@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let dedup (issues : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug list) =
let create_json_bug ~qualifier ~line ~file ~source_file ~trace ~(item : Jsonbug_t.item)
let create_json_bug ~qualifier ~line ~file ~source_file ~trace ~(item : Jsonbug_t.item)
~(issue_type : IssueType.t) =
~(issue_type : IssueType.t) =
{ Jsonbug_j.bug_type= issue_type.unique_id
{ Jsonbug_t.bug_type= issue_type.unique_id
; qualifier
; qualifier
; severity= IssueType.string_of_severity Advice
; severity= IssueType.string_of_severity Advice
; line
; line
@ -177,222 +177,226 @@ let to_map key_func report =
~init:String.Map.empty report
~init:String.Map.empty report
module CostItem = struct
module Cost = struct
type t =
module CostItem = struct
{ cost_item: Jsonbug_t.cost_item
type t =
; polynomial: Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.t option
{ cost_item: Jsonbug_t.cost_item
; degree_with_term: Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.degree_with_term option
; polynomial: Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.t option
; degree: int option }
; degree_with_term: Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.degree_with_term option
; degree: int option }
let lift ~f_poly ~f_deg {polynomial; degree} =
let lift ~f_poly ~f_deg {polynomial; degree} =
match polynomial with None -> f_deg degree | Some p -> f_poly p
match polynomial with None -> f_deg degree | Some p -> f_poly p
let is_top = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_top ~f_deg:Option.is_none
let is_top = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_top ~f_deg:Option.is_none
(* NOTE: incorrect when using [f_deg] *)
(* NOTE: incorrect when using [f_deg] *)
let is_unreachable = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_unreachable ~f_deg:(fun _ -> false)
let is_unreachable = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_unreachable ~f_deg:(fun _ -> false)
(* NOTE: incorrect when using [f_deg] *)
(* NOTE: incorrect when using [f_deg] *)
let is_zero = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_zero ~f_deg:(fun _ -> false)
let is_zero = lift ~f_poly:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_zero ~f_deg:(fun _ -> false)
let compare_by_degree {polynomial= p1; degree= d1} {polynomial= p2; degree= d2} =
let compare_by_degree {polynomial= p1; degree= d1} {polynomial= p2; degree= d2} =
match (p1, p2) with
match (p1, p2) with
| Some p1, Some p2 ->
| Some p1, Some p2 ->
CostDomain.BasicCost.compare_by_degree p1 p2
CostDomain.BasicCost.compare_by_degree p1 p2
| _, _ -> (
| _, _ -> (
match (d1, d2) with
match (d1, d2) with
| None, None ->
| None, None ->
| None, Some _ ->
| None, Some _ ->
| Some _, None ->
| Some _, None ->
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
d1 - d2 )
d1 - d2 )
let pp_degree ~only_bigO fmt {degree_with_term; degree} =
match (degree_with_term, degree) with
| None, None ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt "Top"
| None, Some d ->
Format.pp_print_int fmt d
| Some degree_with_term, _ ->
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree ~only_bigO fmt degree_with_term
let pp_cost_msg fmt ({cost_item= {procedure_name}; polynomial} as curr_item) =
let pp_cost fmt =
match polynomial with
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "NA"
| Some p ->
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_hum fmt p
Format.fprintf fmt "Cost of %s is %t (degree is %a)" procedure_name pp_cost
(pp_degree ~only_bigO:false) curr_item
let polynomial_traces issue_type = function
| None ->
let pp_degree ~only_bigO fmt {degree_with_term; degree} =
match (degree_with_term, degree) with
| Some (Val (_, degree_term)) ->
| None, None ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt "Top"
~is_autoreleasepool_trace:(IssueType.is_autoreleasepool_size_issue issue_type)
| None, Some d ->
Format.pp_print_int fmt d
| Some (Below traces) ->
| Some degree_with_term, _ ->
[("", Polynomials.UnreachableTraces.make_err_trace traces)]
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree ~only_bigO fmt degree_with_term
