@ -169,20 +169,21 @@ let touch_start_file_unless_continue () =
else if not Config . continue_capture then ( delete () ; create () )
else if not Config . continue_capture then ( delete () ; create () )
exception Infer_error of string
let command_error_handling ~ always_die ~ prog ~ args = function
let default_error_handling : Unix . Exit_or_signal . t -> unit = function
| Ok _ ->
| Ok _ ->
| Error _ as status when Config . keep_going ->
(* Log error and proceed past the failure when keep going mode is on *)
L . external_error " %s " ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status ) ;
| Error _ as status ->
| Error _ as status ->
raise ( Infer_error ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status ) )
let log =
if not always_die && Config . keep_going then
(* Log error and proceed past the failure when keep going mode is on *)
L . external_error
else L . die InternalError
log " Error running '%s' %a:@ \n %s " prog Pp . cli_args args
( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status )
let run_command ? ( cleanup = default_error_handling ) ~ prog ~ args () =
let run_command ~prog ~ args ? ( cleanup = command_error_handling ~ always_die : false ~ prog ~ args ) () =
Unix . waitpid ( Unix . fork_exec ~ prog ~ argv : ( prog :: args ) () )
Unix . waitpid ( Unix . fork_exec ~ prog ~ argv : ( prog :: args ) () )
| > fun status ->
| > fun status ->
cleanup status ;
cleanup status ;
@ -309,10 +310,8 @@ let capture ~changed_files mode =
when Int . equal exit_code Config . infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code ->
when Int . equal exit_code Config . infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code ->
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
Config . print_usage_exit ()
Config . print_usage_exit ()
| Error _ as status ->
| status ->
raise ( Infer_error ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status ) )
command_error_handling ~ always_die : true ~ prog : infer_py ~ args status )
| Ok _ ->
() )
| XcodeXcpretty ( prog , args ) ->
| XcodeXcpretty ( prog , args ) ->
L . progress " Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@. " ;
L . progress " Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@. " ;