@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ module L = Logging
type t = Builtin . registered
(* * model va_arg as always returning 0 *)
let execute___builtin_va_arg { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } :
let execute___builtin_va_arg { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp3 , typ3 ) ] ->
let instr' = Sil . Store ( lexp3 , typ3 , Exp . zero , loc ) in
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv pdesc ( Instrs . singleton instr' ) [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv summary ( Instrs . singleton instr' )
[ ( prop_ , path ) ]
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ let add_array_to_prop tenv pdesc prop_ lexp typ =
(* Add an array in prop if it is not allocated. *)
let execute___require_allocated_array { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___require_allocated_array { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ
let pdesc = Summary . get_proc_desc summary in
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] -> (
match add_array_to_prop tenv pdesc prop_ lexp typ with
@ -97,11 +100,11 @@ let execute___require_allocated_array {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; args} :
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute___get_array_length { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
let execute___get_array_length { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] -> (
match add_array_to_prop tenv pdesc prop_ lexp typ with
match add_array_to_prop tenv ( Summary . get_ proc_ desc summary ) prop_ lexp typ with
| None ->
| Some ( len , prop ) ->
@ -110,7 +113,8 @@ let execute___get_array_length {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; ar
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute___set_array_length { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___set_array_length { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let pdesc = Summary . get_proc_desc summary in
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ; ( len , _ ) ] -> (
match add_array_to_prop tenv pdesc prop_ lexp typ with
@ -138,9 +142,9 @@ let execute___set_array_length {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; args} : Builti
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute___print_value { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___print_value { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
L . ( debug Analysis Medium ) " __print_value: " ;
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let do_arg ( lexp , _ ) =
let n_lexp , _ = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
L . ( debug Analysis Medium ) " %a " Exp . pp n_lexp
@ -211,10 +215,11 @@ let create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop =
else null_case @ non_null_case
let execute___get_type_of { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___get_type_of { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
let props = create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop in
let aux prop =
@ -256,11 +261,11 @@ let replace_ptsto_texp tenv prop root_e texp =
Prop . normalize tenv prop''
let execute___instanceof_cast ~ instof { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
let execute___instanceof_cast ~ instof { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( val1_ , typ1 ) ; ( texp2_ , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let val1 , prop__ = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname val1_ prop_ in
let texp2 , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname texp2_ prop__ in
let is_cast_to_reference =
@ -359,10 +364,11 @@ let set_resource_attribute tenv prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
(* * Set the attibute of the value as file *)
let execute___set_file_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___set_file_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } : Builtin . ret_typ
match args with
| [ ( lexp , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
set_resource_attribute tenv prop path n_lexp loc PredSymb . Rfile
| _ ->
@ -371,11 +377,11 @@ let execute___set_file_attribute {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; args; loc} :
(* * Set the resource attribute of the first real argument of method as ignore, the first argument is
assumed to be " this " * )
let execute___method_set_ignore_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } :
let execute___method_set_ignore_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ _ ; ( lexp , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
set_resource_attribute tenv prop path n_lexp loc PredSymb . Rignore
| _ ->
@ -383,10 +389,10 @@ let execute___method_set_ignore_attribute {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; arg
(* * Set the attibute of the value as memory *)
let execute___set_mem_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___set_mem_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } : Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
set_resource_attribute tenv prop path n_lexp loc ( PredSymb . Rmemory PredSymb . Mnew )
| _ ->
@ -406,19 +412,20 @@ let delete_attr tenv pdesc prop path exp attr =
(* * Set attibute att *)
let execute___set_attr attr { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___set_attr attr { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , _ ) ] ->
set_attr tenv pdesc prop_ path lexp attr
set_attr tenv ( Summary . get_ proc_ desc summary ) prop_ path lexp attr
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
(* * Delete the locked attibute of the value *)
let execute___delete_locked_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; prop_ ; pdesc ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___delete_locked_attribute { Builtin . tenv ; prop_ ; summary ; path ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ
match args with
| [ ( lexp , _ ) ] ->
delete_attr tenv pdesc prop_ path lexp PredSymb . Alocked
delete_attr tenv ( Summary . get_ proc_ desc summary ) prop_ path lexp PredSymb . Alocked
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
@ -490,11 +497,11 @@ let execute_free_nonzero_ mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) pdesc tenv instr prop lexp
raise ( Exceptions . Array_of_pointsto _ _ POS__ ) )
let execute_free mk ? ( mark_as_freed = true ) { Builtin . pdesc ; instr ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute_free mk ? ( mark_as_freed = true ) { Builtin . summary ; instr ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc }
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
let prop_nonzero =
(* case n_lexp!=0 *)
@ -509,7 +516,7 @@ let execute_free mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) {Builtin.pdesc; instr; tenv; prop_;
@ (* model: if 0 then skip else execute_free_nonzero_ *)
List . concat_map
~ f : ( fun p ->
execute_free_nonzero_ mk ~ mark_as_freed pdesc tenv instr p
execute_free_nonzero_ mk ~ mark_as_freed ( Summary . get_ proc_ desc summary ) tenv instr p
( Prop . exp_normalize_prop tenv p lexp )
typ loc )
