@ -752,13 +752,10 @@ type instr =
| Remove_temps of Ident . t list * Location . t (* * remove temporaries *)
| Stackop of stackop * Location . t (* * operation on the stack of propsets *)
| Declare_locals of ( Pvar . t * typ ) list * Location . t (* * declare local variables *)
(* * jump to a specific cfg node,
assuming all the possible target nodes are successors of the current node * )
| Goto_node of exp * Location . t
(* * Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. *)
let instr_is_auxiliary = function
| Letderef _ | Set _ | Prune _ | Call _ | Goto_node _ ->
| Letderef _ | Set _ | Prune _ | Call _ ->
| Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Remove_temps _ | Stackop _ | Declare_locals _ ->
@ -2073,8 +2070,7 @@ let instr_get_loc = function
| Abstract loc
| Remove_temps ( _ , loc )
| Stackop ( _ , loc )
| Declare_locals ( _ , loc )
| Goto_node ( _ , loc ) ->
| Declare_locals ( _ , loc ) ->
(* * get the expressions occurring in the instruction *)
@ -2097,8 +2093,6 @@ let instr_get_exps = function
| Declare_locals _ ->
| Goto_node ( e , _ ) ->
[ e ]
(* * Pretty print call flags *)
let pp_call_flags f cf =
@ -2147,8 +2141,6 @@ let pp_instr pe0 f instr =
| Declare_locals ( ptl , loc ) ->
let pp_typ fmt ( pvar , _ ) = F . fprintf fmt " %a " ( Pvar . pp pe ) pvar in
F . fprintf f " DECLARE_LOCALS(%a); %a " ( pp_comma_seq pp_typ ) ptl Location . pp loc
| Goto_node ( e , loc ) ->
F . fprintf f " Goto_node %a %a " ( pp_exp pe ) e Location . pp loc
) ;
color_post_wrapper changed pe0 f
@ -2243,8 +2235,6 @@ let instr_iter_types f instr = match instr with
| Declare_locals ( ptl , _ ) ->
IList . iter ( fun ( _ , t ) -> typ_iter_types f t ) ptl
| Goto_node _ ->
(* * Dump an instruction. *)
let d_instr ( i : instr ) = L . add_print_action ( L . PTinstr , Obj . repr i )
@ -3430,8 +3420,6 @@ let instr_sub (subst: subst) instr =
| Declare_locals ( ptl , loc ) ->
let pt_s ( pv , t ) = ( pv , typ_s t ) in
Declare_locals ( IList . map pt_s ptl , loc )
| Goto_node ( e , loc ) ->
Goto_node ( exp_s e , loc )
let call_flags_compare cflag1 cflag2 =
bool_compare cflag1 . cf_virtual cflag2 . cf_virtual
@ -3500,11 +3488,6 @@ let instr_compare instr1 instr2 = match instr1, instr2 with
let n = IList . compare pt_compare ptl1 ptl2 in
if n < > 0 then n else Location . compare loc1 loc2
| Declare_locals _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Declare_locals _ -> 1
| Goto_node ( e1 , loc1 ) , Goto_node ( e2 , loc2 ) ->
let n = exp_compare e1 e2 in
if n < > 0 then n else Location . compare loc1 loc2
(* * compare expressions from different procedures without considering loc's, ident's, and pvar's.
the [ exp_map ] param gives a mapping of names used in the procedure of [ e1 ] to names used in the
@ -3627,8 +3610,6 @@ let instr_compare_structural instr1 instr2 exp_map =
( 0 , exp_map )
| Goto_node ( e1 , _ ) , Goto_node ( e2 , _ ) ->
exp_compare_structural e1 e2 exp_map
| _ -> instr_compare instr1 instr2 , exp_map
let atom_sub subst =