[racerd][2/n] invert inclusion between AccessSnapshot and TraceElem

For historical reasons, the record of an access is a three-level record:
1. `AccessSnapshot`, a record with info such as ownership and lock status, including
2. `TraceElem`, a record with a trace and an element which is
3. Access, the abstract addressed accessed and the type of access.

This stack flips the order to 2, 1, 3, leading up to the possibility of merging 1 and 3.

This diff inverts 2 and 1.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D20644100

fbshipit-source-id: 89d810b68
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 8446e46103
commit b194d70860

@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ module MakeTraceElemWithComparator
let compare {elem; loc} {elem= elem'; loc= loc'} = Comp.comparator elem loc elem' loc'
let pp fmt {elem} = Elem.pp fmt elem
let pp fmt {elem; loc; trace} =
let pp_trace fmt trace = PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:CallSite.pp fmt trace in
F.fprintf fmt "{elem= %a; loc= %a; trace= %a}" Elem.pp elem Location.pp loc pp_trace trace
let describe fmt {elem} = Elem.describe fmt elem

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let add_callee_accesses formals (caller_astate : Domain.t) callee_accesses locks threads actuals
callee_pname loc =
let open Domain in
let callsite = CallSite.make callee_pname loc in
let actuals_ownership =
(* precompute array holding ownership of each actual for fast random access *)
Array.of_list_map actuals ~f:(fun actual_exp ->
@ -129,15 +130,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let update_callee_access (snapshot : AccessSnapshot.t) acc =
(* update precondition with caller ownership info *)
let ownership_precondition =
match snapshot.ownership_precondition with
match snapshot.elem.ownership_precondition with
| OwnedIf indexes ->
IntSet.fold update_ownership_precondition indexes OwnershipAbstractValue.owned
| Unowned ->
let snapshot_opt =
AccessSnapshot.update_callee_access formals snapshot callee_pname loc ownership_precondition
threads locks
AccessSnapshot.update_callee_access formals snapshot callsite ownership_precondition threads
AccessDomain.add_opt snapshot_opt acc
@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ let describe_exp = MF.wrap_monospaced RacerDDomain.pp_exp
let describe_pname = MF.wrap_monospaced (Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:true)
let pp_access fmt (t : RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t) =
match t.access.elem with
match t.elem.access with
| Read {exp} | Write {exp} ->
describe_exp fmt exp
| ContainerRead {exp; pname} | ContainerWrite {exp; pname} ->
@ -661,9 +662,8 @@ type reported_access =
let report_thread_safety_violation ~issue_log ~make_description ~report_kind
({threads; snapshot; tenv; procname= pname} : reported_access) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let access = snapshot.access in
let final_pname = List.last access.trace |> Option.value_map ~default:pname ~f:CallSite.pname in
let final_sink_site = CallSite.make final_pname access.loc in
let final_pname = List.last snapshot.trace |> Option.value_map ~default:pname ~f:CallSite.pname in
let final_sink_site = CallSite.make final_pname snapshot.loc in
let initial_sink_site = CallSite.make pname (AccessSnapshot.get_loc snapshot) in
let loc = CallSite.loc initial_sink_site in
let ltr, original_end, conflict_end = make_trace ~report_kind snapshot in
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ end = struct
let empty = M.empty
let add (rep : reported_access) map =
let access = rep.snapshot.access.elem in
let access = rep.snapshot.elem.access in
if RacerDDomain.Access.get_access_exp access |> should_filter_access then map
let k = Key.of_access access in
@ -856,13 +856,13 @@ let should_report_guardedby_violation classname ({snapshot; tenv; procname} : re
| _ ->
false )
(not snapshot.lock)
(not snapshot.elem.lock)
&& RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.is_write snapshot
&& Procname.is_java procname
(* restrict check to access paths of length one *)
RacerDDomain.Access.get_access_exp snapshot.access.elem
RacerDDomain.Access.get_access_exp snapshot.elem.access
|> Option.map ~f:AccessExpression.to_accesses
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (base, accesses) ->
(base, List.filter accesses ~f:HilExp.Access.is_field_or_array_access) )
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log classname (aggregated_access_map : ReportM
if Config.deduplicate then
CallSite.Set.mem call_site reported_sites
match snapshot.access.TraceElem.elem with
match snapshot.elem.access with
| Access.Write _ | Access.ContainerWrite _ ->
Procname.Set.mem pname reported_writes
| Access.Read _ | Access.ContainerRead _ ->
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log classname (aggregated_access_map : ReportM
if Config.deduplicate then
let call_site = CallSite.make pname (AccessSnapshot.get_loc snapshot) in
let reported_sites = CallSite.Set.add call_site reported.reported_sites in
match snapshot.access.TraceElem.elem with
match snapshot.elem.access with
| Access.Write _ | Access.ContainerWrite _ ->
let reported_writes = Procname.Set.add pname reported.reported_writes in
{reported with reported_writes; reported_sites}
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log classname (aggregated_access_map : ReportM
let report_unsafe_access accesses acc
({snapshot; threads; tenv; procname= pname} as reported_access) =
match snapshot.access.elem with
match snapshot.elem.access with
| Access.InterfaceCall reported_pname
when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot
&& ThreadsDomain.is_any threads && is_marked_thread_safe pname tenv ->
@ -1017,8 +1017,8 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log classname (aggregated_access_map : ReportM
| Access.Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
(* protected read. report unprotected writes and opposite protected writes as conflicts *)
let can_conflict (snapshot1 : AccessSnapshot.t) (snapshot2 : AccessSnapshot.t) =
if snapshot1.lock && snapshot2.lock then false
else ThreadsDomain.can_conflict snapshot1.thread snapshot2.thread
if snapshot1.elem.lock && snapshot2.elem.lock then false
else ThreadsDomain.can_conflict snapshot1.elem.thread snapshot2.elem.thread
let is_conflict {snapshot= other_snapshot; threads= other_threads} =
if AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected other_snapshot then