@ -526,9 +533,9 @@ let execute_free mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) {Builtin.pdesc; instr; tenv; prop_;
This should behave correctly most of the time . * )
let execute_free_cf mk = execute_free mk ~ mark_as_freed : false
let execute_alloc mk can_return_null { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args ; loc } :
let execute_alloc mk can_return_null { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args ; loc } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let rec evaluate_char_sizeof e =
match e with
| Exp . Var _ ->
@ -600,14 +607,14 @@ let execute_alloc mk can_return_null {Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; ret_id_t
else [ ( prop_alloc , path ) ]
let execute___cxx_typeid ( { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; args ; loc ; exe_env } as r ) : Builtin . ret_typ
let execute___cxx_typeid ( { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; args ; loc ; exe_env } as r ) :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| type_info_exp :: rest -> (
let res = execute_alloc PredSymb . Mnew false { r with args = [ type_info_exp ] } in
match rest with
| [ ( field_exp , _ ) ; ( lexp , typ_ ) ] ->
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp prop_ in
let typ =
List . find
@ -621,14 +628,14 @@ let execute___cxx_typeid ({Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; args; loc; exe_env} as r)
let set_instr =
Sil . Store ( field_exp , Typ . mk Tvoid , Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr typ_string ) , loc )
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv pdesc ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) res
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv summary ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) res
| _ ->
res )
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute_pthread_create ( { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; args ; exe_env } as builtin_args ) :
let execute_pthread_create ( { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; args ; exe_env } as builtin_args ) :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ _ ; _ ; start_routine ; arg ] -> (
@ -653,7 +660,7 @@ let execute_pthread_create ({Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; args; exe_env} as
[ ( prop_ , path ) ]
| Some pname -> (
L . d_printfln " pthread_create: calling function %a " Typ . Procname . pp pname ;
match Ondemand . analyze_proc_name ~ caller_ pdesc: pdesc pname with
match Ondemand . analyze_proc_name ~ caller_ summary: summary pname with
| None ->
(* no precondition to check, skip *)
[ ( prop_ , path ) ]
@ -678,11 +685,11 @@ let execute_scan_function skip_n_arguments ({Builtin.args; ret_id_typ} as call_a
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute__unwrap_exception { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
let execute__unwrap_exception { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( ret_exn , _ ) ] -> (
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_ret_exn , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname ret_exn prop_ in
match n_ret_exn with
| Exp . Exn exp ->
@ -694,11 +701,11 @@ let execute__unwrap_exception {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; arg
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute_return_first_argument { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
let execute_return_first_argument { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| ( arg1_ , _ ) :: _ ->
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name ( Summary . get_ proc_ desc summary ) in
let arg1 , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname arg1_ prop_ in
let prop' = return_result tenv arg1 prop ret_id_typ in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
@ -706,11 +713,11 @@ let execute_return_first_argument {Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_; path; ret_id_typ;
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number _ _ POS__ )
let execute___split_get_nth { Builtin . tenv ; pdesc ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } : Builtin . ret_typ
let execute___split_get_nth { Builtin . tenv ; summary ; prop_ ; path ; ret_id_typ ; args } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp1 , _ ) ; ( lexp2 , _ ) ; ( lexp3 , _ ) ] -> (
let pname = Procdesc. get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname = Summary. get_proc_name summary in
let n_lexp1 , prop__ = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp1 prop_ in
let n_lexp2 , prop___ = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp2 prop__ in
let n_lexp3 , prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname lexp3 prop___ in
@ -742,7 +749,8 @@ let execute___infer_assume {Builtin.tenv; prop_; path; args} : Builtin.ret_typ =
(* creates a named error state *)
let execute___infer_fail { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___infer_fail { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } : Builtin . ret_typ
let error_str =
match args with
| [ ( lexp_msg , _ ) ] -> (
@ -757,12 +765,12 @@ let execute___infer_fail {Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe_env}
let set_instr =
Sil . Store ( Exp . Lvar Sil . custom_error , Typ . mk Tvoid , Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr error_str ) , loc )
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv pdesc ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv summary ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
(* translate builtin assertion failure *)
let execute___assert_fail { Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } : Builtin . ret_typ
let execute___assert_fail { Builtin . summary ; tenv ; prop_ ; path ; args ; loc ; exe_env } :
Builtin . ret_typ =
let error_str =
match List . length args with
| 4 ->
@ -773,11 +781,11 @@ let execute___assert_fail {Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe_env}
let set_instr =
Sil . Store ( Exp . Lvar Sil . custom_error , Typ . mk Tvoid , Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr error_str ) , loc )
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv pdesc ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true exe_env tenv summary ( Instrs . singleton set_instr ) [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
{ Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; ret_id_typ ; loc ; exe_env } =
{ Builtin . summary ; tenv ; ret_id_typ ; loc ; exe_env } =
let alloc_fun = Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun BuiltinDecl . __objc_alloc_no_fail ) in
let ptr_typ = Typ . mk ( Tptr ( typ , Typ . Pk_pointer ) ) in
let sizeof_typ = Exp . Sizeof { typ ; nbytes = None ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . exact } in
@ -792,7 +800,7 @@ let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
Sil . Call
( ret_id_typ , alloc_fun , [ ( sizeof_typ , ptr_typ ) ] @ alloc_fun_exp , loc , CallFlags . default )
SymExec . instrs exe_env tenv pdesc ( Instrs . singleton alloc_instr ) symb_state
SymExec . instrs exe_env tenv summary ( Instrs . singleton alloc_instr ) symb_state
(* NSArray models *)