| Some (Above traces) ->
[("", Polynomials.TopTraces.make_err_trace traces)]
let pp_cost_msg fmt ({cost_item= {procedure_name}; polynomial} as curr_item) =
let pp_cost fmt =
let issue_of_cost kind CostIssues.{complexity_increase_issue; unreachable_issue; infinite_issue}
match polynomial with
~delta ~prev_item:({CostItem.degree_with_term= prev_degree_with_term} as prev_item)
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "NA"
({CostItem.cost_item= cost_info; degree_with_term= curr_degree_with_term} as curr_item) =
| Some p ->
let file = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.file in
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_hum fmt p
let method_name = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_name in
let is_on_ui_thread = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.is_on_ui_thread in
let source_file = SourceFile.create ~warn_on_error:false file in
let issue_type =
if CostItem.is_top curr_item then infinite_issue
else if CostItem.is_unreachable curr_item then unreachable_issue
else complexity_increase_issue ~is_on_ui_thread
if (not Config.filtering) || issue_type.IssueType.enabled then
let qualifier =
let pp_delta fmt delta =
match delta with
| `Decreased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decreased"
| `Increased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "increased"
let pp_extra_msg fmt () =
if Config.developer_mode then CostItem.pp_cost_msg fmt curr_item
else Format.fprintf fmt "Please make sure this is an expected change."
let ui_msg =
if is_on_ui_thread then
Format.asprintf "%a %s" MarkupFormatter.pp_bold
"This function is called on the UI Thread!"
" It is important to avoid potential regressions in this phase. "
else ""
let msg f =
(* Java Only *)
if String.equal method_name Procname.Java.constructor_method_name then
Format.pp_print_string f "constructor"
else if String.equal method_name Procname.Java.class_initializer_method_name then
Format.pp_print_string f "class initializer"
Format.fprintf f "%a" (MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced Format.pp_print_string) method_name
Format.asprintf "%s of %t has %a from %a to %a. %s%a"
(CostKind.to_complexity_string kind)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_bold pp_delta)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced (CostItem.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true))
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced (CostItem.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true))
curr_item ui_msg pp_extra_msg ()
let line = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.lnum in
let column = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.cnum in
let trace =
let marker_cost_trace msg cost_item =
[ Errlog.make_trace_element 0
{Location.line; col= column; file= source_file}
(Format.asprintf "%s %a" msg CostItem.pp_cost_msg cost_item)
[] ]
("", marker_cost_trace "Previous" prev_item)
Format.fprintf fmt "Cost of %s is %t (degree is %a)" procedure_name pp_cost
:: polynomial_traces issue_type prev_degree_with_term
(pp_degree ~only_bigO:false) curr_item
@ ("", marker_cost_trace "Updated" curr_item)
:: polynomial_traces issue_type curr_degree_with_term
|> Errlog.concat_traces
let polynomial_traces issue_type = function
| None ->
| Some (Val (_, degree_term)) ->
~is_autoreleasepool_trace:(IssueType.is_autoreleasepool_size_issue issue_type)
| Some (Below traces) ->
[("", Polynomials.UnreachableTraces.make_err_trace traces)]
| Some (Above traces) ->
[("", Polynomials.TopTraces.make_err_trace traces)]
let issue_of_cost kind CostIssues.{complexity_increase_issue; unreachable_issue; infinite_issue}
~delta ~prev_item:({CostItem.degree_with_term= prev_degree_with_term} as prev_item)
({CostItem.cost_item= cost_info; degree_with_term= curr_degree_with_term} as curr_item) =
let file = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.file in
let method_name = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_name in
let is_on_ui_thread = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.is_on_ui_thread in
