[nullsafe] Support Nullsafe(Local, trust=all/none) mode

Add support for nullsafe mode with `trust=all` and `trust=none` a case
with a specific trust list is not supported yet and needs to be
implemented separately.

Tests introduce one unexpected
complains about `this` having incorrect nullability; it is a bug and
needs to be fixed separately.

Reviewed By: mityal

Differential Revision: D19662708

fbshipit-source-id: 3bc1e3952
Artem Pianykh 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 43b3ef60f8
commit b50f13eb18

@ -412,8 +412,9 @@ OPTIONS

@ -141,8 +141,9 @@ OPTIONS

@ -412,8 +412,9 @@ OPTIONS

@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ let rec has_matching_str_value ~pred = function
let find_parameter t ~name =
let match_name param = Option.exists param.name ~f:(String.equal name) in
List.find t.parameters ~f:match_name |> Option.map ~f:(fun x -> x.value)
(** Pretty print an annotation. *)
let prefix = match Language.curr_language_is Java with true -> "@" | false -> "_"

@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ val final : t
val has_matching_str_value : pred:(string -> bool) -> value -> bool
(** Check if annotation parameter value contains a string satisfying a predicate. For convenience it
works both with raw [Vstr] and [Vstr] inside [Varray]. *)
works both with raw [Str] and [Str] inside [Array]. *)
val find_parameter : t -> name:string -> value option
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print an annotation. *)

@ -277,14 +277,14 @@ let eradicate_return_over_annotated =
register_from_string "ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED" ~hum:"Return Over Annotated"
let eradicate_forbidden_non_strict_in_strict =
~hum:"Strict mode: unchecked usage of a value from non-strict code"
let eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe =
~hum:"Nullsafe mode: unchecked usage of a value"
let eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_strict =
~hum:"Strict mode: unchecked usage of unvetted third-party"
let eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe =
~hum:"Nullsafe mode: unchecked usage of unvetted third-party"
let expensive_cost_call ~kind ~is_on_cold_start ~is_on_ui_thread =

@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ val eradicate_return_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_return_over_annotated : t
val eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_strict : t
val eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe : t
val eradicate_forbidden_non_strict_in_strict : t
val eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe : t
val expensive_cost_call : kind:CostKind.t -> is_on_cold_start:bool -> is_on_ui_thread:bool -> t

@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ let nullable = "Nullable"
let nullsafe_strict = "NullsafeStrict"
let nullsafe = "Nullsafe"
let mainthread = "MainThread"
let nonblocking = "NonBlocking"
@ -142,6 +144,8 @@ let class_name_matches s ((annot : Annot.t), _) = String.equal s annot.class_nam
let ia_ends_with ia ann_name = List.exists ~f:(fun (a, _) -> annot_ends_with a ann_name) ia
let find_ia_ends_with ia ann_name = List.find ~f:(fun (a, _) -> annot_ends_with a ann_name) ia
let ia_contains ia ann_name = List.exists ~f:(class_name_matches ann_name) ia
let pdesc_get_return_annot pdesc =
@ -192,6 +196,8 @@ let ia_is_nonnull ia = List.exists ~f:(ia_ends_with ia) [nonnull; notnull; camel
let ia_is_nullsafe_strict ia = ia_ends_with ia nullsafe_strict
let ia_find_nullsafe ia = Option.map (find_ia_ends_with ia nullsafe) ~f:fst
let ia_is_false_on_null ia = ia_ends_with ia false_on_null
let ia_is_returns_ownership ia = ia_ends_with ia returns_ownership

@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ val ia_is_nullable : Annot.Item.t -> bool
val ia_is_nullsafe_strict : Annot.Item.t -> bool
val ia_find_nullsafe : Annot.Item.t -> Annot.t option
val ia_is_true_on_null : Annot.Item.t -> bool
val ia_is_expensive : Annot.Item.t -> bool

@ -216,3 +216,14 @@ let move_last_to_first =
move_last_to_first_helper tl (hd :: rev_acc)
fun l -> move_last_to_first_helper l []
let traverse_opt xs ~f =
List.fold_until xs ~init:[]
~f:(fun acc x ->
match f x with
| Some r ->
Continue_or_stop.Continue (r :: acc)
| _ ->
Continue_or_stop.Stop None )
~finish:(fun acc -> Some (List.rev acc))

