[pulse] no addresses in attributes

This removes the "abstract addresses" that used to be stored in the `Closure` attribute of pulse abstract addresses. There used to be a list of values recorded for each closure, each one representing one captured value. Instead these values are now recorded as fake edges in the memory graph.

Having addresses appear in attributes causes issues when trying to establish graph isomorphism between two memory states. Avoid it by rewriting the closures mechanism to encode captured addresses as fake edges in memory. This way captured addresses are automatically treated right by the graph algorithms (in the next diffs).

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D14323044

fbshipit-source-id: 413b4d989
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2896ff15f1
commit aae17242d7

@ -10,6 +10,33 @@ module Invalidation = PulseInvalidation
(* {2 Abstract domain description } *) (* {2 Abstract domain description } *)
(** Purposefully declared before [AbstractAddress] to avoid attributes depending on
addresses. Otherwise they become a pain to handle when comparing memory states. *)
module Attribute = struct
(* OPTIM: [Invalid _] is first in the order to make queries about invalidation status more
efficient (only need to look at the first element in the set of attributes to know if an
address is invalid) *)
type t =
(* DO NOT MOVE, see toplevel comment *)
| Invalid of Invalidation.t
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t
| StdVectorReserve
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f = function
| Invalid invalidation ->
Invalidation.pp f invalidation
| AddressOfCppTemporary (var, location_opt) ->
F.fprintf f "&%a (%a)" Var.pp var (Pp.option Location.pp) location_opt
| Closure pname ->
F.fprintf f "%a" Typ.Procname.pp pname
| StdVectorReserve ->
F.pp_print_string f "std::vector::reserve()"
module Attributes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Attribute)
(** An abstract address in memory. *) (** An abstract address in memory. *)
module AbstractAddress : sig module AbstractAddress : sig
type t = private int [@@deriving compare] type t = private int [@@deriving compare]
@ -49,31 +76,6 @@ module AddrTracePair = struct
else AbstractAddress.pp f (fst addr_trace) else AbstractAddress.pp f (fst addr_trace)
end end
module Attribute = struct
(* OPTIM: [Invalid _] is first in the order to make queries about invalidation status more
efficient (only need to look at the first element in the set of attributes to know if an
address is invalid) *)
type t =
(* DO NOT MOVE, see toplevel comment *)
| Invalid of Invalidation.t
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t * AddrTracePair.t list
| StdVectorReserve
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f = function
| Invalid invalidation ->
Invalidation.pp f invalidation
| AddressOfCppTemporary (var, location_opt) ->
F.fprintf f "&%a (%a)" Var.pp var (Pp.option Location.pp) location_opt
| Closure (pname, captured) ->
F.fprintf f "%a[%a]" Typ.Procname.pp pname (Pp.seq ~sep:"," AddrTracePair.pp) captured
| StdVectorReserve ->
F.pp_print_string f "std::vector::reserve()"
module Attributes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Attribute)
module Memory : sig module Memory : sig
module Access : module Access :
PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t = AbstractAddress.t HilExp.Access.t PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t = AbstractAddress.t HilExp.Access.t
@ -94,6 +96,8 @@ module Memory : sig
val for_all : (AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> bool) -> t -> bool val for_all : (AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> bool) -> t -> bool
val set_cell : AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> t -> t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
@ -215,6 +219,8 @@ end = struct
let for_all = Graph.for_all let for_all = Graph.for_all
let set_cell = Graph.add
let filter = Graph.filter let filter = Graph.filter
end end
@ -325,8 +331,8 @@ end = struct
match Memory.find_opt address astate.heap with match Memory.find_opt address astate.heap with
| None -> | None ->
visited visited
| Some (edges, attrs) -> | Some (edges, _) ->
visit_edges astate ~edges visited |> visit_attributes astate attrs ) visit_edges astate ~edges visited )
and visit_edges ~edges astate visited = and visit_edges ~edges astate visited =
@ -335,18 +341,6 @@ end = struct
edges visited edges visited
and visit_attributes astate attrs visited =
(fun attr visited ->
match attr with
| Attribute.Invalid _ | Attribute.AddressOfCppTemporary _ | Attribute.StdVectorReserve ->
| Attribute.Closure (_, captured) ->
List.fold captured ~init:visited ~f:(fun visited (address, _) ->
visit_address astate address visited ) )
attrs visited
let visit_stack astate visited = let visit_stack astate visited =
Stack.fold Stack.fold
(fun _var (address, _loc) visited -> visit_address astate address visited) (fun _var (address, _loc) visited -> visit_address astate address visited)

