[sledge] Distinguish star and or when computing variable strength

Sh.var_strength determines, in part, if an existential variable has
only a single occurrence. The objective of this is to determine that a
variable is merely a placeholder and not used to express additional
constraints. For this, it suffices to check the weaker condition that
there is a single occurrence in each branch of a DNF expansion.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D19973779

fbshipit-source-id: 2c90c61f4
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 63b8db2f8c
commit a34236bacd

@ -63,33 +63,51 @@ let fold_terms_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~init ~f =
let fold_vars_seg seg ~init ~f =
fold_terms_seg seg ~init ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fold_vars ?ignore_cong fold_vars {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns}
let fold_vars_stem ?ignore_cong {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns= _}
~init ~f =
List.fold ~init pure ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
|> fun init ->
List.fold ~init heap ~f:(fun init -> fold_vars_seg ~f ~init)
|> fun init ->
List.fold ~init djns ~f:(fun init -> List.fold ~init ~f:fold_vars)
List.fold ~init pure ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
|> fun init ->
if Option.is_some ignore_cong then init
Equality.fold_terms ~init cong ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fold_vars ?ignore_cong fold_vars q ~init ~f =
fold_vars_stem ?ignore_cong ~init ~f q
|> fun init ->
List.fold ~init q.djns ~f:(fun init -> List.fold ~init ~f:fold_vars)
(** Pretty-printing *)
let var_strength q =
let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let add m v =
match Map.find m v with
| None -> Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Anonymous
| Some `Anonymous -> Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Existential
| Some _ -> m
let xs = Set.union xs q.xs in
fold_vars ~ignore_cong:() (var_strength_ xs) q ~init:m ~f:(fun m var ->
let m_stem =
fold_vars_stem ~ignore_cong:() q ~init:m ~f:(fun m var ->
if not (Set.mem xs var) then Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Universal
match Map.find m var with
| None -> Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Anonymous
| Some `Anonymous -> Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Existential
| Some _ -> m )
else add m var )
let m =
List.fold ~init:m_stem q.djns ~f:(fun m djn ->
let ms = List.map ~f:(fun dj -> snd (var_strength_ xs m dj)) djn in
List.reduce_balanced ms ~f:(fun m1 m2 ->
Map.merge_skewed m1 m2 ~combine:(fun ~key:_ s1 s2 ->
match (s1, s2) with
| `Anonymous, `Anonymous -> `Anonymous
| `Universal, _ | _, `Universal -> `Universal
| `Existential, _ | _, `Existential -> `Existential ) )
|> Option.value ~default:m )
var_strength_ Var.Set.empty Var.Map.empty q
(m_stem, m)
let var_strength_full q = var_strength_ Var.Set.empty Var.Map.empty q
let var_strength q = snd (var_strength_full q)
let pp_memory x fs (siz, arr) = Term.ppx x fs (Term.memory ~siz ~arr)
let pp_seg x fs {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} =
@ -163,10 +181,10 @@ let pp_us ?(pre = ("" : _ fmt)) fs us =
if not (Set.is_empty us) then
[%Trace.fprintf fs "%( %)@[%a@] .@ " pre Var.Set.pp us]
let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_cong fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns}
let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
{us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fs 0 ;
let x v = Option.bind ~f:(fun m -> Map.find m v) var_strength in
let x v = Option.bind ~f:(fun (_, m) -> Map.find m v) var_strength in
pp_us fs us ;
let xs_d_vs, xs_i_vs =
@ -201,33 +219,32 @@ let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_cong fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns}
~pre:(if first then " " else "@ * ")
"@ * "
(pp_djn ?var_strength (Set.union vs (Set.union us xs)) cong)
(pp_djn ?var_strength
(Set.union vs (Set.union us xs))
(Set.union parent_xs xs) cong)
fs djns ;
Format.pp_close_box fs ()
and pp_djn ?var_strength:parent_var_strength vs cong fs = function
and pp_djn ?var_strength vs xs cong fs = function
| [] -> Format.fprintf fs "false"
| djn ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hv>( %a@ )@]"
(List.pp "@ @<2> " (fun fs sjn ->
let var_strength =
let combine ~key sjn_v m_v =
if Set.mem sjn.xs key then sjn_v else m_v
~f:(Map.merge_skewed ~combine (var_strength sjn))
let+ var_strength_stem, _ = var_strength in
var_strength_ xs var_strength_stem sjn
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hv 1>(%a)@]"
(pp_ ?var_strength vs cong)
(pp_ ?var_strength vs (Set.union xs sjn.xs) cong)
{sjn with us= Set.diff sjn.us vs} ))
let pp_diff_eq cong fs q =
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength q) Var.Set.empty cong fs q
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength_full q) Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty cong
fs q
let pp fs q = pp_diff_eq Equality.true_ fs q
let pp_djn fs d = pp_djn Var.Set.empty Equality.true_ fs d
let pp_djn fs d = pp_djn Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Equality.true_ fs d
let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let fv ?ignore_cong q =

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ val is_false : t -> bool
val fv : ?ignore_cong:unit -> t -> Var.Set.t
(** Free variables, a subset of vocabulary. *)
val var_strength : t -> [> `Anonymous | `Existential | `Universal] Var.Map.t
val var_strength : t -> [`Anonymous | `Existential | `Universal] Var.Map.t
(** Classify each variable in a formula as either [Universal],
[Existential], or [Anonymous], meaning existential but with only one
occurrence. *)

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let%test_module _ =
( ( 0 = %x_1 emp)
( %x_1 . ( ( 1 = %x_1 = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_1, %x_2 . 2 = %x_2 emp)
@ -77,9 +77,8 @@ let%test_module _ =
pp_djn (Sh.dnf q) ;
%x_1 .
( ( 0 = %x_1 emp)
( %x_1 . ( ( 1 = %x_1 = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( 0 = _ emp)
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_1, %x_3, %x_4 . 2 = %x_4 emp)
@ -104,9 +103,8 @@ let%test_module _ =
pp (Sh.simplify q) ;
%x_1 .
( ( 0 = %x_1 emp)
( %x_1 . ( ( 1 = %x_1 = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( 0 = _ emp)
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_2 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( emp) ( ( ( emp) ( emp) )) ) |}]