@ -69,3 +69,7 @@ val fold2_result :
-> ('acc, 'err) result Base.List.Or_unequal_lengths.t
val move_last_to_first : 'a list -> 'a list
val traverse_opt : 'a list -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b list option
(** Applies [f] to the elements of the list and returns [None] if any application results in [None]
otherwise returns [Some list']. *)

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module F = Format
type t =
| Nullable of nullable_origin
| UncheckedNonnull of unchecked_nonnull_origin (** See {!Nullability.t} for explanation *)
| LocallyCheckedNonnull
| StrictNonnull of strict_nonnull_origin
[@@deriving compare]
@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ let get_nullability = function
| UncheckedNonnull _ ->
| LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| StrictNonnull _ ->
@ -87,6 +90,8 @@ let pp fmt t =
F.fprintf fmt "Nullable[%s]" (string_of_nullable_origin origin)
| UncheckedNonnull origin ->
F.fprintf fmt "UncheckedNonnull[%s]" (string_of_declared_nonnull_origin origin)
| LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
F.fprintf fmt "LocallyCheckedNonnull"
| StrictNonnull origin ->
F.fprintf fmt "StrictNonnull[%s]" (string_of_nonnull_origin origin)
@ -103,6 +108,8 @@ let of_type_and_annotation ~(nullsafe_mode : NullsafeMode.t) typ annotations =
match nullsafe_mode with
| NullsafeMode.Strict ->
StrictNonnull StrictMode
| NullsafeMode.Local _ ->
| NullsafeMode.Default ->
if Annotations.ia_is_nonnull annotations then UncheckedNonnull AnnotatedNonnull
(* Currently, we treat not annotated types as nonnull *)

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open! IStd
type t =
| Nullable of nullable_origin
| UncheckedNonnull of unchecked_nonnull_origin (** See {!Nullability.t} for explanation *)
| LocallyCheckedNonnull
| StrictNonnull of strict_nonnull_origin
[@@deriving compare]

