[siof] add --siof-safe-methods whitelisting option

This gives a way for users to flag safe methods regarding SIOF, for instance if
the problematic paths in the method cannot happen before `main()` has started.

Reviewed By: akotulski

Differential Revision: D4578700

fbshipit-source-id: 6542dcf
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 6c82e82444
commit a469e97987

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
"siof-safe-methods": ["getGlobalNonPODWhitelisted", "whitelisted::getGlobalNonPOD",
"skip-translation": [
"language": "Java",

@ -574,3 +574,52 @@ let module Set = Caml.Set.Make {
/** Pretty print a set of proc names */
let pp_set fmt set => Set.iter (fun pname => F.fprintf fmt "%a " pp pname) set;
let fuzzy_qualifiers_equal fuzzy_qualifiers::fuzzy_qualifiers qualifiers => {
let qual_equal q1 q2 => {
/* qual_name may have qualifiers with template parameters -
drop them to whitelist all instantiations */
let no_template_name s => List.hd_exn (String.split on::'<' s);
String.equal (no_template_name q1) (no_template_name q2)
let is_std_qual = String.equal "std";
switch fuzzy_qualifiers {
| [first, ...rest] when is_std_qual first =>
/* add special handling for std:: namespace to avoid problems with inconsistent
inline namespaces (such as __1 in libc++) */
List.hd qualifiers |> Option.value_map default::false f::is_std_qual &&
List.is_prefix (List.rev qualifiers) prefix::(List.rev rest) equal::qual_equal
| _ => List.equal equal::qual_equal fuzzy_qualifiers qualifiers
/* This is simplistic and will give the wrong answer in some cases, eg
"foo<bar::baz<goo>>::someMethod" will get parsed as ["foo<bar", "baz<goo>>",
"someMethod"]. Ideally, we would keep the list of qualifiers in the procname, which would save us
from having to properly parse them. */
let qualifiers_of_qual_name = {
let class_sep_regex = Str.regexp_string "::";
/* wait until here to define the function so that [class_sep_regex] is only computed once */
Str.split class_sep_regex
let qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name qual_name => {
/* Fail if we detect templates in the fuzzy name. Template instantiations are not taken into
account when fuzzy matching, and templates may produce wrong results when parsing qualified
names. */
if (String.contains qual_name '<') {
failwithf "Unexpected template in fuzzy qualified name %s." qual_name
qualifiers_of_qual_name qual_name
let fuzzy_equal fuzzy_qualifiers::fuzzy_qualifiers pname => {
let qualifiers =
switch pname {
| C c => fst c |> qualifiers_of_qual_name
| ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp =>
List.append (qualifiers_of_qual_name objc_cpp.class_name) [objc_cpp.method_name]
| _ => []
fuzzy_qualifiers_equal fuzzy_qualifiers::fuzzy_qualifiers qualifiers

@ -275,3 +275,38 @@ let to_unique_id: t => string;
/** Convert a proc name to a filename. */
let to_filename: t => string;
/** Return whether two qualified C++ procnames match up to namescapes and templating. In particular,
this deals with the following issues:
1. 'std::' namespace may have inline namespace afterwards: std::move becomes std::__1::move. This
happens on libc++ and to some extent on libstdc++. To work around this problem, make matching
against 'std::' more fuzzier: std::X::Y::Z will match std::.*::X::Y::Z (but only for the
'std' namespace).
2. The names are allowed not to commit to a template specialization: we want std::move to match
std::__1::move<const X&> and std::__1::move<int>. To do so, comparison function for qualifiers
will ignore template specializations.
For example:
["std", "move"]:
matches: ["std", "blah", "blah<int>","move"]
does not match: ["std","blah", "move", "BAD"] - we don't want std::.*::X::.* to pass
does not match: ["stdBAD", "move"], - it's not std namespace anymore
["folly", "someFunction"]
matches: ["folly","someFunction"]
matches: ["folly","someFunction<int>"]
matches: ["folly<int>","someFunction"]
does not match: ["folly", "BAD", "someFunction"] - unlike 'std' any other namespace needs all
qualifiers to match
does not match: ["folly","someFunction<int>", "BAD"] - same as previous example
let fuzzy_equal: fuzzy_qualifiers::list string => t => bool;
let fuzzy_qualifiers_equal: fuzzy_qualifiers::list string => list string => bool;
/** parse the argument into a list::of::qualifiers::without::templates */
let qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name: string => list string;

@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ let warnf =
else if not is_originator then fun fmt -> F.ifprintf F.err_formatter fmt
else F.eprintf
type section = Analysis | BufferOverrun | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
type section =
Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_section = [%compare.equal : section ]
let all_sections = [ Analysis; BufferOverrun; Clang; Crashcontext; Driver; Java; Print; Quandary ]
let all_sections =
[ Analysis; BufferOverrun; Checkers; Clang; Crashcontext; Driver; Java; Print; Quandary ]
type 'a parse = Infer of 'a | Javac | NoParse [@@deriving compare]
@ -78,7 +80,8 @@ let to_parse_tag = function | Infer _ -> Infer () | Javac -> Javac | NoParse ->
let accept_unknown_args = function
| Infer Print | Javac | NoParse -> true
| Infer (Analysis | BufferOverrun | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Quandary) -> false
| Infer (Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Quandary) ->
type desc = {
long: string; short: string; meta: string; doc: string; spec: spec;
@ -640,6 +643,7 @@ let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage parse_action =
curr_speclist := [];
if equal_parse_action parse_action (Infer Driver) then (
add_to_curr_speclist ~add_help:true ~header:"Driver options" (Infer Driver);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Checkers options" (Infer Checkers);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Clang-specific options" (Infer Clang);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Java-specific options" (Infer Java);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Quandary checker options" (Infer Quandary)

