@ -216,7 +216,19 @@ let touch_start_file_unless_continue () =
if not (Sys.file_exists start = `Yes) then create ()
if not (Sys.file_exists start = `Yes) then create ()
else if not Config.continue_capture then ( delete () ; create () )
else if not Config.continue_capture then ( delete () ; create () )
let run_command ~prog ~args cleanup =
exception Infer_error of string
let default_error_handling : Unix.Exit_or_signal.t -> unit = function
| Ok _
-> ()
| Error _ as status when Config.keep_going
-> (* Log error and proceed past the failure when keep going mode is on *)
L.external_error "%s" (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ;
| Error _ as status
-> raise (Infer_error (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status))
let run_command ?(cleanup= default_error_handling) ~prog ~args () =
Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ())
Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ())
|> fun status ->
|> fun status ->
cleanup status ;
cleanup status ;
@ -316,13 +328,17 @@ let capture ~changed_files = function
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_command build_cmd
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_command build_cmd
else build_cmd ) )
else build_cmd ) )
run_command ~prog:infer_py ~args (function
run_command ~prog:infer_py ~args
| Result.Error `Exit_non_zero exit_code
-> if Int.equal exit_code Config.infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code then
| Error `Exit_non_zero exit_code
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
when Int.equal exit_code Config.infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code
-> (* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
Config.print_usage_exit ()
Config.print_usage_exit ()
| _
| Error _ as status
-> () )
-> raise (Infer_error (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status))
| Ok _
-> ())
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args)
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args)
-> L.progress "Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@." ;
-> L.progress "Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@." ;
check_xcpretty () ;
check_xcpretty () ;
@ -331,22 +347,23 @@ let capture ~changed_files = function
capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb
capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb
let run_parallel_analysis ~changed_files =
let run_parallel_analysis ~changed_files : unit =
let multicore_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.multicore_dir_name in
let multicore_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.multicore_dir_name in
Utils.rmtree multicore_dir ;
Utils.rmtree multicore_dir ;
Unix.mkdir_p multicore_dir ;
Unix.mkdir_p multicore_dir ;
InferAnalyze.main ~changed_files ~makefile:(multicore_dir ^/ "Makefile") ;
InferAnalyze.main ~changed_files ~makefile:(multicore_dir ^/ "Makefile") ;
run_command ~prog:"make"
run_command ~prog:"make"
( "-C"
( "--directory"
:: multicore_dir
:: multicore_dir
:: "-k"
:: (if Config.keep_going then "--keep-going" else "--no-keep-going")
:: "-j"
:: "--jobs"
:: string_of_int Config.jobs
:: string_of_int Config.jobs
:: Option.value_map
:: Option.value_map
~f:(fun l -> ["-l"; string_of_float l])
~f:(fun l -> ["--load-average"; string_of_float l])
~default:[] Config.load_average
~default:[] Config.load_average
@ if Config.debug_mode then [] else ["-s"] ) (fun _ -> () )
@ if Config.debug_mode then [] else ["--silent"] )
let execute_analyze ~changed_files =
let execute_analyze ~changed_files =
if Int.equal Config.jobs 1 || Config.cluster_cmdline <> None then
if Int.equal Config.jobs 1 || Config.cluster_cmdline <> None then