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module Access = struct
if is_write then ContainerWrite {exp; pname} else ContainerRead {exp; pname}
let make_unannotated_call_access pname = InterfaceCall pname
let is_write = function
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
@ -130,31 +132,6 @@ module CallPrinter = struct
let pp fmt cs = F.fprintf fmt "call to %a" Procname.pp (CallSite.pname cs)
module TraceElem = struct
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElemModuloLocation (Access) (CallPrinter)
(** This choice means the comparator is insensitive to the location access. This preserves
correctness only if the overlying comparator (AccessSnapshot) takes into account the
characteristics of the access (eg lock status). *)
let is_write {elem} = Access.is_write elem
let is_container_write {elem} = Access.is_container_write elem
let should_keep formals {elem} = Access.should_keep formals elem
let map_access ~f trace_elem = map ~f:(Access.map ~f) trace_elem
let make_container_access access_exp pname ~is_write loc =
make (Access.make_container_access access_exp pname ~is_write) loc
let make_field_access access_exp ~is_write loc =
make (Access.make_field_access access_exp ~is_write) loc
let make_unannotated_call_access pname loc = make (Access.InterfaceCall pname) loc
module LocksDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.CountDomain (struct
(** arbitrary threshold for max locks we expect to be held simultaneously *)
@ -281,83 +258,85 @@ module OwnershipAbstractValue = struct
module AccessSnapshot = struct
module AccessSnapshotElem = struct
type t =
{ access: TraceElem.t
{ access: Access.t
; thread: ThreadsDomain.t
; lock: bool
; ownership_precondition: OwnershipAbstractValue.t }
[@@deriving compare]
let is_write {access} = TraceElem.is_write access
let pp fmt {access; thread; lock; ownership_precondition} =
F.fprintf fmt "Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a" Access.pp access ThreadsDomain.pp
thread lock OwnershipAbstractValue.pp ownership_precondition
let make_loc_trace {access} = TraceElem.make_loc_trace access
let get_loc {access} = TraceElem.get_loc access
let describe fmt {access} = Access.describe fmt access
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElemModuloLocation (AccessSnapshotElem) (CallPrinter)
let is_write {elem= {access}} = Access.is_write access
let is_container_write {access} = TraceElem.is_container_write access
let is_container_write {elem= {access}} = Access.is_container_write access
let make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition =
let filter formals t =
(not (OwnershipAbstractValue.is_owned ownership_precondition))
&& TraceElem.should_keep formals access
then Some {access; lock; thread; ownership_precondition}
(not (OwnershipAbstractValue.is_owned t.elem.ownership_precondition))
&& Access.should_keep formals t.elem.access
then Some t
else None
let make formals access lock_astate thread ownership_precondition =
let lock = not (LocksDomain.is_bottom lock_astate) in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc =
make {access; lock; thread; ownership_precondition} loc |> filter formals
let make_unannotated_call_access formals pname lock ownership loc =
let lock = LocksDomain.is_locked lock in
let access = Access.make_unannotated_call_access pname in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock ownership loc
let make_access formals acc_exp ~is_write loc lock thread ownership_precondition =
let lock = LocksDomain.is_locked lock in
let access = TraceElem.make_field_access acc_exp ~is_write loc in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let access = Access.make_field_access acc_exp ~is_write in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc
let make_container_access formals acc_exp ~is_write callee loc lock thread ownership_precondition
let lock = LocksDomain.is_locked lock in
let access = TraceElem.make_container_access acc_exp callee ~is_write loc in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let make_from_snapshot formals access {lock; thread; ownership_precondition} =
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let access = Access.make_container_access acc_exp callee ~is_write in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc
let map_opt formals ~f t =
let access = TraceElem.map_access ~f t.access in
make_from_snapshot formals access t
map t ~f:(fun elem -> {elem with access= Access.map ~f elem.access}) |> filter formals
let update_callee_access formals snapshot callee_pname loc ownership_precondition threads locks =
let access = TraceElem.with_callsite snapshot.access (CallSite.make callee_pname loc) in
let locks = if snapshot.lock then LocksDomain.acquire_lock locks else locks in
let update_callee_access formals snapshot callsite ownership_precondition threads locks =
let thread =
ThreadsDomain.integrate_summary ~callee_astate:snapshot.thread ~caller_astate:threads
ThreadsDomain.integrate_summary ~callee_astate:snapshot.elem.thread ~caller_astate:threads
make formals access locks thread ownership_precondition
let lock = snapshot.elem.lock || LocksDomain.is_locked locks in
with_callsite snapshot callsite
|> map ~f:(fun elem -> {elem with lock; thread; ownership_precondition})
|> filter formals
let is_unprotected {thread; lock; ownership_precondition} =
let is_unprotected {elem= {thread; lock; ownership_precondition}} =
(not (ThreadsDomain.is_any_but_self thread))
&& (not lock)
&& not (OwnershipAbstractValue.is_owned ownership_precondition)
let pp fmt {access; thread; lock; ownership_precondition} =
F.fprintf fmt "Loc: %a Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a" Location.pp
(TraceElem.get_loc access) TraceElem.pp access ThreadsDomain.pp thread lock
OwnershipAbstractValue.pp ownership_precondition
module AccessDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (AccessSnapshot)
let add ({AccessSnapshot.access= {elem}} as s) astate =
let add ({AccessSnapshot.elem= {access}} as s) astate =
let skip =
Access.get_access_exp elem
Access.get_access_exp access
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun exp -> AccessExpression.get_base exp |> fst |> should_skip_var)
if skip then astate else add s astate
@ -567,6 +546,8 @@ let pp fmt {threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map} =
let add_unannotated_call_access formals pname loc (astate : t) =
let access = TraceElem.make_unannotated_call_access pname loc in
let snapshot = AccessSnapshot.make formals access astate.locks astate.threads Unowned in
let snapshot =
AccessSnapshot.make_unannotated_call_access formals pname astate.locks astate.threads Unowned
{astate with accesses= AccessDomain.add_opt snapshot astate.accesses}

