@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ module type Config = sig
module type S = sig
type t [ @@ deriving compare ]
type t
type key
type value
val equal : ( value -> value -> bool ) -> t -> t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
@ -27,33 +27,31 @@ module type S = sig
val add : key -> value -> t -> t
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val bindings : t -> ( key * value ) list
val fold : t -> init : ' acc -> f : ( ' acc -> key -> value -> ' acc ) -> ' acc
val filter : t -> f : ( key * value -> bool ) -> t
val find_opt : key -> t -> value option
val fold_bindings : t -> init : ' acc -> f : ( ' acc -> key * value -> ' acc ) -> ' acc
val fold : t -> init : ' acc -> f : ( ' acc -> key * value -> ' acc ) -> ' acc
val fold_map : t -> init : ' acc -> f : ( ' acc -> value -> ' acc * value ) -> ' acc * t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val bindings : t -> ( key * value ) list
val union : f : ( key -> value -> value -> value option ) -> t -> t -> t
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val merge : f : ( key -> value option -> value option -> value option ) -> t -> t -> t
val union_left_biased : t -> t -> t
module Make
( Key : PrettyPrintable . Printable OrderedType)
( Key : PrettyPrintable . Printable Equatable OrderedType)
( Value : PrettyPrintable . PrintableOrderedType )
( Config : Config ) : S with type key = Key . t and type value = Value . t = struct
type key = Key . t
type value = Value . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
module M = Caml . Map . Make ( Key )
(* * [new_] and [old] together represent the map. Keys may be present in both [old] and [new_], in
which case bindings in [ new_ ] take precendence .
@ -62,70 +60,109 @@ module Make
[ Config . limit ] most recently modified elements will always be in the map , but we may
temporarily have up to [ 2 * Config . limit ] elements in memory .
Using [ Caml . Map ] s as our backing data - structure allows us to avoid having to scan the [ new_ ]
collection before adding an element in order to avoid adding it multiple times ( which would
force us to either go over the [ 2 * Config . limit ] max number of elements or risk us losing some
of the [ N ] most recently - used keys because of repeating keys ) . * )
Adding elements requires scanning [ new_ ] to possibly remove it , which is [ O ( Config . limit ) ] .
This is assumed small ( eg , around 50 ) . * )
type t =
{ count_new : int (* * invariant: [count_new] is [M.length new_] *)
; new_ : value M . t (* * invariant: [M .length new_ ≤ Config.limit] *)
; old : value M . t
(* * invariant: [ M .length old ≤ Config.limit]. Actually, the length of [old] is always
; new_ : ( key , value ) List . Assoc . t (* * invariant: [List .length new_ ≤ Config.limit] *)
; old : ( key , value ) List . Assoc . t
(* * invariant: [ List .length old ≤ Config.limit]. Actually, the length of [old] is always
either [ 0 ] or [ N ] , except possibly after a call to [ merge ] . * ) }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let empty = { count_new = 0 ; old = M . empty ; new_ = M . empty }
let edges map =
M . union
( fun _ addr edge_new _ edge_old -> (* bindings in [new_] take precedence *) Some edge_new )
map . new_ map . old
let empty = { count_new = 0 ; old = [] ; new_ = [] }
let rec remove_aux front_rev key = function
| [] ->
List . rev front_rev
| ( key' , _ ) :: rest when Key . equal key key' ->
List . rev_append front_rev rest
| binding :: rest ->
remove_aux ( binding :: front_rev ) key rest
(* * optimised: unroll [map.new_] a few times to try and avoid allocating unecessary intermediate
lists * )
let remove_from_new key map =
match map . new_ with
| [] ->
( false , [] )
| ( key' , _ ) :: rest when Key . equal key key' ->
( true , rest )
| binding :: ( key' , _ ) :: rest when Key . equal key key' ->
( true , binding :: rest )
| binding1 :: binding2 :: ( key' , _ ) :: rest when Key . equal key key' ->
( true , binding1 :: binding2 :: rest )
