangled_func_name in
if is_builtin then (* malloc, free, exit, scanf, ... *)
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun non_mangled_func_name), typ)] }
let pvar = CVar_decl.sil_var_of_decl_ref context decl_ref procname in
let e = Sil.Lvar pvar in
let exps = if Self.is_var_self pvar (CContext.is_objc_method context) then
let curr_class = CContext.get_curr_class context in
if (CTypes.is_class typ) then
raise (Self.SelfClassException (CContext.get_curr_class_name curr_class))
if address_of_function then Cfg.set_procname_priority context.cfg pname;
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pname), typ)] }
| `Var | `ImplicitParam | `ParmVar ->
let pvar =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some decl_ref -> CVar_decl.sil_var_of_decl_ref context decl_ref procname
| None -> assert false in
let e = Sil.Lvar pvar in
let exps =
if Self.is_var_self pvar (CContext.is_objc_method context) then
let curr_class = CContext.get_curr_class context in
if (CTypes.is_class typ) then
raise (Self.SelfClassException (CContext.get_curr_class_name curr_class))
let typ = CTypes.add_pointer_to_typ
(CTypes_decl.get_type_curr_class context.tenv curr_class) in
[(e, typ)]
else [(e, typ)] in
Printing.log_out "\n\n PVAR ='%s'\n\n" (Sil.pvar_to_string pvar);
let res_trans = { empty_res_trans with exps = exps } in
if CTypes.is_reference_type tp then
(* dereference pvar due to the behavior of reference types in clang's AST *)
dereference_value_from_result sil_loc res_trans
else res_trans
let typ = CTypes.add_pointer_to_typ
(CTypes_decl.get_type_curr_class context.tenv curr_class) in
[(e, typ)]
else [(e, typ)] in
Printing.log_out "\n\n PVAR ='%s'\n\n" (Sil.pvar_to_string pvar);
let res_trans = { empty_res_trans with exps = exps } in
if CTypes.is_reference_type type_ptr then
(* dereference pvar due to the behavior of reference types in clang's AST *)
dereference_value_from_result sil_loc res_trans
else res_trans
let field_deref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state.context in
let name_info, _, type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
Printing.log_out "!!!!! Dealing with field '%s' @." name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name;
let field_typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list pre_trans_result.exps
"WARNING: in Field dereference we expect to know the object\n" in
let class_typ =
match class_typ with
| Sil.Tptr (t, _) -> CTypes.expand_structured_type context.CContext.tenv t
| t -> t in
Printing.log_out "Type is '%s' @." (Sil.typ_to_string class_typ);
let field_name = General_utils.mk_class_field_name name_info in
let exp = Sil.Lfield (obj_sil, field_name, class_typ) in
{ pre_trans_result with exps = [(exp, field_typ)] }
let method_deref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state.context in
let name_info, decl_ptr, type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let method_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out "!!!!! Dealing with method '%s' @." method_name;
let method_typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
(* we don't handle C++ static methods yet - when they are called, this might cause a crash *)
assert (IList.length pre_trans_result.exps = 1);
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list pre_trans_result.exps
"WARNING: in Method call we expect to know the object\n" in
let class_typ =
match class_typ with
| Sil.Tptr (t, _) -> CTypes.expand_structured_type context.CContext.tenv t
| t -> t in
(* consider using context.CContext.is_callee_expression to deal with pointers to methods? *)
let class_name = CTypes.classname_of_type class_typ in
let pname = CMethod_trans.create_procdesc_with_pointer context decl_ptr (Some class_name)
method_name type_ptr in
let method_exp = (Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pname), method_typ) in
Cfg.set_procname_priority context.CContext.cfg pname;
(* TODO for static methods we shouldn't return (obj_sil, class_typ) *)
{ pre_trans_result with exps = [method_exp; (obj_sil, class_typ)] }
let decl_ref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result stmt_info expr_info decl_ref =
let open CContext in
Printing.log_out " priority node free = '%s'\n@."
(string_of_bool (PriorityNode.is_priority_free trans_state));
let decl_kind = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_kind in
match decl_kind with
| `EnumConstant -> enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref
| `Function -> function_deref_trans trans_state decl_ref
| `Var | `ImplicitParam | `ParmVar -> var_deref_trans trans_state stmt_info decl_ref
| `Field | `ObjCIvar -> field_deref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result decl_ref
| `CXXMethod -> method_deref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result decl_ref
| _ ->
let print_error decl_kind =
"Warning: Decl ref expression %s with pointer %s still needs to be translated "
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_decl_kind decl_kind)
pointer in
match decl_kind with
| `CXXMethod -> print_error decl_kind; assert false
| _ -> print_error decl_kind; assert false
decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
print_error decl_kind; assert false
let declRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info decl_ref_expr_info e =
let open CContext in
Printing.log_out " priority node free = '%s'\n@."
