@ -127,16 +127,22 @@ module Node = struct
type node = t
type node = t
let pp_id f id = F.pp_print_int f id
let pp f node = pp_id f (get_id node)
module NodeSet = Caml.Set.Make (struct
module NodeSet = Caml.Set.Make (struct
type t = node
type t = node
let compare = compare
let compare = compare
module IdMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct
module IdMap = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (struct
type t = id
type t = id
let compare = compare_id
let compare = compare_id
let pp = pp_id
let get_exn node = node.exn
let get_exn node = node.exn
@ -191,10 +197,6 @@ module Node = struct
fun start_node ~f -> find ~f NodeSet.empty [start_node]
fun start_node ~f -> find ~f NodeSet.empty [start_node]
let pp_id f id = F.pp_print_int f id
let pp f node = pp_id f (get_id node)
let get_distance_to_exit node = node.dist_exit
let get_distance_to_exit node = node.dist_exit
(** Append the instructions to the list of instructions to execute *)
(** Append the instructions to the list of instructions to execute *)
@ -398,13 +400,15 @@ type t =
; mutable nodes_num: int (** number of nodes *)
; mutable nodes_num: int (** number of nodes *)
; mutable start_node: Node.t (** start node of this procedure *)
; mutable start_node: Node.t (** start node of this procedure *)
; mutable exit_node: Node.t (** exit node of this procedure *)
; mutable exit_node: Node.t (** exit node of this procedure *)
; mutable loop_heads: NodeSet.t option (** loop head nodes of this procedure *) }
; mutable loop_heads: NodeSet.t option (** loop head nodes of this procedure *)
; mutable wto: Node.t WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.t option
(** weak topological order of this procedure *) }
let from_proc_attributes attributes =
let from_proc_attributes attributes =
let pname = attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in
let pname = attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in
let start_node = Node.dummy pname in
let start_node = Node.dummy pname in
let exit_node = Node.dummy pname in
let exit_node = Node.dummy pname in
{attributes; nodes= []; nodes_num= 0; start_node; exit_node; loop_heads= None}
{attributes; nodes= []; nodes_num= 0; start_node; exit_node; loop_heads= None; wto= None}
(** Compute the distance of each node to the exit node, if not computed already *)
(** Compute the distance of each node to the exit node, if not computed already *)
@ -570,35 +574,52 @@ let node_set_succs_exn pdesc (node : Node.t) succs exn =
set_succs_exn_base node succs exn
set_succs_exn_base node succs exn
(** Get loop heads for widening.
module PreProcCfg = struct
It collects all target nodes of back-edges in a depth-first
type nonrec t = t
let fold_succs _cfg n ~init ~f = n |> Node.get_succs |> List.fold ~init ~f
let get_loop_heads pdesc =
let rec set_loop_head_rec visited heads wl =
match wl with
| [] ->
| (n, ancester) :: wl' ->
if NodeSet.mem n visited then
if NodeSet.mem n ancester then set_loop_head_rec visited (NodeSet.add n heads) wl'
else set_loop_head_rec visited heads wl'
let ancester = NodeSet.add n ancester in
let succs = List.append (Node.get_succs n) (Node.get_exn n) in
let works = List.map ~f:(fun m -> (m, ancester)) succs in
set_loop_head_rec (NodeSet.add n visited) heads (List.append works wl')
let start_wl = [(get_start_node pdesc, NodeSet.empty)] in
let lh = set_loop_head_rec NodeSet.empty NodeSet.empty start_wl in
pdesc.loop_heads <- Some lh ;
let start_node = get_start_node
module Node = struct
type t = Node.t
type id = Node.id
let id = Node.get_id
module IdMap = IdMap
module WTO = WeakTopologicalOrder.Bourdoncle_SCC (PreProcCfg)
let get_wto pdesc =
match pdesc.wto with
| Some wto ->
| None ->
let wto = WTO.make pdesc in
pdesc.wto <- Some wto ;
(** Get loop heads for widening. *)
let get_loop_heads pdesc =
match pdesc.loop_heads with
| Some lh ->
| None ->
let wto = get_wto pdesc in
let lh =
WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.fold_heads wto ~init:NodeSet.empty ~f:(fun acc head ->
NodeSet.add head acc )
pdesc.loop_heads <- Some lh ;
let is_loop_head pdesc (node : Node.t) =
let lh = match pdesc.loop_heads with Some lh -> lh | None -> get_loop_heads pdesc in
NodeSet.mem node lh
let is_loop_head pdesc (node : Node.t) = NodeSet.mem node (get_loop_heads pdesc)
let pp_modify_in_block fmt modify_in_block =
let pp_modify_in_block fmt modify_in_block =
if modify_in_block then Format.pp_print_string fmt "(__block)" else ()
if modify_in_block then Format.pp_print_string fmt "(__block)" else ()