@ -294,26 +294,33 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
( F . sprintf " passed to %s " ( Procname . to_simplified_string pname ) )
let rec report_on_non_nullable_arg ? ( annots = [] ) args =
match ( annots , args ) with
| annot :: annot_rest , ( Exp . Var var , _ ) :: rest when not ( Annotations . ia_is_nullable annot ) ->
report_issue var ;
report_on_non_nullable_arg ~ annots : annot_rest rest
| [] , ( Exp . Var var , _ ) :: rest ->
report_issue var ; report_on_non_nullable_arg rest
let rec report_on_non_nullable_arg ? annotations args =
match ( annotations , args ) with
| Some ( annot :: annot_rest ) , ( arg , _ ) :: rest ->
( match arg with
| Exp . Var var when not ( Annotations . ia_is_nullable annot ) ->
report_issue var
| _ ->
() ) ;
report_on_non_nullable_arg ~ annotations : annot_rest rest
| None , ( arg , _ ) :: rest ->
( match arg with Exp . Var var -> report_issue var | _ -> () ) ;
report_on_non_nullable_arg rest
| _ ->
let proc_desc_opt = Ondemand . get_proc_desc pname in
let annotations = get_annotations proc_desc_opt in
let args =
if is_objc_instance proc_desc_opt then match args with _ :: rest -> rest | [] -> []
else args
match get_annotations proc_desc_opt with
| Some annotations ->
report_on_non_nullable_arg ~ annots : annotations args
| None ->
report_on_non_nullable_arg args
let annotations =
if is_objc_instance proc_desc_opt then
match annotations with Some ( _ :: rest ) -> Some rest | _ -> annotations
else annotations
report_on_non_nullable_arg ? annotations args
let exec_instr ( astate : Domain . t ) { ProcData . summary } _ cfg_node ( instr : Sil . instr ) =