[pulse] change recency maps to be backed by lists

This one is observed to be more memory efficient. Intuitively, maps need
to be re-allocated more often than lists for balancing. In pulse, we'll
often only ever add new values, in increasing order (when they are fresh
variables created as we symbolically execute the program), which pushes
maps into their worst-case allocation pattern. At least I suspect that's
what happens. With lists, this case is handled much better as lists are
not re-allocated when adding elements.

This is somewhat confirmed by benchmarking and observing GC stats.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D22140908

fbshipit-source-id: 29815112f
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent da3561a533
commit a89d3db364

@ -209,8 +209,6 @@ val mk_subcommand :
val args_env_var : string
(** environment variable use to pass arguments from parent to child processes *)
val strict_mode : bool
val strict_mode_env_var : string
val env_var_sep : char

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let get_modified_params pname post_stack pre_heap post formals =
| Some (addr, _) when Typ.is_pointer typ -> (
match BaseMemory.find_opt addr pre_heap with
| Some edges_pre ->
BaseMemory.Edges.fold edges_pre ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc access (addr, _) ->
BaseMemory.Edges.fold edges_pre ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (access, (addr, _)) ->
add_to_modified ~var ~access ~addr pre_heap post acc )
| None ->
debug "The address is not materialized in in pre-heap." ;