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
open! IStd
(** a section is a part of infer that can be affected by an infer option *)
type section = Analysis | BufferOverrun | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
type section =
Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
[@@deriving compare]
val all_sections : section list

@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ let use_jar_cache = true
let weak = "<\"Weak\">"
let whitelisted_cpp_methods = [
["std"; "move"];
["std"; "forward"];
["std"; "min"];
["std"; "max"];
["google"; "CheckNotNull"];
let whitelisted_cpp_classes = [
["std"; "__less"];
["std"; "__wrap_iter"]; (* libc++ internal name of vector iterator *)
["std"; "__normal_iterator"]; (* libstdc++ internal name of vector iterator *)
"std::__wrap_iter"; (* libc++ internal name of vector iterator *)
"std::__normal_iterator"; (* libstdc++ internal name of vector iterator *)
type dynamic_dispatch_policy = [
@ -1151,6 +1151,12 @@ and seconds_per_iteration =
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~deprecated:["seconds_per_iteration"] ~long:"seconds-per-iteration"
~meta:"float" "Set the number of seconds per iteration (see --iterations)"
and siof_safe_methods =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"siof-safe-methods"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Checkers])
"Methods that are SIOF-safe; \"foo::bar\" will match \"foo::bar()\", \"foo<int>::bar()\", \
etc. (can be specified multiple times)"
and skip_analysis_in_path =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~deprecated:["-skip-clang-analysis-in-path"] ~long:"skip-analysis-in-path"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Driver])
@ -1575,6 +1581,7 @@ and save_analysis_results = !save_results
and seconds_per_iteration = !seconds_per_iteration
and show_buckets = !print_buckets
and show_progress_bar = !progress_bar
and siof_safe_methods = !siof_safe_methods
and skip_analysis_in_path = !skip_analysis_in_path
and skip_translation_headers = !skip_translation_headers
and sources = !sources

@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ val unsafe_unret : string
val use_jar_cache : bool
val version_string : string
val weak : string
val whitelisted_cpp_methods : string list list
val whitelisted_cpp_classes : string list list
val whitelisted_cpp_methods : string list
val whitelisted_cpp_classes : string list
val wrappers_dir : string
@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ val save_analysis_results : string option
val seconds_per_iteration : float option
val show_buckets : bool
val show_progress_bar : bool
val siof_safe_methods : string list
val skip_analysis_in_path : string list
val skip_translation_headers : string list
val spec_abs_level : int

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let dup_formatter fmt1 fmt2 =
(** Name of dir for logging the output in the specific executable *)
let log_dir_of_action (action : CLOpt.parse_action) = match action with
| Infer (Analysis | BufferOverrun | Crashcontext | Quandary) -> "analyze"
| Infer (Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Crashcontext | Quandary) -> "analyze"
| Infer Driver -> "driver"
| Infer Clang
| Infer Java

@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ module L = Logging
module GlobalsAccesses = SiofTrace.GlobalsAccesses
let whitelisted_models =
List.map Config.siof_safe_methods ~f:Procname.qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name
let is_whitelisted (pname : Procname.t) =
(* This is linear in the number of whitelisted models, which is not good if there are many
models... *)
List.exists whitelisted_models
~f:(fun fuzzy_qualifiers -> Procname.fuzzy_equal pname ~fuzzy_qualifiers)
module Summary = Summary.Make (struct
type summary = SiofDomain.astate
@ -77,6 +86,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Prune (exp, loc, _, _) ->
let proc_loc = Procdesc.get_loc pdesc in
get_globals pdesc loc exp |> add_globals astate proc_loc
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee_pname), _, _, _) when is_whitelisted callee_pname ->
at_least_nonbottom astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee_pname), _::params_without_self, loc, _)
when Procname.is_c_method callee_pname && Procname.is_constructor callee_pname
&& Procname.is_constexpr callee_pname ->

