[CFrontend] Use type attributes in more structured way

Andrzej Kotulski 10 years ago
parent 75950384c9
commit a380cd3e6c

@ -136,16 +136,12 @@ let handleFailureInFunction = "handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:descripti
let fbAssertWithSignalAndLogFunctionHelper = "FBAssertWithSignalAndLogFunctionHelper"
let nonnull_attribute = "_Nonnull"
let pseudo_object_type = "<pseudo-object type>"
let count = "count"
let objects = "objects"
let ns_array_ptr = "NSArray *"
let enumerateObjectsUsingBlock = "enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:"
let generated_suffix = "*generated"
@ -155,14 +151,6 @@ let pointer_type_index = ref Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.empty
(* Map from type pointers or declaration pointers to sil types *)
let sil_types_map = ref Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.empty
let weak_attribute = "__weak"
let strong_attribtue = "__strong"
let unsafe_unretained_attribute = "__unsafe_unretained"
let autoreleasing_atribute = "__autoreleasing"
let type_pointer_prefix = "internal_type"
let nsarray_cl = "NSArray"

@ -133,16 +133,12 @@ val handleFailureInMethod : string
val handleFailureInFunction : string
val nonnull_attribute : string
val pseudo_object_type : string
val count : string
val objects : string
val ns_array_ptr : string
val enumerateObjectsUsingBlock : string
val generated_suffix : string
@ -152,14 +148,6 @@ val pointer_type_index : Clang_ast_t.c_type Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.t ref
(* Map from type pointers or declaration pointers to sil types *)
val sil_types_map : (Sil.typ Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.t) ref
val weak_attribute : string
val strong_attribtue : string
val unsafe_unretained_attribute : string
val autoreleasing_atribute : string
val type_pointer_prefix : string
val nsarray_cl : string

@ -241,10 +241,6 @@ struct
| `Setter setter -> name_opt_of_name_info_opt setter.Clang_ast_t.dr_name
| _ -> (setter_attribute_opt rest)
(*TODO: take the attributes into account too. To be done after we get the attribute's arguments. *)
let is_type_nonnull qt attributes =
Utils.string_contains CFrontend_config.nonnull_attribute qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_raw
let pointer_counter = ref 0
let get_fresh_pointer () =
@ -299,6 +295,13 @@ struct
| Clang_ast_t.RecordType (ti, decl_ptr) -> get_decl_or_fail decl_ptr
| _ -> assert false
(*TODO take the attributes into account too. To be done after we get the attribute's arguments. *)
let is_type_nonnull qt attributes =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match get_type qt.qt_type_ptr with
| Some AttributedType (_, attr_info) -> attr_info.ati_attr_kind = `Nonnull
| _ -> false
(* Global counter for anonymous block*)

@ -66,11 +66,28 @@ let sil_type_of_builtin_type_kind builtin_type_kind =
| `ObjCClass -> get_builtin_objc_type `ObjCClass
| _ -> Sil.Tvoid
let pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info =
match attr_info.Clang_ast_t.ati_lifetime with
| `OCL_None | `OCL_Strong -> Sil.Pk_pointer
| `OCL_ExplicitNone -> Sil.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained
| `OCL_Weak -> Sil.Pk_objc_weak
| `OCL_Autoreleasing -> Sil.Pk_objc_autoreleasing
let rec build_array_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr n =
let array_type = qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr in
let exp = Sil.exp_int (Sil.Int.of_int64 (Int64.of_int n)) in
Sil.Tarray (array_type, exp)
and sil_type_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info =
match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some type_ptr ->
(match Ast_utils.get_type type_ptr with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCObjectPointerType (type_info', type_ptr') ->
let typ = qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr' in
Sil.Tptr (typ, pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info)
| _ -> qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr)
| None -> Sil.Tvoid
and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match c_type with
@ -113,15 +130,8 @@ and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
| LValueReferenceType (type_info, type_ptr) ->
let typ = qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr in
Sil.Tptr (typ, Sil.Pk_reference)
| AttributedType (type_info, _) ->
(match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some type_ptr ->
(match Ast_utils.get_type type_ptr with
| Some ObjCObjectPointerType (type_info', type_ptr') ->
let typ = qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr' in
CTypes.sil_type_of_attr_pointer_type typ type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_raw
| _ -> qual_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr)
| None -> Sil.Tvoid)
| AttributedType (type_info, attr_info) ->
sil_type_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info
| _ -> (* TypedefType, etc *)
let type_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_type_tuple c_type in
match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with

@ -183,19 +183,6 @@ let is_class typ =
(Mangled.to_string name) = CFrontend_config.objc_class
| _ -> false
let sil_type_of_attr_pointer_type typ raw_type =
let pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute objc_attribute =
if Utils.string_is_suffix CFrontend_config.weak_attribute objc_attribute
then Sil.Pk_objc_weak
else if Utils.string_is_suffix CFrontend_config.strong_attribtue objc_attribute
then Sil.Pk_pointer
else if Utils.string_is_suffix CFrontend_config.unsafe_unretained_attribute objc_attribute
then Sil.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained
else if Utils.string_is_suffix CFrontend_config.autoreleasing_atribute objc_attribute
then Sil.Pk_objc_autoreleasing
else Sil.Pk_pointer in
Sil.Tptr (typ, (pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute raw_type))
let rec return_type_of_function_type_ptr type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match Ast_utils.get_type type_ptr with

@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ val remove_pointer_to_typ : Sil.typ -> Sil.typ
val is_class : Sil.typ -> bool
val sil_type_of_attr_pointer_type : Sil.typ -> string -> Sil.typ
val return_type_of_function_type : Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val expand_structured_type : Sil.tenv -> Sil.typ -> Sil.typ