| [ _ ] | [ _ ; _ ] | [ _ ; _ ; _ ] ->
(* not found in the unrollings and no more elements *) ( false , map . new_ )
| binding1 :: binding2 :: binding3 :: rest ->
if List . exists rest ~ f : ( fun ( key' , _ ) -> Key . equal key key' ) then
( true , binding1 :: binding2 :: binding3 :: remove_aux [] key rest )
else ( false , map . new_ )
(* * {2 External API} *)
let is_empty map = map . count_new = 0 && M . is_empty map . old
let is_empty map = map . count_new = 0 && List . is_empty map . old
let find_opt key map =
match M . find_opt key map . new_ with
match List. Assoc . find ~ equal : Key . equal map . new_ key with
| Some _ as value_yes ->
| None ->
(* Ideally we would want to put the binding in [new_] to reflect that it was recently
accessed but that would imply returning the new map , which is odd for a [ find_opt ]
function . Could be done in the future . * )
M . find_opt key map . old
List . Assoc . find ~ equal : Key . equal map . old key
let mem map key = find_opt key map | > Option . is_some
let add key value map =
let removed_from_new , new_without_key = remove_from_new key map in
(* compute the final count first *)
let next_count_new = if M . mem key map . new_ then map . count_new else map . count_new + 1 in
let next_count_new = if removed_from_new then map . count_new else map . count_new + 1 in
(* shrink if we are about to go past the limit size of [new_] *)
if next_count_new > Config . limit then { count_new = 1 ; new_ = M . singleton key value ; old = map . new_ }
else { count_new = next_count_new ; new_ = M . add key value map . new_ ; old = map . old }
if next_count_new > Config . limit then { count_new = 1 ; new_ = [ ( key , value ) ] ; old = new_without_key }
else { count_new = next_count_new ; new_ = ( key , value ) :: new_without_key ; old = map . old }
let equal equal_value map1 map2 =
let edges1 = edges map1 in
let edges2 = edges map2 in
M . equal equal_value edges1 edges2
let equal map1 map2 = phys_equal map1 map2
let fold map ~ init ~ f =
let acc = M . fold ( fun key value acc -> f acc key value ) map . new_ init in
M . fold ( fun key value acc -> if M . mem key map . new_ then acc else f acc key value ) map . old acc
let acc = List . fold map . new_ ~ init ~ f in
(* this is quadratic time but the lists are at most [Config.limit] long, assumed small *)
List . fold map . old ~ init : acc ~ f : ( fun acc binding ->
if List . Assoc . mem ~ equal : Key . equal map . new_ ( fst binding ) then acc else f acc binding )
let fold_bindings map ~ init ~ f = fold map ~ init ~ f : ( fun acc k v -> f acc ( k , v ) )
let bindings map = fold ~ init : [] ~ f : ( fun bindings binding -> binding :: bindings ) map
let filter map ~ f =
let count_new = ref map . count_new in
let f_update_count_new binding =
let r = f binding in
if not r then decr count_new ;
let new_ = List . filter map . new_ ~ f : f_update_count_new in
let old = List . filter map . old ~ f in
{ new_ ; count_new = ! count_new ; old }
let pp fmt map =
let pp_item fmt ( k , v ) = F . fprintf fmt " %a -> %a " Key . pp k Value . pp v in
IContainer . pp_collection ~ pp_item fmt map ~ fold : fold_bindings
IContainer . pp_collection ~ pp_item fmt map ~ fold
let map m ~ f =
let new_ = M . map f m . new_ in
let old = M . mapi ( fun key value -> if M . mem key m . new_ then value else f value ) m . old in
let new_ = List . Assoc . map m . new_ ~ f in
let old =
List . map m . old ~ f : ( fun ( ( key , value ) as binding ) ->
if List . Assoc . mem ~ equal : Key . equal m . new_ key then binding
let value ' = f value in
if phys_equal value value ' then binding else ( key , value ' ) )
{ m with new_ ; old }
@ -140,66 +177,48 @@ module Make
( ! acc_ref , m' )
let bindings map = M . bindings ( edges map )
(* * [merge ~f map1 map2] has at least all the elements [M.merge f map1.new_ map2.new_] but if
there are more than [ N ] then some will be arbitrarily demoted to [ old ] . Elements of
[ M . merge f map1 . old map2 . old ] may not make it into the final map if [ old ] then overflows too .