let source_file = SourceFile.create ~warn_on_error:false file in
let issue_type =
if CostItem.is_top curr_item then infinite_issue
else if CostItem.is_unreachable curr_item then unreachable_issue
else complexity_increase_issue ~is_on_ui_thread
let convert (Jsonbug_t.{hash; loc; procedure_name; procedure_id} : Jsonbug_t.cost_item) :
if (not Config.filtering) || issue_type.IssueType.enabled then
Jsonbug_t.item =
let qualifier =
{hash; loc; procedure_name; procedure_id}
let pp_delta fmt delta =
match delta with
| `Decreased ->
(create_json_bug ~qualifier ~line ~file ~source_file ~trace ~item:(convert cost_info)
Format.fprintf fmt "decreased"
| `Increased ->
else None
Format.fprintf fmt "increased"
(** Differential of cost reports, based on degree variations. Compare degree_before (DB), and
degree_after (DA):
- DB > DA => fixed
- DB < DA => introduced *)
let of_costs ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) =
let fold_aux kind issue_spec ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
match data with
| `Both (current, previous) ->
let max_degree_polynomial l =
let max = List.max_elt l ~compare:CostItem.compare_by_degree in
Option.value_exn max
let curr_item = max_degree_polynomial current in
let pp_extra_msg fmt () =
let prev_item = max_degree_polynomial previous in
if Config.developer_mode then CostItem.pp_cost_msg fmt curr_item
if Config.filtering && (CostItem.is_zero curr_item || CostItem.is_zero prev_item) then
else Format.fprintf fmt "Please make sure this is an expected change."
(* transitions to/from zero costs are obvious (they
correspond to adding/removing code to a function with
let ui_msg =
empty body), no need to flag them *)
if is_on_ui_thread then
(left, both, right)
Format.asprintf "%a %s" MarkupFormatter.pp_bold
"This function is called on the UI Thread!"
let cmp = CostItem.compare_by_degree curr_item prev_item in
" It is important to avoid potential regressions in this phase. "
let concat_opt l v = match v with Some v' -> v' :: l | None -> l in
else ""
if cmp > 0 then
(* introduced *)
let msg f =
let left' =
(* Java Only *)
issue_of_cost kind issue_spec ~delta:`Increased ~prev_item ~curr_item
if String.equal method_name Procname.Java.constructor_method_name then
|> concat_opt left
Format.pp_print_string f "constructor"
else if String.equal method_name Procname.Java.class_initializer_method_name then
(left', both, right)
Format.pp_print_string f "class initializer"
else if cmp < 0 then
(* fixed *)
let right' =
issue_of_cost kind issue_spec ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_item ~curr_item
|> concat_opt right
(left, both, right')
(* preexisting costs are not issues, since their values have not changed *)
Format.fprintf f "%a"
(left, both, right)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced Format.pp_print_string)
| `Left _ | `Right _ ->
(* costs available only on one of the two reports are discarded, since no comparison can be made *)
(left, both, right)
let key_func {CostItem.cost_item} = cost_item.Jsonbug_t.hash in
let to_map = to_map key_func in
let decoded_costs costs ~extract_cost_f =
List.map costs ~f:(fun c ->
let cost_info = extract_cost_f c in
let polynomial, degree_with_term =
if Int.equal cost_info.Jsonbug_t.polynomial_version CostDomain.BasicCost.version then
let polynomial = CostDomain.BasicCost.decode cost_info.Jsonbug_t.polynomial in
let degree_with_term = CostDomain.BasicCost.get_degree_with_term polynomial in
(Some polynomial, Some degree_with_term)
else (None, None)
let degree = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.degree in
Format.asprintf "%s of %t has %a from %a to %a. %s%a"
{CostItem.cost_item= c; polynomial; degree_with_term; degree} )
(CostKind.to_complexity_string kind)
let get_current_costs = decoded_costs current_costs in
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_bold pp_delta)
let get_previous_costs = decoded_costs previous_costs in
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced (CostItem.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true))