@ -22,26 +22,38 @@ and function_info =
; param_position: int
; function_procname: Procname.t }
let is_whitelisted_assignment ~nullsafe_mode ~lhs ~rhs =
match nullsafe_mode with
| NullsafeMode.Default -> (
match (lhs, rhs) with
| Nullability.StrictNonnull, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
(* We allow UncheckedNonnull -> StrictNonnull conversion outside of strict mode for better adoption.
Otherwise using strictified classes in non-strict context becomes a pain because
of extra warnings.
| _ ->
false )
(** For better adoption we allow certain conversions. Otherwise using code checked under different
nullsafe modes becomes a pain because of extra warnings. *)
module AssignmentWhitelist = struct
let all_whitelisted =
[ (Nullability.StrictNonnull, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull)
; (Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull)
; (Nullability.StrictNonnull, Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull) ]
let all_whitelisted_in_mode = function
| NullsafeMode.Default | NullsafeMode.Local NullsafeMode.Trust.All ->
| NullsafeMode.Local (NullsafeMode.Trust.Only ([] as _classes))
| NullsafeMode.Local (NullsafeMode.Trust.Only _classes) ->
(* TODO(T61473665): case with specified non-empty classes not supported now, defaulting to trust=none *)
[(Nullability.StrictNonnull, Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull)]
| NullsafeMode.Strict ->
let is_allowed_in_mode ~nullsafe_mode ~lhs ~rhs =
List.exists (all_whitelisted_in_mode nullsafe_mode) ~f:(Nullability.equal_pair (lhs, rhs))
let is_potentially_allowed ~lhs ~rhs =
List.exists all_whitelisted ~f:(Nullability.equal_pair (lhs, rhs))
let check ~(nullsafe_mode : NullsafeMode.t) ~lhs ~rhs =
let is_allowed_assignment =
Nullability.is_subtype ~subtype:rhs ~supertype:lhs
|| is_whitelisted_assignment ~nullsafe_mode ~lhs ~rhs
|| AssignmentWhitelist.is_allowed_in_mode ~nullsafe_mode ~lhs ~rhs
Result.ok_if_true is_allowed_assignment ~error:{nullsafe_mode; lhs; rhs}
@ -67,7 +79,7 @@ let pp_param_name fmt mangled =
else Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" MarkupFormatter.pp_monospaced name
let bad_param_description
let mk_description_for_bad_param_passed
{model_source; param_signature; actual_param_expression; param_position; function_procname}
~param_nullability nullability_evidence =
let nullability_evidence_as_suffix =
@ -83,7 +95,9 @@ let bad_param_description
| Nullability.Nullable ->
| Nullability.StrictNonnull | Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
| Nullability.StrictNonnull
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull
| Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability"
Format.asprintf "%a is %s" MF.pp_monospaced actual_param_expression nullability_descr
@ -102,7 +116,7 @@ let bad_param_description
match suggested_file_to_add_third_party with
| Some sig_file_name ->
(* This is a special case. While for FB codebase we can assume "not annotated hence not nullable" rule for all signatures,
(* This is a special case. While for FB codebase we can assume "not annotated hence not nullable" rule for all_whitelisted signatures,
This is not the case for third party functions, which can have different conventions,
So we can not just say "param is declared as non-nullable" like we say for FB-internal or modelled case:
param can be nullable according to API but it was just not annotated.
@ -135,18 +149,6 @@ let bad_param_description
let is_unchecked_nonnull_to_strict_nonnull ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| Nullability.StrictNonnull, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
(* Don't fold those cases into catch-all *)
| Nullability.StrictNonnull, _
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull, _
| Nullability.Nullable, _
| Nullability.Null, _ ->
let get_issue_type = function
| PassingParamToFunction _ ->
@ -158,12 +160,12 @@ let get_issue_type = function
let violation_description {nullsafe_mode; lhs; rhs} ~assignment_location assignment_type ~rhs_origin
if is_unchecked_nonnull_to_strict_nonnull ~lhs ~rhs then (
if not (NullsafeMode.equal nullsafe_mode NullsafeMode.Strict) then
Logging.die InternalError "Unexpected situation: should not be a violation not in strict mode" ;
(* This type of violation is more subtle than the normal case because, so it should be rendered in a special way *)
ErrorRenderingUtils.get_strict_mode_violation_issue ~bad_usage_location:assignment_location
rhs_origin )
if AssignmentWhitelist.is_potentially_allowed ~lhs ~rhs then
(* This type of violation is more subtle than the normal case, so it should
be rendered in a special way. An 'impossible case' is checked in the
following call and will cause infer to die. *)
ErrorRenderingUtils.mk_special_nullsafe_issue ~nullsafe_mode ~bad_nullability:rhs
~bad_usage_location:assignment_location rhs_origin
let nullability_evidence =
get_origin_opt assignment_type rhs_origin
@ -176,30 +178,33 @@ let violation_description {nullsafe_mode; lhs; rhs} ~assignment_location assignm
let error_message =
match assignment_type with
| PassingParamToFunction function_info ->
bad_param_description function_info nullability_evidence ~param_nullability:rhs
mk_description_for_bad_param_passed function_info nullability_evidence
| AssigningToField field_name ->
let rhs_description =
match rhs with
| Null ->
| Nullable ->
"a nullable"
| StrictNonnull | UncheckedNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability"
| StrictNonnull | UncheckedNonnull | LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability")
Format.asprintf "%a is declared non-nullable but is assigned %s%s." MF.pp_monospaced
(Fieldname.get_field_name field_name)
rhs_description nullability_evidence_as_suffix
| ReturningFromFunction function_proc_name ->
let return_description =
match rhs with
| Null ->
(* Return `null` in all branches *)
(* Return `null` in all_whitelisted branches *)
| Nullable ->
"a nullable value"
| StrictNonnull | UncheckedNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability"
| StrictNonnull | UncheckedNonnull | LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability")
Format.asprintf "%a: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns %s%s."

