@ -7,13 +7,34 @@
(* NOTE: prepend dune.common to this file! *)
(* NOTE: prepend dune.common to this file! *)
let ( ^/ ) = Filename.concat
* A known issue: At the moment of writing warning 14 (illegal backslash
* escape in string) does not manifest as an error, presumably due to
* peculiarities in communication between preprocessor and compiler.
* Still leave it for visibility and in hope that the issue will be
* fixed one day.
let fatal_warnings =
let warnings = fatal_warnings ^ "-4-9-40-41-42-45-48"
let ocamlc_flags =
[ "-g"
; "-short-paths"
; "-safe-string"
; "-principal"
; "-strict-formats"
; "-strict-sequence"
; "-bin-annot" ]
let source_dirs =
let lenient_flags = ocamlc_flags @ ["-w"; warnings] |> String.concat " "
(if clang then ["unit" ^/ "clang"] else ["unit" ^/ "clang_stubs"]) @ ["unit"; "unit" ^/ "nullsafe"]
let strict_flags =
ocamlc_flags @ ["-w"; warnings; "-warn-error"; fatal_warnings] |> String.concat " "
let infer_binaries = ["infer"; "inferunit"] @ if facebook then ["InferCreateTraceViewLinks"] else []
let env_stanza =
let env_stanza =
@ -31,115 +52,40 @@ let env_stanza =
lenient_flags lenient_flags strict_flags
lenient_flags lenient_flags strict_flags
let infer_cflags =
(** Put this *first* in (libraries) specifications to prevent a clash between extlib's and base64's
( [ "-open"
versions of Base64. Only Javalib depends on extlib so do it conditionally to avoid introducing a
; "Core"
new dependency in the clang-only build. *)
; "-open"
let extlib_if_java = if java then "extlib" else ""
; "Biabduction"
; "-open"
; "BO"
; "-open"
; "Nullsafe"
; "-open"
; "Pulselib"
; "-open"
; "Checkers"
; "-open"
; "Costlib"
; "-open"
; "Quandary"
; "-open"
; "TOPLlib"
; "-open"
; "Concurrency"
; "-open"
; "Labs"
; "-open"
; "Absint"
; "-open"
; "OpenSource"
; "-open"
; "IStdlib"
; "-open"
; "IStd"
; "-open"
; "ATDGenerated"
; "-open"
; "IR"
; "-open"
; "IBase"
; "-open"
; "CStubs"
; "-open"
; "Backend"
; "-open"
; "JavaFrontend"
; "-open"
; "ClangFrontend"
; "-open"
; "ASTLanguage"
; "-open"
; "TestDeterminators"
; "-open"
; "Integration" ]
@ (if java then [] else ["-open"; "JavaFrontendStubs"])
@ if clang then [] else ["-open"; "ClangFrontendStubs"] )
|> String.concat " "
let main_lib_stanza =
(name InferModules)
(public_name infer)
(flags (:standard %s))
(libraries %s)
(modules :standard \ %s infertop)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare ppx_fields_conv ppx_hash ppx_sexp_conv ppx_variants_conv -no-check))
(String.concat " "
(* we need JavaFrontend first to avoid clashes around base64 vs extlib *)
( ("JavaFrontend" :: common_libraries)
@ [ "IR"
; "CStubs"
; "Absint"
; "Biabduction"
; "Nullsafe"
; "BO"
; "Pulselib"
; "Checkers"
; "Costlib"
; "Quandary"
; "TOPLlib"
; "Concurrency"
; "Labs"
; "Backend"
; "ClangFrontend"
; "ASTLanguage"
; "TestDeterminators"
; "Integration" ] ))
(String.concat " " infer_binaries)
let infer_exe_stanza =
let infer_exe_stanza =
(name infer)
(names %s)
(modes byte_complete exe)
(modes byte_complete exe)
(flags (:standard -open InferModules %s) )
(modules Infer)
(libraries InferModules )
(flags (:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open IBase -open IR -open Backend -open Integration -open Biabduction -open TestDeterminators -open ClangFrontend -open ASTLanguage %s))
(modu les %s)
(libraries %s core IStdlib IBase IR Backend Integration Biabduction TestDeterminators ClangFrontend ASTLanguage)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare ppx_fields_conv ppx_hash ppx_sexp_conv ppx_variants_conv -no-check ))
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
(if clang then "" else "-open ClangFrontendStubs")
(String.concat " " infer_binaries)
(String.concat " " infer_binaries)
let inferunit_stanza =
(name inferunit)
(modes byte_complete exe)
(modules Inferunit)
(flags (:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open IBase -open Backend -open Integration -open UnitTests -open NullsafeUnitTests -open ClangFrontend %s))
(libraries %s oUnit core IStdlib IBase Backend Integration UnitTests NullsafeUnitTests %s)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
(if clang then "-open ClangUnitTests" else "-open ClangFrontendStubs")
(if clang then "ClangUnitTests" else "")
let infertop_stanza =
let infertop_stanza =
@ -148,32 +94,34 @@ let infertop_stanza =
(name infertop)
(name infertop)
(modes byte_complete)
(modes byte_complete)
(flags (:standard %s))
(libraries utop InferModules)
(link_flags (-linkall -warn-error -31))
(modules Infertop)
(modules Infertop)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare ppx_fields_conv ppx_hash ppx_sexp_conv ppx_variants_conv -no-check))
(flags (:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd))
(libraries %s utop Absint ASTLanguage ATDGenerated Backend IBase Biabduction BO Checkers Concurrency Costlib CStubs IR IStdlib Labs Nullsafe Pulselib Quandary Integration TestDeterminators TOPLlib UnitTests)
(link_flags (-linkall -warn-error -31))
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
let flatten_sources_stanzas =
let inferCreateTraceViewLinks_stanza =
(fun source_dir ->
(name InferCreateTraceViewLinks)
[ Printf.sprintf "(copy_files# %s/*.ml{,i,l})" source_dir
(modes byte_complete exe)
; (* menhir doesn't support '# 1 "<source file>"' directives at the start of the file inserted by
(modules InferCreateTraceViewLinks)
copy# actions *)
(flags (:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open ATDGenerated -open IBase))
Printf.sprintf "(copy_files %s/*.mly)" source_dir ] )
(libraries core async IStdlib ATDGenerated IBase)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
|> List.concat
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
(** The build stanzas to be passed to dune *)
(** The build stanzas to be passed to dune *)
let stanzas =
let stanzas =
env_stanza :: main_lib_stanza :: infer_exe_stanza :: infertop_stanza :: flatten_sources_stanzas
[env_stanza; infer_exe_stanza; inferunit_stanza; infertop_stanza]
@ if facebook then [inferCreateTraceViewLinks_stanza] else []
String.concat "\n" stanzas |> Jbuild_plugin.V1.send
Jbuild_plugin.V1.send (String.concat "\n" stanzas)