(fun kind CostIssues.({extract_cost_f} as issue_spec) acc ->
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced (CostItem.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true))
(to_map (get_current_costs ~extract_cost_f))
curr_item ui_msg pp_extra_msg ()
(to_map (get_previous_costs ~extract_cost_f))
~f:(fold_aux kind issue_spec) ~init:acc )
let line = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.lnum in
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map ([], [], [])
let column = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.cnum in
let trace =
let marker_cost_trace msg cost_item =
[ Errlog.make_trace_element 0
{Location.line; col= column; file= source_file}
(Format.asprintf "%s %a" msg CostItem.pp_cost_msg cost_item)
[] ]
("", marker_cost_trace "Previous" prev_item)
:: polynomial_traces issue_type prev_degree_with_term
@ ("", marker_cost_trace "Updated" curr_item)
:: polynomial_traces issue_type curr_degree_with_term
|> Errlog.concat_traces
let convert (Jsonbug_t.{hash; loc; procedure_name; procedure_id} : Jsonbug_t.cost_item) :
Jsonbug_t.item =
{hash; loc; procedure_name; procedure_id}
(create_json_bug ~qualifier ~line ~file ~source_file ~trace ~item:(convert cost_info)
else None
(** Differential of cost reports, based on degree variations. Compare degree_before (DB), and
degree_after (DA):
- DB > DA => fixed
- DB < DA => introduced *)
let issues_of_reports ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report)
~(previous_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) =
let fold_aux kind issue_spec ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
match data with
| `Both (current, previous) ->
let max_degree_polynomial l =
let max = List.max_elt l ~compare:CostItem.compare_by_degree in
Option.value_exn max
let curr_item = max_degree_polynomial current in
let prev_item = max_degree_polynomial previous in
if Config.filtering && (CostItem.is_zero curr_item || CostItem.is_zero prev_item) then
(* transitions to/from zero costs are obvious (they
correspond to adding/removing code to a function with
empty body), no need to flag them *)
(left, both, right)
let cmp = CostItem.compare_by_degree curr_item prev_item in
let concat_opt l v = match v with Some v' -> v' :: l | None -> l in
if cmp > 0 then
(* introduced *)
let left' =
issue_of_cost kind issue_spec ~delta:`Increased ~prev_item ~curr_item
|> concat_opt left
(left', both, right)
else if cmp < 0 then
(* fixed *)
let right' =
issue_of_cost kind issue_spec ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_item ~curr_item
|> concat_opt right
(left, both, right')
(* preexisting costs are not issues, since their values have not changed *)
(left, both, right)
| `Left _ | `Right _ ->
(* costs available only on one of the two reports are discarded, since no comparison can be made *)
(left, both, right)
let key_func {CostItem.cost_item} = cost_item.Jsonbug_t.hash in
let to_map = to_map key_func in
let decoded_costs costs ~extract_cost_f =
List.map costs ~f:(fun c ->
let cost_info = extract_cost_f c in
let polynomial, degree_with_term =
if Int.equal cost_info.Jsonbug_t.polynomial_version CostDomain.BasicCost.version then
let polynomial = CostDomain.BasicCost.decode cost_info.Jsonbug_t.polynomial in
let degree_with_term = CostDomain.BasicCost.get_degree_with_term polynomial in
(Some polynomial, Some degree_with_term)
else (None, None)
let degree = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.degree in
{CostItem.cost_item= c; polynomial; degree_with_term; degree} )
let get_current_costs = decoded_costs current_costs in
let get_previous_costs = decoded_costs previous_costs in
(fun kind CostIssues.({extract_cost_f} as issue_spec) acc ->
(to_map (get_current_costs ~extract_cost_f))
(to_map (get_previous_costs ~extract_cost_f))
~f:(fold_aux kind issue_spec) ~init:acc )
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map ([], [], [])
module ConfigImpactItem = struct
module ConfigImpactItem = struct
module UncheckedCallee = ConfigImpactAnalysis.UncheckedCallee
module UncheckedCallee = ConfigImpactAnalysis.UncheckedCallee
