@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Stack : sig
type as_inlined_location = t [ @@ deriving compare , sexp_of ]
val empty : t
val push_jump : Var . Set . t -> t -> t
val push_call :
Llair . block
@ -28,22 +27,21 @@ module Stack : sig
-> t
-> t option
val pop_return :
t -> ( Var . Set . t * Domain . from_call * Llair . jump * t ) option
val pop_return : t -> ( Domain . from_call * Llair . jump * t ) option
val pop_throw :
-> init : ' a
-> unwind : ( Var . t list -> Var . Set . t -> Domain . from_call -> ' a -> ' a )
-> ( Var. Set . t * Domain. from_call * Llair . jump * t * ' a ) option
-> ( Domain. from_call * Llair . jump * t * ' a ) option
end = struct
type t =
| Locals of Var . Set . t * t
| Return of
{ retreating : bool
(* * return from a call not known to be nonrecursive *)
; dst : Llair . Jump . t
; params : Var . t list
; locals : Var . Set . t
; from_call : Domain . from_call
; stk : t }
| Throw of Llair . Jump . t * t
@ -54,15 +52,13 @@ end = struct
(* Treat a stack as a code location in a hypothetical expansion of the
program where all non - recursive functions have been completely inlined .
In particular , this means to compare stacks as if all Locals frames or
Return frames for recursive calls had been removed . Additionally , the
from_call info in Return frames is ignored . * )
In particular , this means to compare stacks as if all Return frames f or
recursive calls had been removed . Additionally , the from_call info in
Return frames is ignored . * )
let rec compare_as_inlined_location x y =
if x = = y then 0
match ( x , y ) with
| Locals ( _ , x ) , y
| x , Locals ( _ , y )
| Return { retreating = true ; stk = x } , y
| x , Return { retreating = true ; stk = y } ->
compare_as_inlined_location x y
@ -81,9 +77,6 @@ end = struct
| Empty , Empty -> 0
let rec print_abbrev fs = function
| Locals ( _ , s ) ->
print_abbrev fs s ;
Format . pp_print_char fs 'L'
| Return { retreating = false ; stk = s } ->
print_abbrev fs s ;
Format . pp_print_char fs 'R'
@ -99,23 +92,20 @@ end = struct
Invariant . invariant [ % here ] s [ % sexp_of : t ]
@@ fun () ->
match s with
| Locals _ | Return _ | Throw ( _ , Return _ ) | Empty -> ()
| Return _ | Throw ( _ , Return _ ) | Empty -> ()
| Throw _ -> fail " malformed stack: %a " print_abbrev s ()
let empty = Empty | > check invariant
let push_ jump lcls stk =
( if Set . is_empty lcls then stk else Locals ( lcls , stk ) )
let push_ return ~ retreating dst params locals from_call stk =
Return { retreating ; dst ; params ; locals ; from_call ; stk }
| > check invariant
let push_return ~ retreating dst params from_call stk =
Return { retreating ; dst ; params ; from_call ; stk } | > check invariant
let push_throw jmp stk =
( match jmp with None -> stk | Some jmp -> Throw ( jmp , stk ) )
| > check invariant
let push_call {Llair . params ; locals } ~ retreating ~ bound ~ return from_call
let push_call (entry : Llair . block ) ~ retreating ~ bound ~ return from_call
? throw stk =
[ % Trace . call fun { pf } -> pf " %a " print_abbrev stk ]
@ -130,34 +120,28 @@ end = struct
( if n > bound then None
( push_jump locals
( push_throw throw
( push_return ~ retreating return params from_call stk ) ) ) )
( push_return ~ retreating return entry . params entry . parent . locals
from_call stk ) ) )
| >
[ % Trace . retn fun { pf } _ ->
pf " %d of %a on stack " n Llair . Jump . pp return ]
let pop_return stk =
let rec pop_return_ scope = function
| Locals ( locals , stk ) -> pop_return_ ( Set . union locals scope ) stk
| Throw ( _ , stk ) -> pop_return_ scope stk
| Return { from_call ; dst ; stk } -> Some ( scope , from_call , dst , stk )
let rec pop_return = function
| Throw ( _ , stk ) -> pop_return stk
