@ -146,6 +146,10 @@ let check_xcpretty () =
- - no - xcpretty . @. @. " ;
Unix . exit_immediately 1
let capture_with_compilation_database db_files =
Config . clang_compilation_db_files := IList . map filename_to_absolute db_files ;
let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase . from_json_files db_files in
CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_in_database compilation_database
let capture build_cmd = function
| Analyze ->
@ -153,11 +157,12 @@ let capture build_cmd = function
| Buck when Config . use_compilation_database < > None ->
L . stdout " Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@ \n " ;
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_buck () in
CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_i n_database json_cdb
capture_with_compilatio n_database json_cdb
| ClangCompilationDatabase -> (
L . stdout " Capturing using a compilation database file...@ \n " ;
match Config . rest with
| arg :: _ -> CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_in_database [ arg ]
| arg :: _ ->
capture_with_compilation_database [ arg ]
| _ ->
" Error parsing arguments. Please, pass the compilation database json file as in \
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ let capture build_cmd = function
L . stdout " Capturing using xcpretty...@ \n " ;
check_xcpretty () ;
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild () in
CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_i n_database json_cdb
capture_with_compilatio n_database json_cdb
| build_mode ->
L . stdout " Capturing in %s mode...@. " ( string_of_build_mode build_mode ) ;
let in_buck_mode = build_mode = Buck in