@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_while_h
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_with_iterator(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 8 ⋅ (list.length - 1) + 3 ⋅ list.length, degree = 1,{list.length},Loop at line 170,{list.length - 1},Loop at line 170]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_with_iterator(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 8 ⋅ (list.length - 1) + 3 ⋅ list.length, degree = 1,{list.length},Loop at line 170,{list.length - 1},Loop at line 170]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.remove_string_from_list(java.lang.String):boolean, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 12 ⋅ (this.list.length - 1) + 3 ⋅ this.list.length, degree = 1,{this.list.length},Loop at line 216,{this.list.length - 1},Loop at line 216]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.remove_string_from_list(java.lang.String):boolean, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 12 ⋅ (this.list.length - 1) + 3 ⋅ this.list.length, degree = 1,{this.list.length},Loop at line 216,{this.list.length - 1},Loop at line 216]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.sortArrayList(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + list.length × log(list.length), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{list.length},Modeled call to List.length,{list.length},Modeled call to List.length]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.sortArrayList(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + list.length × log(list.length), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{list.length},Modeled call to List.length,{list.length},Modeled call to List.length]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.sort_comparator_nlogn(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 8 + people.length × log(people.length), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{people.length},Modeled call to List.length,{people.length},Modeled call to List.length]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_constant(int):int, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 7 ⋅ p, degree = 1,{p},call to int Break.break_loop(int,int),Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_constant(int):int, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 7 ⋅ p, degree = 1,{p},call to int Break.break_loop(int,int),Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_loop(int,int):int, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 7 ⋅ p, degree = 1,{p},Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_loop(int,int):int, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 7 ⋅ p, degree = 1,{p},Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_outer_loop_MaybeInfinite(int,int):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 4 ⋅ maxI + 3 ⋅ maxI × (min(12, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ maxI × (12-max(0, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ (min(11, maxI)) × (min(11, maxJ)), degree = 2,{min(11, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{min(11, maxI)},Loop at line 35,{12-max(0, maxJ)},Loop at line 35,{min(12, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{maxI},Loop at line 35]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_outer_loop_MaybeInfinite(int,int):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 4 ⋅ maxI + 3 ⋅ maxI × (min(12, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ maxI × (12-max(0, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ (min(11, maxI)) × (min(11, maxJ)), degree = 2,{min(11, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{min(11, maxI)},Loop at line 35,{12-max(0, maxJ)},Loop at line 35,{min(12, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{maxI},Loop at line 35]