@ -142,9 +142,6 @@ let rec is_constant e =
Qset.for_all ~f:(fun arg _ -> is_constant arg) args
| Label _ | Float _ | Integer _ -> true
let solve ~us ~xs e f =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp e Term.pp f]
let rec solve_ e f s =
let extend ~trm ~rep (us, xs, s) =
Some (us, xs, Subst.compose1 ~key:trm ~data:rep s)
@ -159,14 +156,12 @@ let solve ~us ~xs e f =
| Integer {data= m}, Integer {data= n} when not (Z.equal m n) -> None
| _ -> (
match (is_constant e, is_constant f) with
(* orient equation to discretionarily prefer term that is constant
or compares smaller as class representative *)
(* orient equation to discretionarily prefer term that is constant or
compares smaller as class representative *)
| true, false -> extend ~trm:f ~rep:e s
| false, true -> extend ~trm:e ~rep:f s
| _ ->
let trm, rep =
if Term.compare e f > 0 then (e, f) else (f, e)
let trm, rep = if Term.compare e f > 0 then (e, f) else (f, e) in
extend ~trm ~rep s )
let concat_size args =
@ -193,7 +188,10 @@ let solve ~us ~xs e f =
| Some p -> solve_uninterp e f >>= solve_ p m
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f )
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f
let solve ~us ~xs e f =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp e Term.pp f]
(solve_ e f (us, xs, Subst.empty) >>| fun (_, xs, s) -> (xs, s))
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->