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ module type Config = sig
module type S = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
type t
type key
type value
val equal : (value -> value -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -27,33 +27,31 @@ module type S = sig
val add : key -> value -> t -> t
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val bindings : t -> (key * value) list
val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key -> value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val filter : t -> f:(key * value -> bool) -> t
val fold_bindings : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key * value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key * value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val fold_map : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> value -> 'acc * value) -> 'acc * t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val bindings : t -> (key * value) list
val union : f:(key -> value -> value -> value option) -> t -> t -> t
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val merge : f:(key -> value option -> value option -> value option) -> t -> t -> t
val union_left_biased : t -> t -> t
module Make
(Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType)
(Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableEquatableOrderedType)
(Value : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType)
(Config : Config) : S with type key = Key.t and type value = Value.t = struct
type key = Key.t
type value = Value.t [@@deriving compare]
module M = Caml.Map.Make (Key)
(** [new_] and [old] together represent the map. Keys may be present in both [old] and [new_], in
which case bindings in [new_] take precendence.
@ -62,70 +60,109 @@ module Make
[Config.limit] most recently modified elements will always be in the map, but we may
temporarily have up to [2*Config.limit] elements in memory.
Using [Caml.Map]s as our backing data-structure allows us to avoid having to scan the [new_]
collection before adding an element in order to avoid adding it multiple times (which would
force us to either go over the [2*Config.limit] max number of elements or risk us losing some
of the [N] most recently-used keys because of repeating keys). *)
Adding elements requires scanning [new_] to possibly remove it, which is [O(Config.limit)].
This is assumed small (eg, around 50). *)
type t =
{ count_new: int (** invariant: [count_new] is [M.length new_] *)
; new_: value M.t (** invariant: [M.length new_ ≤ Config.limit] *)
; old: value M.t
(** invariant: [M.length old ≤ Config.limit]. Actually, the length of [old] is always
; new_: (key, value) List.Assoc.t (** invariant: [List.length new_ ≤ Config.limit] *)
; old: (key, value) List.Assoc.t
(** invariant: [List.length old ≤ Config.limit]. Actually, the length of [old] is always
either [0] or [N], except possibly after a call to [merge]. *) }
[@@deriving compare]
let empty = {count_new= 0; old= M.empty; new_= M.empty}
let edges map =
(fun _addr edge_new _edge_old -> (* bindings in [new_] take precedence *) Some edge_new)
map.new_ map.old
let empty = {count_new= 0; old= []; new_= []}
let rec remove_aux front_rev key = function
| [] ->
List.rev front_rev
| (key', _) :: rest when Key.equal key key' ->
List.rev_append front_rev rest
| binding :: rest ->
remove_aux (binding :: front_rev) key rest
(** optimised: unroll [map.new_] a few times to try and avoid allocating unecessary intermediate
lists *)
let remove_from_new key map =
match map.new_ with
| [] ->
(false, [])
| (key', _) :: rest when Key.equal key key' ->
(true, rest)
| binding :: (key', _) :: rest when Key.equal key key' ->
(true, binding :: rest)
| binding1 :: binding2 :: (key', _) :: rest when Key.equal key key' ->
(true, binding1 :: binding2 :: rest)
| [_] | [_; _] | [_; _; _] ->
(* not found in the unrollings and no more elements *) (false, map.new_)
| binding1 :: binding2 :: binding3 :: rest ->
if List.exists rest ~f:(fun (key', _) -> Key.equal key key') then
(true, binding1 :: binding2 :: binding3 :: remove_aux [] key rest)
else (false, map.new_)
(** {2 External API} *)
let is_empty map = map.count_new = 0 && M.is_empty map.old
let is_empty map = map.count_new = 0 && List.is_empty map.old
let find_opt key map =
match M.find_opt key map.new_ with
match List.Assoc.find ~equal:Key.equal map.new_ key with
| Some _ as value_yes ->
| None ->
(* Ideally we would want to put the binding in [new_] to reflect that it was recently
accessed but that would imply returning the new map, which is odd for a [find_opt]
function. Could be done in the future. *)
M.find_opt key map.old
List.Assoc.find ~equal:Key.equal map.old key
let mem map key = find_opt key map |> Option.is_some
let add key value map =
let removed_from_new, new_without_key = remove_from_new key map in
(* compute the final count first *)
let next_count_new = if M.mem key map.new_ then map.count_new else map.count_new + 1 in
let next_count_new = if removed_from_new then map.count_new else map.count_new + 1 in
(* shrink if we are about to go past the limit size of [new_] *)
if next_count_new > Config.limit then {count_new= 1; new_= M.singleton key value; old= map.new_}
else {count_new= next_count_new; new_= M.add key value map.new_; old= map.old}
if next_count_new > Config.limit then {count_new= 1; new_= [(key, value)]; old= new_without_key}
else {count_new= next_count_new; new_= (key, value) :: new_without_key; old= map.old}
let equal equal_value map1 map2 =
let edges1 = edges map1 in
let edges2 = edges map2 in
M.equal equal_value edges1 edges2
let equal map1 map2 = phys_equal map1 map2
let fold map ~init ~f =
let acc = M.fold (fun key value acc -> f acc key value) map.new_ init in
M.fold (fun key value acc -> if M.mem key map.new_ then acc else f acc key value) map.old acc
let acc = List.fold map.new_ ~init ~f in
(* this is quadratic time but the lists are at most [Config.limit] long, assumed small *)
List.fold map.old ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc binding ->
if List.Assoc.mem ~equal:Key.equal map.new_ (fst binding) then acc else f acc binding )
let fold_bindings map ~init ~f = fold map ~init ~f:(fun acc k v -> f acc (k, v))
let bindings map = fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun bindings binding -> binding :: bindings) map
let filter map ~f =
let count_new = ref map.count_new in
let f_update_count_new binding =
let r = f binding in
if not r then decr count_new ;
let new_ = List.filter map.new_ ~f:f_update_count_new in
let old = List.filter map.old ~f in
{new_; count_new= !count_new; old}
let pp fmt map =
let pp_item fmt (k, v) = F.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a" Key.pp k Value.pp v in
IContainer.pp_collection ~pp_item fmt map ~fold:fold_bindings
IContainer.pp_collection ~pp_item fmt map ~fold
let map m ~f =
let new_ = M.map f m.new_ in
let old = M.mapi (fun key value -> if M.mem key m.new_ then value else f value) m.old in
let new_ = List.Assoc.map m.new_ ~f in
let old =
List.map m.old ~f:(fun ((key, value) as binding) ->
if List.Assoc.mem ~equal:Key.equal m.new_ key then binding
let value' = f value in
if phys_equal value value' then binding else (key, value') )
{m with new_; old}
@ -140,66 +177,48 @@ module Make
(!acc_ref, m')
let bindings map = M.bindings (edges map)
(** [merge ~f map1 map2] has at least all the elements [M.merge f map1.new_ map2.new_] but if
there are more than [N] then some will be arbitrarily demoted to [old]. Elements of
[M.merge f map1.old map2.old] may not make it into the final map if [old] then overflows too.
In other words: merge new first, overflow arbitrarily into old, then overflow old arbitrarily
into nothingness. *)
let merge ~f map1 map2 =
let count_new = ref 0 in
let count_old = ref 0 in
let old = ref M.empty in
let new_ =
(fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
match f addr val1_opt val2_opt with
| None ->
| Some value as value_opt ->
incr count_new ;
if !count_new > Config.limit then (
incr count_old ;
old := M.add addr value !old ;
None )
else value_opt )
map1.new_ map2.new_
(** return [List.take (l1 @ l2) Config.limit], the length thereof, and the rest of [l1 @ l2] *)
let concat_and_spill l1 count1 l2 =
if Int.equal count1 0 then (l2, List.length l2, [])
else if Int.equal count1 Config.limit then (l1, count1, l2)
(* take elements from the start of [l2] to add to [l1], in order to preserve recency ordering
let l2_rev, count_l2, rest_rev =
List.fold l2 ~init:([], 0, [])
~f:(fun ((l2_rev, count_l2, rest_rev) as acc) ((key2, _) as binding) ->
if count_l2 + count1 >= Config.limit then (l2_rev, count_l2, binding :: rest_rev)
else if List.Assoc.mem ~equal:Key.equal l1 key2 then acc
else (binding :: l2_rev, count_l2 + 1, rest_rev) )
(l1 @ List.rev l2_rev, count1 + count_l2, List.rev rest_rev)
let union_left_biased map1 map2 =
(* first take everything from [map1] *)
let new_, count_new, rest =
(* hack: reverse because [bindings] reverses the recency order (clients do not need to know
that but we care) *)
let bindings1 = List.rev (bindings map1) in
let count = List.length bindings1 in
if count <= Config.limit then (bindings1, count, [])
let new_, rest = List.split_n bindings1 Config.limit in
(new_, Config.limit, rest)
(* save [old] as it was after having added just the [new_] components *)
let old_from_new_ = !old in
let old =
(fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
(* Check if we have already seen [addr] when merging the [new_] maps. As bindings in
[new_] override those in [old] we don't want to add it again in case it was spilled
into [old_from_new_], but it's fine to add it again if it made it to [new_].
Also if [!old] is already full then we cannot add any more elements so return [None].
if !count_old >= Config.limit || M.mem addr old_from_new_ then None
match f addr val1_opt val2_opt with
| None ->
| Some _ as value_opt ->
incr count_old ;
value_opt )
map1.old map2.old
let new_, count_new, rest =
if count_new < Config.limit then
(* still room: fill with [map2.new_] *)
concat_and_spill new_ count_new map2.new_
else (new_, count_new, rest)
let new_, count_new, rest =
if count_new < Config.limit then
(* still room: fill with [map2.old] *)
concat_and_spill new_ count_new map2.old
else (new_, count_new, rest)
{count_new= !count_new; old= M.union (fun _k _v1 _v2 -> assert false) old_from_new_ old; new_}
(** standard-looking implementation of [union] based on [merge] *)
let union ~f map1 map2 =
~f:(fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
match (val1_opt, val2_opt) with
| None, None ->
| (Some _ as val_), None | None, (Some _ as val_) ->
| Some val1, Some val2 ->
f addr val1 val2 )
map1 map2
(* Note: we haven't bothered trying to fill [rest] as much as possible because the contract is
to keep between [Config.limit] and [2*Config.limit] elements so this is good enough. *)
{new_; count_new; old= rest}

