@ -47,46 +47,17 @@ let range_add_locs (typ, ta, locs1) locs2 =
(typ, ta, locs')
(typ, ta, locs')
(** Only keep variables if they are present on both sides of the join. *)
let only_keep_intersection = true
(** Join two maps.
If only_keep_intersection is true, keep only variables present on both sides. *)
let map_join m1 m2 =
let map_join m1 m2 =
let tjoined = ref (if only_keep_intersection then M.empty else m1) in
let range_join _exp range1_opt range2_opt =
let range_join (typ1, ta1, locs1) (typ2, ta2, locs2) =
Option.both range1_opt range2_opt
match TypeAnnotation.join ta1 ta2 with
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (((typ1, ta1, locs1) as range1), (typ2, ta2, locs2)) ->
| None ->
TypeAnnotation.join ta1 ta2
|> Option.value_map ~default:range1 ~f:(fun ta' ->
| Some ta' ->
let typ' = type_join typ1 typ2 in
let typ' = type_join typ1 typ2 in
let locs' = locs_join locs1 locs2 in
let locs' = locs_join locs1 locs2 in
(typ', ta', locs') ) )
Some (typ', ta', locs')
let extend_lhs exp2 range2 =
(* extend lhs if possible, otherwise return false *)
let range1 = M.find exp2 m1 in
match range_join range1 range2 with
| None ->
if only_keep_intersection then tjoined := M.add exp2 range1 !tjoined
| Some range' ->
tjoined := M.add exp2 range' !tjoined
with Caml.Not_found ->
if not only_keep_intersection then tjoined := M.add exp2 range2 !tjoined
let missing_rhs exp1 range1 =
(* handle elements missing in the rhs *)
try ignore (M.find exp1 m2)
with Caml.Not_found ->
let t1, ta1, locs1 = range1 in
let range1' =
let ta1' = TypeAnnotation.with_origin ta1 TypeOrigin.Undef in
(t1, ta1', locs1)
if not only_keep_intersection then tjoined := M.add exp1 range1' !tjoined
if phys_equal m1 m2 then m1 else ( M.iter extend_lhs m2 ; M.iter missing_rhs m1 ; !tjoined )
if phys_equal m1 m2 then m1 else M.merge range_join m1 m2
let join t1 t2 =
let join t1 t2 =