@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ module Access : sig
val get_access_exp : t -> AccessExpression.t option
module TraceElem : sig
include ExplicitTrace.TraceElem with type elem_t = Access.t
(** Overapproximation of number of locks that are currently held *)
module LocksDomain : sig
type t
@ -89,21 +85,21 @@ end
(** snapshot of the relevant state at the time of a heap access: concurrent thread(s), lock(s) held,
ownership precondition *)
module AccessSnapshot : sig
type t = private
{ access: TraceElem.t
module AccessSnapshotElem : sig
type t =
{ access: Access.t
; thread: ThreadsDomain.t
; lock: bool
; ownership_precondition: OwnershipAbstractValue.t }
include PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t := t
include ExplicitTrace.TraceElem with type elem_t = AccessSnapshotElem.t
val is_write : t -> bool
(** is it a write OR a container write *)
val is_container_write : t -> bool
val make_loc_trace : t -> Errlog.loc_trace
val get_loc : t -> Location.t
val make_access :
@ -135,16 +131,13 @@ module AccessSnapshot : sig
val update_callee_access :
-> t
-> Procname.t
-> Location.t
-> CallSite.t
-> OwnershipAbstractValue.t
-> ThreadsDomain.t
-> LocksDomain.t
-> t option
(** map of access metadata |-> set of accesses. the map should hold all accesses to a
possibly-unowned access path *)
module AccessDomain : sig
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSetS with type elt = AccessSnapshot.t
@ -197,6 +190,10 @@ type t =
; attribute_map: AttributeMapDomain.t
(** map of access paths to attributes such as owned, functional, ... *) }
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type t := t
val add_unannotated_call_access : FormalMap.t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> t -> t
(** same as astate, but without [attribute_map] (since these involve locals) and with the addition
of the ownership/attributes associated with the return value as well as the set of formals which
may escape *)
@ -209,8 +206,4 @@ type summary =
val empty_summary : summary
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type t := t
val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit
val add_unannotated_call_access : FormalMap.t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> t -> t