@ -14,17 +14,15 @@ module type Config = sig
(** A functional map interface where only the [N] most recently-accessed elements are guaranteed to
be persisted, similarly to an LRU cache. The map stores at most [2*N] elements.
Operations on the map have the same asymptotic complexity as {!Map.Make}. *)
be persisted, similarly to an LRU cache. The map stores at most [2*N] elements. *)
module type S = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
type t
type key
type value
val equal : (value -> value -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -32,29 +30,24 @@ module type S = sig
val add : key -> value -> t -> t
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val bindings : t -> (key * value) list
val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key -> value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val filter : t -> f:(key * value -> bool) -> t
val fold_bindings : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key * value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
(** convenience function based on [fold] *)
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> key * value -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val fold_map : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> value -> 'acc * value) -> 'acc * t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val bindings : t -> (key * value) list
val union : f:(key -> value -> value -> value option) -> t -> t -> t
(** same caveat as {!merge} *)
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val merge : f:(key -> value option -> value option -> value option) -> t -> t -> t
(** if the maps passed as arguments disagree over which keys are the most recent and there are
more than [2*N] different keys between the two maps then some bindings will be arbitrarily
lost *)
val union_left_biased : t -> t -> t
module Make
(Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType)
(Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableEquatableOrderedType)
(Value : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType)
(Config : Config) : S with type key = Key.t and type value = Value.t

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ end = struct
and visit_edges orig_var ~f rev_accesses ~edges astate visited_accum =
let finish visited_accum = Continue visited_accum in
Container.fold_until edges ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold_bindings ~finish ~init:visited_accum
Container.fold_until edges ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold ~finish ~init:visited_accum
~f:(fun visited_accum (access, (address, _trace)) ->
match visit_address orig_var ~f (access :: rev_accesses) astate address visited_accum with
| Continue _ as cont ->