@ -444,7 +448,7 @@ module ConfigImpactItem = struct
else None
else None
let issues_of ~(current_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report)
let issues_of_reports ~(current_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report)
~(previous_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report) =
~(previous_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report) =
let fold_aux ~key:_ ~data ((acc_introduced, acc_fixed) as acc) =
let fold_aux ~key:_ ~data ((acc_introduced, acc_fixed) as acc) =
match data with
match data with
@ -474,36 +478,43 @@ module ConfigImpactItem = struct
Map.fold2 ~init:([], []) current_map previous_map ~f:fold_aux
Map.fold2 ~init:([], []) current_map previous_map ~f:fold_aux
module Report = struct
let issues_of_reports ~current_report ~previous_report =
let fold_aux ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
match data with
| `Left left' ->
(List.rev_append left' left, both, right)
| `Both (both', _) ->
(left, List.rev_append both' both, right)
| `Right right' ->
(left, both, List.rev_append right' right)
let key_func (issue : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) = issue.hash in
let to_map = to_map key_func in
Map.fold2 (to_map current_report) (to_map previous_report) ~f:fold_aux ~init:([], [], [])
let combine_all ~report ~cost ~config_impact =
dedup report |> List.rev_append cost |> List.rev_append config_impact
(** Set operations should keep duplicated issues with identical hashes *)
(** Set operations should keep duplicated issues with identical hashes *)
let of_reports ~(current_report : Jsonbug_t.report) ~(previous_report : Jsonbug_t.report)
let issues_of_reports ~(current_report : Jsonbug_t.report) ~(previous_report : Jsonbug_t.report)
~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report)
~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report)
~(current_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report)
~(current_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report)
~(previous_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report) : t =
~(previous_config_impact : Jsonbug_t.config_impact_report) : t =
let fold_aux ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
let introduced, preexisting, fixed = Report.issues_of_reports ~current_report ~previous_report in
match data with
let introduced_costs, preexisting_costs, fixed_costs =
| `Left left' ->
Cost.issues_of_reports ~current_costs ~previous_costs
(List.rev_append left' left, both, right)
| `Both (both', _) ->
(left, List.rev_append both' both, right)
| `Right right' ->
(left, both, List.rev_append right' right)
let introduced, preexisting, fixed =
let key_func (issue : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) = issue.hash in
let to_map = to_map key_func in
Map.fold2 (to_map current_report) (to_map previous_report) ~f:fold_aux ~init:([], [], [])
let costs_summary = CostsSummary.to_json ~current_costs ~previous_costs in
let introduced_costs, preexisting_costs, fixed_costs = of_costs ~current_costs ~previous_costs in
let introduced_config_impact, fixed_config_impact =
let introduced_config_impact, fixed_config_impact =
ConfigImpactItem.issues_of ~current_config_impact ~previous_config_impact
ConfigImpactItem.issues_of_reports ~current_config_impact ~previous_config_impact
{ introduced=
{ introduced=
List.rev_append introduced_costs (dedup introduced)
combine_all ~report:introduced ~cost:introduced_costs ~config_impact:introduced_config_impact
|> List.rev_append introduced_config_impact
; fixed= combine_all ~report:fixed ~cost:fixed_costs ~config_impact:fixed_config_impact
; fixed= List.rev_append fixed_costs (dedup fixed) |> List.rev_append fixed_config_impact
; preexisting= combine_all ~report:preexisting ~cost:preexisting_costs ~config_impact:[]
; preexisting= List.rev_append preexisting_costs (dedup preexisting)
; costs_summary= CostsSummary.to_json ~current_costs ~previous_costs }
; costs_summary }
let to_files {introduced; fixed; preexisting; costs_summary} destdir =
let to_files {introduced; fixed; preexisting; costs_summary} destdir =