In other words : merge new first , overflow arbitrarily into old , then overflow old arbitrarily
into nothingness . * )
let merge ~ f map1 map2 =
let count_new = ref 0 in
let count_old = ref 0 in
let old = ref M . empty in
let new_ =
M . merge
( fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
match f addr val1_opt val2_opt with
| None ->
| Some value as value_opt ->
incr count_new ;
if ! count_new > Config . limit then (
incr count_old ;
old := M . add addr value ! old ;
None )
else value_opt )
map1 . new_ map2 . new_
(* * return [List.take ( l1 @ l2 ) Config.limit], the length thereof, and the rest of [l1 @ l2] *)
let concat_and_spill l1 count1 l2 =
if Int . equal count1 0 then ( l2 , List . length l2 , [] )
else if Int . equal count1 Config . limit then ( l1 , count1 , l2 )
(* take elements from the start of [l2] to add to [l1], in order to preserve recency ordering
* )
let l2_rev , count_l2 , rest_rev =
List . fold l2 ~ init : ( [] , 0 , [] )
~ f : ( fun ( ( l2_rev , count_l2 , rest_rev ) as acc ) ( ( key2 , _ ) as binding ) ->
if count_l2 + count1 > = Config . limit then ( l2_rev , count_l2 , binding :: rest_rev )
else if List . Assoc . mem ~ equal : Key . equal l1 key2 then acc
else ( binding :: l2_rev , count_l2 + 1 , rest_rev ) )
(* save [old] as it was after having added just the [new_] components *)
let old_from_new_ = ! old in
let old =
M . merge
( fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
(* Check if we have already seen [addr] when merging the [new_] maps. As bindings in
[ new_ ] override those in [ old ] we don't want to add it again in case it was spilled
into [ old_from_new_ ] , but it's fine to add it again if it made it to [ new_ ] .
( l1 @ List . rev l2_rev , count1 + count_l2 , List . rev rest_rev )
Also if [ ! old ] is already full then we cannot add any more elements so return [ None ] .
* )
if ! count_old > = Config . limit | | M . mem addr old_from_new_ then None
let union_left_biased map1 map2 =
(* first take everything from [map1] *)
let new_ , count_new , rest =
(* hack: reverse because [bindings] reverses the recency order ( clients do not need to know
that but we care ) * )
let bindings1 = List . rev ( bindings map1 ) in
let count = List . length bindings1 in
if count < = Config . limit then ( bindings1 , count , [] )
match f addr val1_opt val2_opt with
| None ->
| Some _ as value_opt ->
incr count_old ;
value_opt )
map1 . old map2 . old
let new_ , rest = List . split_n bindings1 Config . limit in
( new_ , Config . limit , rest )
let new_ , count_new , rest =
if count_new < Config . limit then
(* still room: fill with [map2.new_] *)
concat_and_spill new_ count_new map2 . new_
else ( new_ , count_new , rest )
let new_ , count_new , rest =
if count_new < Config . limit then
(* still room: fill with [map2.old] *)
concat_and_spill new_ count_new map2 . old
else ( new_ , count_new , rest )
{ count_new = ! count_new ; old = M . union ( fun _ k _ v1 _ v2 -> assert false ) old_from_new_ old ; new_ }
(* * standard-looking implementation of [union] based on [merge] *)
let union ~ f map1 map2 =
~ f : ( fun addr val1_opt val2_opt ->
match ( val1_opt , val2_opt ) with
| None , None ->
| ( Some _ as val_ ) , None | None , ( Some _ as val_ ) ->
| Some val1 , Some val2 ->
f addr val1 val2 )
map1 map2
(* Note: we haven't bothered trying to fill [rest] as much as possible because the contract is
to keep between [ Config . limit ] and [ 2 * Config . limit ] elements so this is good enough . * )
{ new_ ; count_new ; old = rest }