Model `android.view.View.findViewById` as an expensive method

Summary: public
The method `android.view.View.findViewById` and should not be run performance critical parts of the code like scrolling.

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D2698196

fb-gh-sync-id: 2716ad7
jrm 9 years ago committed by facebook-github-bot-7
parent e62920ebae
commit a49b0965ef

@ -631,7 +631,8 @@ let report_context_leaks pname sigma tenv =
(fun exps hpred -> match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Eexp (exp, _), Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tptr (typ, _), _))
when AndroidFramework.is_context typ tenv ->
when AndroidFramework.is_context typ tenv
&& not (AndroidFramework.is_application typ tenv) ->
(exp, typ) :: exps
| _ -> exps)

@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ let get_mangled pn = match pn.mangled with
(** Create a mangled type name from a package name and a class name *)
let from_package_class package_name class_name =
from_string (package_name ^ "." ^ class_name)
if package_name = "" then from_string class_name
else from_string (package_name ^ "." ^ class_name)
(** Pretty print a mangled name *)
let pp f pn =

@ -220,8 +220,14 @@ let java_get_class_components proc_name =
Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote ".")) (java_get_class proc_name)
(** Return the class name of a java procedure name. *)
let java_get_simple_class proc_name =
IList.hd (IList.rev (java_get_class_components proc_name))
let java_get_simple_class = function
| JAVA j -> snd j.classname
| _ -> assert false
(** Return the package of a java procname. *)
let java_get_package = function
| JAVA j -> fst j.classname
| _ -> assert false
(** Return the method of a java procname. *)
let java_get_method = function

@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ val java_get_class : t -> string
(** Return the simple class name of a java procedure name. *)
val java_get_simple_class : t -> string
(** Return the package name of a java procedure name. *)
val java_get_package : t -> string option
(** Return the method name of a java procedure name. *)
val java_get_method : t -> string

@ -59,8 +59,26 @@ let method_overrides_performance_critical tenv pname =
|| overrides ()
let method_is_expensive pname =
check_method Annotations.ia_is_expensive pname
let is_modeled_expensive tenv pname =
if SymExec.function_is_builtin pname then false
else if Procname.java_get_method pname <> "findViewById" then false
let package =
match Procname.java_get_package pname with
| None -> ""
| Some p -> p in
let classname =
Mangled.from_package_class package (Procname.java_get_simple_class pname) in
match Sil.get_typ classname (Some Sil.Class) tenv with
| None -> false
| Some typ ->
AndroidFramework.is_view typ tenv
|| AndroidFramework.is_activity typ tenv
let method_is_expensive tenv pname =
is_modeled_expensive tenv pname
|| check_method Annotations.ia_is_expensive pname
let lookup_call_trees pname =
@ -74,13 +92,13 @@ let lookup_call_trees pname =
let collect_expensive_call caller_pdesc checked_pnames call_trees (pname, _) =
let collect_expensive_call tenv caller_pdesc checked_pnames call_trees (pname, _) =
if Procname.Set.mem pname !checked_pnames then call_trees
Ondemand.do_analysis caller_pdesc pname;
checked_pnames := Procname.Set.add pname !checked_pnames;
if method_is_expensive pname then
if method_is_expensive tenv pname then
(CallTree.Direct pname) :: call_trees
match lookup_call_trees pname with
@ -134,7 +152,7 @@ let check_one_procedure tenv pname pdesc =
and performance_critical = is_performance_critical attributes in
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules overridden_pname =
if not (method_is_expensive overridden_pname) then
if not (method_is_expensive tenv overridden_pname) then
let description =
"Method `%s` overrides unannotated method `%s` and cannot be annotated with `@%s`"
@ -165,21 +183,21 @@ let check_one_procedure tenv pname pdesc =
let expensive_call_trees =
let checked_pnames = ref Procname.Set.empty in
(collect_expensive_call pdesc checked_pnames) [] pdesc in
(collect_expensive_call tenv pdesc checked_pnames) [] pdesc in
update_summary expensive_call_trees pname;
match expensive_call_trees with
| [] -> ()
| call_trees when performance_critical ->
report_expensive_calls pname pdesc loc call_trees
| call_trees when infer_performance_critical_methods ->
if method_overrides_performance_critical tenv pname then
report_expensive_calls pname pdesc loc call_trees
| call_trees when performance_critical ->
report_expensive_calls pname pdesc loc call_trees
| _ -> ()
let callback_performance_checker _ get_proc_desc _ tenv pname proc_desc =
let callback_performance_checker _ get_proc_desc _ tenv pname pdesc =
let callbacks =
let analyze_ondemand pn =
match get_proc_desc pn with
@ -187,10 +205,10 @@ let callback_performance_checker _ get_proc_desc _ tenv pname proc_desc =
| Some pd -> check_one_procedure tenv pn pd in
{ Ondemand.analyze_ondemand; get_proc_desc; } in
if !Config.ondemand_enabled
|| Ondemand.procedure_should_be_analyzed proc_desc pname
|| Ondemand.procedure_should_be_analyzed pdesc pname
Ondemand.set_callbacks callbacks;
check_one_procedure tenv pname proc_desc;
check_one_procedure tenv pname pdesc;
Ondemand.unset_callbacks ()

@ -284,15 +284,23 @@ let get_all_supertypes typ tenv =
let is_subtype (typ0 : Sil.typ) (typ1 : Sil.typ) tenv =
TypSet.mem typ1 (get_all_supertypes typ0 tenv)
(** return true if [typ] <: android.content.Context *)
let is_context typ tenv =
let context_classname = Mangled.from_package_class "android.content" "Context"
and application_classname = Mangled.from_package_class "" "Application" in
let subclass_of classname =
let is_subtype_package_class typ package classname tenv =
let classname = Mangled.from_package_class package classname in
match Sil.get_typ classname (Some Sil.Class) tenv with
| Some class_typ -> is_subtype typ class_typ tenv
| None -> false in
subclass_of context_classname && not (subclass_of application_classname)
| Some found_typ -> is_subtype typ found_typ tenv
| _ -> false
let is_context typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.content" "Context" tenv
let is_application typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "" "Application" tenv
let is_activity typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "" "Activity" tenv
let is_view typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.view" "View" tenv
(** return true if [class_name] is a known callback class name *)
let is_callback_class_name class_name = Mangled.MangledSet.mem class_name android_callbacks

@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ val is_callback_class : Sil.typ -> Sil.tenv -> bool
(** return true if [typ] <: android.content.Context *)
val is_context : Sil.typ -> Sil.tenv -> bool
(** return true if [typ] <: *)
val is_application : Sil.typ -> Sil.tenv -> bool
(** return true if [typ] <: *)
val is_activity : Sil.typ -> Sil.tenv -> bool
(** return true if [typ] <: android.view.View *)
val is_view : Sil.typ -> Sil.tenv -> bool
(** return true if [procname] is a special lifecycle cleanup method *)
val is_destroy_method : Procname.t -> bool

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
sources = glob(['**/*.java'])
dependencies = [

@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.view.View;
import com.facebook.infer.annotation.Expensive;
import com.facebook.infer.annotation.PerformanceCritical;
@ -70,4 +74,14 @@ public class ExpensiveCallExample {
View callsFindViewByIdFromView(ImageView view, int id) {
return view.findViewById(id);
View callsFindViewByIdFromActivity(FragmentActivity activity, int id) {
return activity.findViewById(id);

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public class ExpensiveCallTest {
"Results should contain " + CALLS_EXPENSIVE_METHOD,
