@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module Access = struct
if is_write then ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } else ContainerRead { exp ; pname }
let make_unannotated_call_access pname = InterfaceCall pname
let is_write = function
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
@ -130,31 +132,6 @@ module CallPrinter = struct
let pp fmt cs = F . fprintf fmt " call to %a " Procname . pp ( CallSite . pname cs )
module TraceElem = struct
include ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElemModuloLocation ( Access ) ( CallPrinter )
(* * This choice means the comparator is insensitive to the location access. This preserves
correctness only if the overlying comparator ( AccessSnapshot ) takes into account the
characteristics of the access ( eg lock status ) . * )
let is_write { elem } = Access . is_write elem
let is_container_write { elem } = Access . is_container_write elem
let should_keep formals { elem } = Access . should_keep formals elem
let map_access ~ f trace_elem = map ~ f : ( Access . map ~ f ) trace_elem
let make_container_access access_exp pname ~ is_write loc =
make ( Access . make_container_access access_exp pname ~ is_write ) loc
let make_field_access access_exp ~ is_write loc =
make ( Access . make_field_access access_exp ~ is_write ) loc
let make_unannotated_call_access pname loc = make ( Access . InterfaceCall pname ) loc
module LocksDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . CountDomain ( struct
(* * arbitrary threshold for max locks we expect to be held simultaneously *)
@ -281,83 +258,85 @@ module OwnershipAbstractValue = struct
module AccessSnapshot = struct
module AccessSnapshotElem = struct
type t =
{ access : TraceElem . t
{ access : Access . t
; thread : ThreadsDomain . t
; lock : bool
; ownership_precondition : OwnershipAbstractValue . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let is_write { access } = TraceElem . is_write access
let pp fmt { access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
F . fprintf fmt " Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a " Access . pp access ThreadsDomain . pp
thread lock OwnershipAbstractValue . pp ownership_precondition
let make_loc_trace { access } = TraceElem . make_loc_trace access
let get_loc { access } = TraceElem . get_loc access
let describe fmt { access } = Access . describe fmt access
include ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElemModuloLocation ( AccessSnapshotElem ) ( CallPrinter )
let is_write { elem = { access } } = Access . is_write access
let is_container_write { access } = TraceElem . is_container_write access
let is_container_write { elem= { access } } = Access . is_container_write access
let make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition =
let filter formals t =
( not ( OwnershipAbstractValue . is_owned ownership_precondition) )
&& TraceElem. should_keep formals access
then Some { access ; lock ; t hread; ownership_precondition }
( not ( OwnershipAbstractValue . is_owned t. elem . ownership_precondition) )
&& Access. should_keep formals t . elem . access
then Some t
else None
let make formals access lock_astate thread ownership_precondition =
let lock = not ( LocksDomain . is_bottom lock_astate ) in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc =
make { access ; lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } loc | > filter formals
let make_unannotated_call_access formals pname lock ownership loc =
let lock = LocksDomain . is_locked lock in
let access = Access . make_unannotated_call_access pname in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock ownership loc
let make_access formals acc_exp ~ is_write loc lock thread ownership_precondition =
let lock = LocksDomain . is_locked lock in
let access = TraceElem . make_field_access acc_exp ~ is_write loc in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let access = Access . make_field_access acc_exp ~ is_write in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc
let make_container_access formals acc_exp ~ is_write callee loc lock thread ownership_precondition
let lock = LocksDomain . is_locked lock in
let access = TraceElem . make_container_access acc_exp callee ~ is_write loc in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let make_from_snapshot formals access { lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } =
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition
let access = Access . make_container_access acc_exp callee ~ is_write in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc
let map_opt formals ~ f t =
let access = TraceElem . map_access ~ f t . access in
make_from_snapshot formals access t
map t ~ f : ( fun elem -> { elem with access = Access . map ~ f elem . access } ) | > filter formals
let update_callee_access formals snapshot callee_pname loc ownership_precondition threads locks =
let access = TraceElem . with_callsite snapshot . access ( CallSite . make callee_pname loc ) in
let locks = if snapshot . lock then LocksDomain . acquire_lock locks else locks in
let update_callee_access formals snapshot callsite ownership_precondition threads locks =
let thread =
ThreadsDomain . integrate_summary ~ callee_astate : snapshot . thread ~ caller_astate : threads
ThreadsDomain . integrate_summary ~ callee_astate : snapshot . elem . thread ~ caller_astate : threads
make formals access locks thread ownership_precondition
let lock = snapshot . elem . lock | | LocksDomain . is_locked locks in
with_callsite snapshot callsite
| > map ~ f : ( fun elem -> { elem with lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } )
| > filter formals
let is_unprotected { thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
let is_unprotected { elem= { thread; lock ; ownership_precondition } } =
( not ( ThreadsDomain . is_any_but_self thread ) )
&& ( not lock )
&& not ( OwnershipAbstractValue . is_owned ownership_precondition )
let pp fmt { access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
F . fprintf fmt " Loc: %a Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a " Location . pp
( TraceElem . get_loc access ) TraceElem . pp access ThreadsDomain . pp thread lock
OwnershipAbstractValue . pp ownership_precondition
module AccessDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( AccessSnapshot )
let add ( { AccessSnapshot . access= { elem } } as s ) astate =
let add ( { AccessSnapshot . elem = { access } } as s ) astate =
let skip =
Access . get_access_exp elem
Access . get_access_exp access
| > Option . exists ~ f : ( fun exp -> AccessExpression . get_base exp | > fst | > should_skip_var )
if skip then astate else add s astate
@ -567,6 +546,8 @@ let pp fmt {threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map} =
let add_unannotated_call_access formals pname loc ( astate : t ) =
let access = TraceElem . make_unannotated_call_access pname loc in
let snapshot = AccessSnapshot . make formals access astate . locks astate . threads Unowned in
let snapshot =
AccessSnapshot . make_unannotated_call_access formals pname astate . locks astate . threads Unowned
{ astate with accesses = AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot astate . accesses }