@ -314,25 +314,6 @@ let rec is_empty q =
(** syntactically inconsistent *)
let is_false q = match q.djns with [[]] -> true | _ -> false
(** first-order approximation of heap constraints *)
let rec pure_approx q =
( [q.pure]
|> List.fold q.heap ~f:(fun seg p -> Formula.dq0 seg.loc :: p)
|> List.fold q.djns ~f:(fun djn p ->
Formula.orN (List.map djn ~f:pure_approx) :: p ) )
let pure_approx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp q]
pure_approx q
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Formula.pp]
(** test if pure constraints are inconsistent with first-order consequences
of spatial constraints *)
let is_unsat q = Context.refutes q.ctx (pure_approx q)
(** Quantification and Vocabulary *)
let exists_fresh xs q =
@ -646,6 +627,52 @@ let dnf q =
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_djn]
(** Logical query *)
(** first-order approximation of heap constraints *)
let rec pure_approx q =
( [q.pure]
|> List.fold q.heap ~f:(fun seg p -> Formula.dq0 seg.loc :: p)
|> List.fold q.djns ~f:(fun djn p ->
Formula.orN (List.map djn ~f:pure_approx) :: p ) )
let pure_approx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp q]
pure_approx q
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Formula.pp]
(** enumerate a DNF-expansion of a symbolic heap's first-order constraints
conjoined with a first-order approximation of the heap constraints until
a branch that is not unsatisfiable is found *)
let is_unsat_dnf q =
let exception NotUnsat in
let conj sjn (wrt, ctx, fml) =
let wrt = Var.Set.union wrt sjn.xs in
let zs, ctx = Context.union wrt ctx sjn.ctx in
let wrt = Var.Set.union wrt zs in
let fml = Formula.and_ fml sjn.pure in
let fml =
List.fold sjn.heap fml ~f:(fun seg ->
Formula.and_ (Formula.dq0 seg.loc) )
(wrt, ctx, fml)
let disj (_, (_, ctx, fml)) () =
if not (Context.is_unsat ctx || Context.refutes ctx fml) then
raise_notrace NotUnsat
fold_dnf ~conj ~disj q (Var.Set.empty, (q.us, emp.ctx, emp.pure)) () ;
with NotUnsat -> false
let is_unsat q =
if strong_unsat then is_unsat_dnf q
else Context.refutes q.ctx (pure_approx q)
(** Simplify *)
let rec norm_ s q =