@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
open! IStd open! IStd
module F = Format module F = Format
module Attribute : sig
type t =
| Invalid of PulseInvalidation.t
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t
| StdVectorReserve
[@@deriving compare]
module AbstractAddress : sig module AbstractAddress : sig
type t = private int [@@deriving compare] type t = private int [@@deriving compare]
@ -35,15 +44,6 @@ module AddrTracePair : sig
type t = AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t [@@deriving compare] type t = AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t [@@deriving compare]
end end
module Attribute : sig
type t =
| Invalid of PulseInvalidation.t
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t * AddrTracePair.t list
| StdVectorReserve
[@@deriving compare]
module Attributes : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = Attribute.t module Attributes : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = Attribute.t
module Memory : sig module Memory : sig
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ module Memory : sig
val find_opt : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> cell option val find_opt : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> cell option
val set_cell : AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> t -> t
val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
val add_edge_and_back_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t val add_edge_and_back_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t

@ -298,17 +298,47 @@ let record_var_decl_location location var astate =
module Closures = struct module Closures = struct
open Result.Monad_infix open Result.Monad_infix
let fake_capture_field_prefix = "__capture_"
let mk_fake_field ~id =
(Typ.CStruct (QualifiedCppName.of_list ["std"; "function"]))
(Printf.sprintf "%s%d" fake_capture_field_prefix id)
let is_captured_fake_access (access : _ HilExp.Access.t) =
match access with
| FieldAccess fieldname
when String.is_prefix ~prefix:fake_capture_field_prefix (Typ.Fieldname.to_string fieldname)
| _ ->
let mk_capture_edges captured =
let fake_fields =
List.rev_mapi captured ~f:(fun id captured_addr_trace ->
(HilExp.Access.FieldAccess (mk_fake_field ~id), captured_addr_trace) )
Memory.Edges.of_seq (Caml.List.to_seq fake_fields)
let check_captured_addresses location lambda addr astate = let check_captured_addresses location lambda addr astate =
match Memory.find_opt addr astate.heap with match Memory.find_opt addr astate.heap with
| None -> | None ->
Ok astate Ok astate
| Some (_, attributes) -> | Some (edges, attributes) ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_fold ~fold:Attributes.fold) IContainer.iter_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_fold ~fold:Attributes.fold)
attributes ~f:(function attributes ~f:(function
| Attribute.Closure (_, captured) -> | Attribute.Closure _ ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:List.fold captured ~f:(fun addr_trace -> IContainer.iter_result
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold) edges
~f:(fun (access, addr_trace) ->
if is_captured_fake_access access then
check_addr_access {access_expr= lambda; location} addr_trace astate check_addr_access {access_expr= lambda; location} addr_trace astate
>>| fun _ -> () ) >>| fun _ -> ()
else Ok () )
| _ -> | _ ->
Ok () ) Ok () )
>>| fun () -> astate >>| fun () -> astate
@ -320,11 +350,13 @@ module Closures = struct
(closure_addr, [PulseTrace.Assignment {lhs= access_expr; location}]) (closure_addr, [PulseTrace.Assignment {lhs= access_expr; location}])
astate astate
>>| fun astate -> >>| fun astate ->
{ astate with let fake_capture_edges = mk_capture_edges captured in
heap= let heap =
Memory.add_attributes closure_addr Memory.set_cell closure_addr
(Attributes.singleton (Closure (pname, captured))) (fake_capture_edges, Attributes.singleton (Closure pname))
astate.heap } astate.heap
{astate with heap}
let record location access_expr pname captured astate = let record location access_expr pname captured astate =
