@ -400,8 +400,13 @@ let force_delayed_print fmt = function
else pp Pp.text fmt x
else pp Pp.text fmt x
let force_delayed_prints fmt rev_delayed_prints =
(** reset the delayed print actions *)
rev_delayed_prints |> List.rev |> List.iter ~f:(force_delayed_print fmt)
let reset_delayed_prints () = delayed_actions := []
(** return the delayed print actions *)
let get_and_reset_delayed_prints () =
let res = !delayed_actions in
reset_delayed_prints () ; res
(** extend the current print log *)
(** extend the current print log *)
@ -415,11 +420,9 @@ let d_pp pp x = add_print_action (PT_generic (pp, x))
let d_pp_with_pe ?color pp x = add_print_action (PT_generic_with_pe (color, pp, x))
let d_pp_with_pe ?color pp x = add_print_action (PT_generic_with_pe (color, pp, x))
(** reset the delayed print actions *)
let force_and_reset_delayed_prints fmt =
let reset_delayed_prints () = delayed_actions := []
get_and_reset_delayed_prints () |> List.rev |> List.iter ~f:(force_delayed_print fmt)
(** return the delayed print actions *)
let get_delayed_prints () = !delayed_actions
(** set the delayed print actions *)
(** set the delayed print actions *)
let set_delayed_prints new_delayed_actions = delayed_actions := new_delayed_actions
let set_delayed_prints new_delayed_actions = delayed_actions := new_delayed_actions