| Return { from_call ; dst ; stk } -> Some ( from_call , dst , stk )
| Empty -> None
pop_return_ Var . Set . empty stk
let pop_throw stk ~ init ~ unwind =
let rec pop_throw_ scope state = function
| Locals ( locals , stk ) ->
pop_throw_ ( Set . union locals scope ) state stk
| Return { params ; from_call ; stk } ->
pop_throw_ Var . Set . empty ( unwind params scope from_call state ) stk
let rec pop_throw_ state = function
| Return { params ; locals ; from_call ; stk } ->
pop_throw_ ( unwind params locals from_call state ) stk
| Throw ( dst , Return { from_call ; stk } ) ->
Some ( scope, from_call, dst , stk , state )
Some ( from_call , dst , stk , state )
| Empty -> None
| Throw _ as stk -> violates invariant stk
pop_throw_ Var . Set . empty init stk
pop_throw_ init stk
module Work : sig
@ -263,11 +247,10 @@ end = struct
let exec_goto stk state block ( { dst ; retreating } : Llair . jump ) =
let stk = Stack . push_jump dst . locals stk in
Work . add ~ prev : block ~ retreating stk state dst
let exec_jump ? temps stk state block ( { dst ; args } as jmp : Llair . jump ) =
let state = Domain . jump args dst . params dst . locals ? temps state in
let state = Domain . jump args dst . params ? temps state in
exec_goto stk state block jmp
let exec_call ~ opts stk state block ( { dst ; args ; retreating } : Llair . jump )
@ -276,7 +259,8 @@ let exec_call ~opts stk state block ({dst; args; retreating} : Llair.jump)
pf " %a from %a " Var . pp dst . parent . name . var Var . pp
return . dst . parent . name . var ]
let state , from_call = Domain . call args dst . params dst . locals state in
let locals = dst . parent . locals in
let state , from_call = Domain . call args dst . params locals state in
( match
Stack . push_call ~ bound : opts . bound dst ~ retreating ~ return from_call
? throw stk
@ -290,7 +274,7 @@ let exec_return stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp =
[ % Trace . call fun { pf } -> pf " from %a " Var . pp block . parent . name . var ]
( match Stack . pop_return stk with
| Some ( scope, from_call, retn_site , stk ) ->
| Some ( from_call, retn_site , stk ) ->
let freturn = block . parent . freturn in
let exit_state =
match ( freturn , exp ) with
@ -299,7 +283,9 @@ let exec_return stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp =
| None , None -> pre_state
| _ -> violates Llair . Func . invariant block . parent
let post_state = Domain . post scope from_call exit_state in
let post_state =
Domain . post block . parent . locals from_call exit_state
let retn_state =
Domain . retn block . parent . entry . params from_call post_state
@ -319,10 +305,12 @@ let exec_throw stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exc =
Domain . retn params from_call ( Domain . post scope from_call state )
( match Stack . pop_throw stk ~ unwind ~ init : pre_state with
| Some ( scope, from_call, retn_site , stk , unwind_state ) ->
| Some ( from_call, retn_site , stk , unwind_state ) ->
let fthrow = block . parent . fthrow in
let exit_state = Domain . exec_return unwind_state fthrow exc in
let post_state = Domain . post scope from_call exit_state in
let post_state =
Domain . post block . parent . locals from_call exit_state
let retn_state =
Domain . retn block . parent . entry . params from_call post_state
@ -441,10 +429,10 @@ let harness : Llair.t -> (int -> Work.t) option =
List . find_map entry_points ~ f : ( fun name ->
Llair . Func . find pgm . functions ( Var . program name ) )
| > function
| Some { entry= { params = [] } as block } ->
| Some { locals; entry= { params = [] } as block } ->
( Work . init
( fst ( Domain . call [] [] block. locals ( Domain . init pgm . globals ) ) )
( fst ( Domain . call [] [] locals ( Domain . init pgm . globals ) ) )
block )
| _ -> None