@ -124,97 +124,6 @@ module Map = struct
include Provide_of_sexp (T)
include Provide_of_sexp (T)
let rec ppx strength fs term =
let rec pp fs term =
let pf fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
match term with
| Var {name; id= -1} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%@%s" fs name
| Var {name; id= 0} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s" fs name
| Var {name; id} -> (
match strength term with
| None -> pf "%%%s_%d" name id
| Some `Universal -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Existential -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Anonymous -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "_" fs )
| Integer {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp data
| Rational {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp data
| Float {data} -> pf "%s" data
| Label {name} -> pf "%s" name
| Ap1 (Signed {bits}, arg) -> pf "((s%i)@ %a)" bits pp arg
| Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, arg) -> pf "((u%i)@ %a)" bits pp arg
| Ap1 (Convert {src; dst}, arg) ->
pf "((%a)(%a)@ %a)" Llair.Typ.pp dst Llair.Typ.pp src pp arg
| Ap2 (Eq, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ = %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Dq, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≠ %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Lt, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ < %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Le, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≤ %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Ord, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ ord %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Uno, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ uno %a)" pp x pp y
| Add args ->
let pp_poly_term fs (monomial, coefficient) =
match monomial with
| Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> Q.pp fs coefficient
| _ when Q.equal Q.one coefficient -> pp fs monomial
| _ ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a @<1>× %a" Q.pp coefficient pp monomial
pf "(%a)" (Qset.pp "@ + " pp_poly_term) args
| Mul args ->
let pp_mono_term fs (factor, exponent) =
if Q.equal Q.one exponent then pp fs factor
else Format.fprintf fs "%a^%a" pp factor Q.pp exponent
pf "(%a)" (Qset.pp "@ @<2>× " pp_mono_term) args
| Ap2 (Div, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ / %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Rem, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ rem %a)" pp x pp y
| And xs -> pf "(@[%a@])" (Set.pp ~sep:" &&@ " pp) xs
| Or xs -> pf "(@[%a@])" (Set.pp ~sep:" ||@ " pp) xs
| Ap2 (Xor, x, Integer {data}) when Z.is_true data -> pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {data}, x) when Z.is_true data -> pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (Xor, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ xor %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Shl, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ shl %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Lshr, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ lshr %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Ashr, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ ashr %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap3 (Conditional, cnd, thn, els) ->
pf "(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)" pp cnd pp thn pp els
| Ap3 (Extract, seq, off, len) -> pf "%a[%a,%a)" pp seq pp off pp len
| Ap1 (Splat, byt) -> pf "%a^" pp byt
| Ap2 (Sized, siz, arr) -> pf "@<1>⟨%a,%a@<1>⟩" pp siz pp arr
| ApN (Concat, args) when IArray.is_empty args -> pf "@<2>⟨⟩"
| ApN (Concat, args) -> pf "(%a)" (IArray.pp "@,^" pp) args
| ApN (Record, elts) -> pf "{%a}" (pp_record strength) elts
| Ap1 (Select idx, rcd) -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Ap2 (Update idx, rcd, elt) ->
pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| RecRecord i -> pf "(rec_record %i)" i
pp fs term
[@@warning "-9"]
and pp_record strength fs elts =
fs "%a"
(fun fs elts ->
String.init (IArray.length elts) ~f:(fun i ->
match IArray.get elts i with
| Integer {data} -> Char.of_int_exn (Z.to_int data)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a string") )
| s -> Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%s@]" (String.escaped s)
| exception _ ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%a@]"
(IArray.pp ",@ " (ppx strength))
elts )
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let pp_t = pp
let pp_diff fs (x, y) = Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" pp x pp y
(** Invariant *)
(** Invariant *)
let assert_conjunction = function
let assert_conjunction = function
@ -312,6 +221,99 @@ let invariant e =
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
[@@warning "-9"]
[@@warning "-9"]
(** Pretty-print *)
let rec ppx strength fs term =
let rec pp fs term =
let pf fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
match term with
| Var {name; id= -1} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%@%s" fs name
| Var {name; id= 0} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s" fs name
| Var {name; id} -> (
match strength term with
| None -> pf "%%%s_%d" name id
| Some `Universal -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Existential -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Anonymous -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "_" fs )
| Integer {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp data
| Rational {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp data
| Float {data} -> pf "%s" data
| Label {name} -> pf "%s" name
| Ap1 (Signed {bits}, arg) -> pf "((s%i)@ %a)" bits pp arg
| Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, arg) -> pf "((u%i)@ %a)" bits pp arg
| Ap1 (Convert {src; dst}, arg) ->
pf "((%a)(%a)@ %a)" Llair.Typ.pp dst Llair.Typ.pp src pp arg
| Ap2 (Eq, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ = %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Dq, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≠ %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Lt, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ < %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Le, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≤ %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Ord, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ ord %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Uno, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ uno %a)" pp x pp y
| Add args ->
let pp_poly_term fs (monomial, coefficient) =
match monomial with
| Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> Q.pp fs coefficient
| _ when Q.equal Q.one coefficient -> pp fs monomial
| _ ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a @<1>× %a" Q.pp coefficient pp monomial
pf "(%a)" (Qset.pp "@ + " pp_poly_term) args
| Mul args ->
let pp_mono_term fs (factor, exponent) =
if Q.equal Q.one exponent then pp fs factor
else Format.fprintf fs "%a^%a" pp factor Q.pp exponent
pf "(%a)" (Qset.pp "@ @<2>× " pp_mono_term) args
| Ap2 (Div, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ / %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Rem, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ rem %a)" pp x pp y
| And xs -> pf "(@[%a@])" (Set.pp ~sep:" &&@ " pp) xs
| Or xs -> pf "(@[%a@])" (Set.pp ~sep:" ||@ " pp) xs
| Ap2 (Xor, x, Integer {data}) when Z.is_true data -> pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {data}, x) when Z.is_true data -> pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (Xor, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ xor %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Shl, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ shl %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Lshr, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ lshr %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap2 (Ashr, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ ashr %a)" pp x pp y
| Ap3 (Conditional, cnd, thn, els) ->
pf "(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)" pp cnd pp thn pp els
| Ap3 (Extract, seq, off, len) -> pf "%a[%a,%a)" pp seq pp off pp len
| Ap1 (Splat, byt) -> pf "%a^" pp byt
| Ap2 (Sized, siz, arr) -> pf "@<1>⟨%a,%a@<1>⟩" pp siz pp arr
| ApN (Concat, args) when IArray.is_empty args -> pf "@<2>⟨⟩"
| ApN (Concat, args) -> pf "(%a)" (IArray.pp "@,^" pp) args
| ApN (Record, elts) -> pf "{%a}" (pp_record strength) elts
| Ap1 (Select idx, rcd) -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Ap2 (Update idx, rcd, elt) ->
pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| RecRecord i -> pf "(rec_record %i)" i
pp fs term
[@@warning "-9"]
and pp_record strength fs elts =
fs "%a"
(fun fs elts ->
String.init (IArray.length elts) ~f:(fun i ->
match IArray.get elts i with
| Integer {data} -> Char.of_int_exn (Z.to_int data)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a string") )
| s -> Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%s@]" (String.escaped s)
| exception _ ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%a@]"
(IArray.pp ",@ " (ppx strength))
elts )
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let pp_t = pp
let pp_diff fs (x, y) = Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" pp x pp y
(** Construct *)
(** Construct *)
(* variables *)
(* variables *)