@ -137,56 +137,21 @@ struct
let process_methods trans_unit_ctx tenv cg cfg curr_class decl_list =
IList.iter (process_one_method_decl trans_unit_ctx tenv cg cfg curr_class) decl_list
(** Given qualified name list and whitelist (list of list of qualifiers), return whether
qualified name matches whitelist. There are some complications due to following constraints:
1. 'std::' namespace may have inline namespace afterwards - std::move becomes std::__1::move
This happens on libc++ and to some extent on libstdc++. To workaround this problem, make
matching against 'std::' whitelists more fuzzy:
std::X::Y::Z will match std::.*::X::Y::Z (but only for 'std' namespace)
2. whitelist is specified without template specializations, but we want std::move to
match std::__1::move<const X&> and std::__1::move<int>. To do so, comparison function
for qualifiers will ignore template specializations.
For example:
[["std", "move"], ["folly", "someFunction"]]
Passing qualifiers:
["std", "blah", "blah<int>","move"]
NOT passing qualifiers:
["std","blah", "move", "BAD"] - we don't want std::.*::X::.* to pass
["stdBAD", "move"], - it's not std namespace anymore
["folly", "BAD", "someFunction"] - unlike 'std' any other namespace needs all quals equal
["folly","someFunction<int>", "BAD"] - same as previous example
let is_whitelisted_qual_name qual_name whitelist =
let qual_equal q1 q2 =
(* qual_name may have qualifiers with template parameters -
drop them to whitelist all instantiations *)
let no_template_name s = List.hd_exn (String.split ~on:'<' s) in
String.equal (no_template_name q1) (no_template_name q2) in
let is_std_qual = String.equal "std" in
let method_matches whitelisted_method =
match whitelisted_method with
| first :: rest when is_std_qual first ->
(* add special handling for std:: namespace to avoid problems with inconsistent
inline namespaces (such as __1 in libc++) *)
List.hd qual_name |> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:is_std_qual
&& List.is_prefix (List.rev qual_name) ~prefix:(List.rev rest) ~equal:qual_equal
| _ -> List.equal ~equal:qual_equal whitelisted_method qual_name in
List.exists ~f:method_matches whitelist
List.exists whitelist
~f:(fun fuzzy_qualifiers -> Procname.fuzzy_qualifiers_equal ~fuzzy_qualifiers qual_name)
(** Given REVERSED list of method qualifiers (method_name::class_name::rest_quals), return
whether method should be translated based on method and class whitelists *)
let is_whitelisted_cpp_method qual_method_rev =
let is_whitelisted_cpp_method =
let method_whitelist =
List.map ~f:Procname.qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name Config.whitelisted_cpp_methods in
let class_whitelist =
List.map ~f:Procname.qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name Config.whitelisted_cpp_classes in
fun qual_method_rev ->
(* method is either explictely whitelisted, or all method of a class are whitelisted *)
is_whitelisted_qual_name (List.rev qual_method_rev) Config.whitelisted_cpp_methods ||
is_whitelisted_qual_name (List.tl_exn qual_method_rev |> List.rev)
is_whitelisted_qual_name (List.rev qual_method_rev) method_whitelist ||
is_whitelisted_qual_name (List.tl_exn qual_method_rev |> List.rev) class_whitelist
let should_translate_decl trans_unit_ctx dec decl_trans_context =
let info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple dec in

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OBJECTS = $(foreach source,$(SOURCES),$(basename $(source)).o)
include $(TESTS_DIR)/base.make
include $(TESTS_DIR)/clang-base.make
infer-out$(TEST_SUFFIX)/report.json: $(CLANG_DEPS) $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
infer-out$(TEST_SUFFIX)/report.json: $(CLANG_DEPS) $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(TESTS_DIR)/.inferconfig
$(call silent_on_success,\
$(INFER_BIN) --results-dir $(@D) --check-duplicate-symbols \

@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ int X::static_pod_accesses_non_pod = access_to_non_pod(); // SIOF!
SomeNonPODObject initWithStatic = getFunctionStaticNonPOD(); // OK
SomeNonPODObject initWithGlobal = getGlobalNonPOD(); // SIOF!
SomeNonPODObject initWithGlobalWhitelisted = getGlobalNonPODWhitelisted(); // OK
SomeNonPODObject initWithGlobalWhitelistedNamespaced =
whitelisted::getGlobalNonPOD(); // OK
SomeNonPODObject initWithGlobalWhitelistedTemplated =
whitelisted::TemplatedObject<int>::getGlobalNonPOD(); // OK
extern SomeConstexprObject& getGlobalConstexpr();
SomeConstexprObject initWithConstexpr = getGlobalConstexpr();

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPOD() {
return global_object2;
SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPODWhitelisted() {
return global_object2;
// initialise static class field
SomeConstexprObject SomeConstexprObject::instance_;
@ -40,6 +45,23 @@ SomeConstexprObject& getGlobalConstexpr() {
return SomeConstexprObject::singletonMethod();
namespace whitelisted {
SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPOD() {
return global_object2;
template <typename T>
SomeNonPODObject& TemplatedObject<T>::getGlobalNonPOD() {
return global_object2;
// instantiate template so that infer analyses it
template struct TemplatedObject<int>;
} // namespace whitelisted
// initialise static class field
template <typename T>
SomeTemplatedConstexprObject<T> SomeTemplatedConstexprObject<T>::instance_;

@ -57,3 +57,13 @@ int access_to_templated_non_pod();
int access_to_non_pod();
SomeNonPODObject& getFunctionStaticNonPOD();
SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPOD();
SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPODWhitelisted();
namespace whitelisted {
SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPOD();
template <typename T>
struct TemplatedObject {
static SomeNonPODObject& getGlobalNonPOD();
} // namespace whitelisted