(string_of_bool (PriorityNode.is_priority_free trans_state));
let decl_ref = match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some dr -> dr
| None -> assert false in
decl_ref_trans trans_state empty_res_trans stmt_info expr_info decl_ref
let cxxThisExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info =
let context = trans_state.context in
@ -1569,40 +1630,10 @@ struct
(* function used in the computation for both Member_Expr and ObjCIVarRefExpr *)
and do_memb_ivar_ref_exp trans_state expr_info stmt_info stmt_list decl_ref =
let context = trans_state.context in
let field_name = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some s -> s
| _ -> assert false in
let field_tp = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_type_ptr with
| Some t -> t
| _ -> assert false in
let field_typ = CTypes_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.CContext.tenv field_tp in
Printing.log_out "!!!!! Dealing with field '%s' @." field_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name;
let exp_stmt = extract_stmt_from_singleton stmt_list
"WARNING: in MemberExpr there must be only one stmt defining its expression.\n" in
let result_trans_exp_stmt = instruction trans_state exp_stmt in
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list result_trans_exp_stmt.exps
"WARNING: in MemberExpr we expect the translation of the stmt to return an expression\n" in
let class_typ =
(match class_typ with
| Sil.Tptr (t, _) -> CTypes.expand_structured_type context.CContext.tenv t
| t -> t) in
match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_kind with
| `Field | `ObjCIvar ->
Printing.log_out "Type is '%s' @." (Sil.typ_to_string class_typ);
let fn = General_utils.mk_class_field_name field_name in
let exp = Sil.Lfield (obj_sil, fn, class_typ) in
{ result_trans_exp_stmt with exps = [(exp, field_typ)] }
| `CXXMethod ->
(* consider using context.CContext.is_callee_expression to deal with pointers to methods? *)
let class_name = match class_typ with Sil.Tptr (t, _) | t -> CTypes.classname_of_type t in
let pointer = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
let pname = CMethod_trans.create_procdesc_with_pointer context pointer (Some class_name)
field_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name field_tp in
let method_exp = (Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pname), field_typ) in
Cfg.set_procname_priority context.CContext.cfg pname;
{ result_trans_exp_stmt with exps = [method_exp; (obj_sil, class_typ)] }
| _ -> assert false
decl_ref_trans trans_state result_trans_exp_stmt stmt_info expr_info decl_ref
and objCIvarRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info stmt_list obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info =
let decl_ref = obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref in

@ -461,50 +461,11 @@ let fix_param_exps_mismatch params_stmt exps_param =
let exps'= exps_param @ (Array.to_list args) in
let get_name_decl_ref_exp_info decl_ref_expr_info si =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some d -> (match d.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some n -> n.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> L.err "FAILING WITH %s pointer=%s@.@."
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_decl_ref_expr_info decl_ref_expr_info )
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_stmt_info si); assert false
let get_type_decl_ref_exp_info decl_ref_expr_info =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some d -> (match d.Clang_ast_t.dr_type_ptr with
| Some ptr -> ptr
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
let is_superinstance mei =
match mei.Clang_ast_t.omei_receiver_kind with
| `SuperInstance -> true
| _ -> false
let get_name_decl_ref_exp stmt =
match stmt with
| `DeclRefExpr(si, _, _, drei) ->
get_name_decl_ref_exp_info drei si
| _ -> assert false
(* given the type of the enumeration and an enumeration constant (defined *)
(* by stmt), returns the associated value *)
let get_value_enum_constant tenv enum_type stmt =
let constant = get_name_decl_ref_exp stmt in
let typename = Sil.TN_enum(Mangled.from_string enum_type) in
match Sil.tenv_lookup tenv typename with
| Some (Sil.Tenum enum_constants) ->
Printing.log_out ">>>Found enum with typename TN_typename('%s')\n" (Sil.typename_to_string typename);
let _, v = try
IList.find (fun (c, _) -> Mangled.equal c (Mangled.from_string constant)) enum_constants
with _ -> (Printing.log_err
"Enumeration constant '%s' not found. Cannot continue...\n" constant; assert false) in
| _ -> Printing.log_err
"Enum type '%s' not found in tenv. Cannot continue...\n" (Sil.typename_to_string typename);
assert false
let get_selector_receiver obj_c_message_expr_info =
obj_c_message_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.omei_selector, obj_c_message_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.omei_receiver_kind
@ -594,16 +555,6 @@ struct
let get_decl_kind decl_ref_expr_info =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some decl_ref -> decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_kind
| None -> assert false
let get_decl_pointer decl_ref_expr_info =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some decl_ref -> decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer
| None -> assert false
(* From the manual: A selector is in a certain selector family if, ignoring any leading underscores, *)
(* the first component of the selector either consists entirely of the name of *)
(* the method family or it begins with that followed by character other than lower case letter.*)
@ -645,6 +596,12 @@ let rec is_method_call s =
| [] -> false
| s'':: _ -> is_method_call s'')
let get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref =
let name_info = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with Some ni -> ni | _ -> assert false in
let decl_ptr = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
let type_ptr = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_type_ptr with Some tp -> tp | _ -> assert false in
name_info, decl_ptr, type_ptr
let rec get_decl_ref_info s parent_line_number =
match s with
| Clang_ast_t.DeclRefExpr (stmt_info, stmt_list, expr_info, decl_ref_expr_info) ->
@ -695,6 +652,11 @@ let is_dispatch_function stmt_list =
| _ -> None))
| _ -> None
let get_decl_pointer decl_ref_expr_info =
match decl_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref with
| Some decl_ref -> decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer
| None -> assert false
let rec pointer_of_call_expr stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match stmt with

@ -69,14 +69,6 @@ val compute_instr_ids_exp_to_parent :
Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Location.t -> priority_node ->
Sil.instr list * Ident.t list * (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list
val get_name_decl_ref_exp_info : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> string
val get_type_decl_ref_exp_info : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr
val get_decl_kind : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl_kind
val get_decl_pointer : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val is_enumeration_constant : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val is_member_exp : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
@ -103,6 +95,9 @@ val is_method_call : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val contains_opaque_value_expr : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val get_info_from_decl_ref : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info * Clang_ast_t.pointer * Clang_ast_t.type_ptr
val get_decl_ref_info : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> int -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref * int
val builtin_trans : trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info ->