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ let rec materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location ~pre ~addr_p
| None ->
Ok call_state
| Some edges_pre ->
Container.fold_result ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold_bindings ~init:call_state edges_pre
Container.fold_result ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold ~init:call_state edges_pre
~f:(fun call_state (access, (addr_pre_dest, _)) ->
let astate, addr_hist_dest_caller =
Memory.eval_edge addr_hist_caller access call_state.astate
@ -156,25 +156,8 @@ let materialize_pre_from_actual callee_proc_name call_location ~pre ~formal ~act
|> function Some result -> result | None -> Ok call_state
let is_cell_read_only ~edges_pre_opt ~cell_post:(edges_post, attrs_post) =
match edges_pre_opt with
| None ->
| Some edges_pre when not (Attributes.is_modified attrs_post) ->
let are_edges_equal =
(fun (addr_dest_pre, _) (addr_dest_post, _) ->
(* NOTE: ignores traces
TODO: can the traces be leveraged here? maybe easy to detect writes by looking at
the post trace *)
AbstractValue.equal addr_dest_pre addr_dest_post )
edges_pre edges_post
if CommandLineOption.strict_mode then assert are_edges_equal ;
| _ ->
let is_cell_read_only ~edges_pre_opt ~cell_post:(_, attrs_post) =
match edges_pre_opt with None -> false | Some _ -> not (Attributes.is_modified attrs_post)
let materialize_pre_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals
@ -292,13 +275,11 @@ let delete_edges_in_callee_pre_from_caller ~addr_callee:_ ~edges_pre_opt ~addr_c
| None ->
| Some edges_pre ->
BaseMemory.Edges.merge old_post_edges edges_pre ~f:(fun _access old_opt pre_opt ->
(* TODO: should apply [call_state.subst] to [_access]! Actually, should rewrite the
whole [cell_pre] beforehand so that [Edges.merge] makes sense. *)
if Option.is_some pre_opt then
(* delete edge if some edge for the same access exists in the pre *)
else (* keep old edge if it exists *) old_opt ) )
(* TODO: should apply [call_state.subst] to [_access]! Actually, should rewrite the
whole [cell_pre] beforehand so that [Edges.merge] makes sense. *)
BaseMemory.Edges.filter old_post_edges ~f:(fun (access, _) ->
(* delete edge if some edge for the same access exists in the pre *)
not (BaseMemory.Edges.mem edges_pre access) ) )
let record_post_cell callee_proc_name call_loc ~addr_callee ~edges_pre_opt
@ -327,8 +308,7 @@ let record_post_cell callee_proc_name call_loc ~addr_callee ~edges_pre_opt
delete_edges_in_callee_pre_from_caller ~addr_callee ~edges_pre_opt ~addr_caller call_state
let edges_post_caller =
BaseMemory.Edges.union post_edges_minus_pre translated_post_edges ~f:(fun _ _ post_cell ->
Some post_cell )
BaseMemory.Edges.union_left_biased translated_post_edges post_edges_minus_pre
AbductiveDomain.set_post_edges addr_caller edges_post_caller call_state.astate
@ -354,7 +334,7 @@ let rec record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc ({AbductiveDomain.pre;
~cell_callee_post call_state
Memory.Edges.fold ~init:call_state_after_post edges_post
~f:(fun call_state _access (addr_callee_dest, _) ->
~f:(fun call_state (_access, (addr_callee_dest, _)) ->
let call_state, addr_hist_curr_dest =
call_state_subst_find_or_new call_state addr_callee_dest
~default_hist_caller:(snd addr_hist_caller)

@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ module Closures = struct
let+ () =
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:Attributes.fold attributes ~f:(function
| Attribute.Closure _ ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold_bindings edges
~f:(fun (access, addr_trace) ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold edges ~f:(fun (access, addr_trace) ->
if is_captured_fake_access access then
let+ _ = check_addr_access action addr_trace astate in
@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ let invalidate_array_elements location cause addr_trace astate =
| None ->
| Some edges ->
Memory.Edges.fold edges ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate access dest_addr_trace ->
Memory.Edges.fold edges ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate (access, dest_addr_trace) ->
match (access : Memory.Access.t) with
| ArrayAccess _ ->
AddressAttributes.invalidate dest_addr_trace cause location astate