@ -21,10 +21,19 @@ let check ~nullsafe_mode nullability =
Error {nullsafe_mode; nullability}
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull -> (
match nullsafe_mode with
| NullsafeMode.Strict ->
| NullsafeMode.Strict | NullsafeMode.Local (NullsafeMode.Trust.Only []) ->
Error {nullsafe_mode; nullability}
| NullsafeMode.Local (NullsafeMode.Trust.Only _typ_names) ->
(* TODO(T61473665). For now treat as trust=none. *)
Error {nullsafe_mode; nullability}
| NullsafeMode.Default ->
| NullsafeMode.Local NullsafeMode.Trust.All | NullsafeMode.Default ->
Ok () )
| Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull -> (
match nullsafe_mode with
| NullsafeMode.Default | NullsafeMode.Local _ ->
Ok ()
| NullsafeMode.Strict ->
Error {nullsafe_mode; nullability} )
| Nullability.StrictNonnull ->
Ok ()
@ -40,15 +49,15 @@ let get_origin_opt ~nullable_object_descr origin =
if should_show_origin then Some origin else None
let violation_description {nullability} ~dereference_location dereference_type
let violation_description {nullsafe_mode; nullability} ~dereference_location dereference_type
~nullable_object_descr ~nullable_object_origin =
let module MF = MarkupFormatter in
match nullability with
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
(* This can happen only in strict mode.
This type of violation is more subtle than the normal case because, so it should be rendered in a special way *)
ErrorRenderingUtils.get_strict_mode_violation_issue ~bad_usage_location:dereference_location
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull | Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
(* These types of violations are possible in non-default nullsafe mode. For them we
provide tailored error messages. *)
ErrorRenderingUtils.mk_special_nullsafe_issue ~nullsafe_mode ~bad_nullability:nullability
~bad_usage_location:dereference_location nullable_object_origin
| _ ->
let what_is_dereferred_str =
match dereference_type with
@ -95,7 +104,9 @@ let violation_description {nullability} ~dereference_location dereference_type
| Nullability.Nullable ->
Format.sprintf "%s is nullable and is not locally checked for null when %s%s."
what_is_dereferred_str action_descr suffix
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull | Nullability.StrictNonnull ->
| Nullability.UncheckedNonnull
| Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull
| Nullability.StrictNonnull ->
Logging.die InternalError "Invariant violation: unexpected nullability"
(description, IssueType.eradicate_nullable_dereference, dereference_location)

@ -83,7 +83,34 @@ let get_field_class_name field_name =
|> Option.value_map ~f:(fun (classname, _) -> classname) ~default:"the field class"
let get_info object_origin =
let mk_coming_from nullsafe_mode nullability =
match (nullsafe_mode, nullability) with
| NullsafeMode.Strict, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
"non-strict classes"
| NullsafeMode.Strict, Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
"nullsafe-local classes"
| NullsafeMode.Local _, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
"non-nullsafe classes"
| (_ as mode), nullability ->
Logging.die InternalError "Unexpected: using %s in %a should not be a violation"
(Nullability.to_string nullability)
NullsafeMode.pp mode
let mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode nullability what =
match (nullsafe_mode, nullability) with
| NullsafeMode.Strict, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull
| NullsafeMode.Strict, Nullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Format.sprintf "make %s nullsafe strict" what
| NullsafeMode.Local _, Nullability.UncheckedNonnull ->
Format.sprintf "make %s nullsafe" what
| (_ as mode), nullability ->
Logging.die InternalError "Unexpected: using %s in %a should not be a violation"
(Nullability.to_string nullability)
NullsafeMode.pp mode
let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
match object_origin with
| TypeOrigin.MethodCall {pname; call_loc} ->
let offending_object =
@ -106,15 +133,15 @@ let get_info object_origin =
match suggested_third_party_sig_file with
| None ->
( "non-strict classes"
, Format.sprintf "strictify %s" what_to_strictify
, IssueType.eradicate_forbidden_non_strict_in_strict )
( mk_coming_from nullsafe_mode bad_nullability
, mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode bad_nullability what_to_strictify
, IssueType.eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe )
| Some sig_file_name ->
( "not vetted third party methods"
, Format.sprintf "add the correct signature to %s"
, IssueType.eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_strict )
, IssueType.eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe )
{ offending_object
; object_loc
@ -131,9 +158,11 @@ let get_info object_origin =
(* TODO: currently we do not support third-party annotations for fields. Because of this,
render error like it is a non-stict class. *)
let what_is_used = "This field" in
let coming_from_explanation = "non-strict classes" in
let recommendation = Format.sprintf "strictify %s" (get_field_class_name field_name) in
let issue_type = IssueType.eradicate_forbidden_non_strict_in_strict in
let coming_from_explanation = mk_coming_from nullsafe_mode bad_nullability in
let recommendation =
mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode bad_nullability (get_field_class_name field_name)
let issue_type = IssueType.eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe in
{ offending_object
; object_loc
; coming_from_explanation
@ -145,20 +174,20 @@ let get_info object_origin =
"Invariant violation: unexpected origin of declared non-nullable value"
let get_strict_mode_violation_issue ~bad_usage_location object_origin =
let mk_special_nullsafe_issue ~nullsafe_mode ~bad_nullability ~bad_usage_location object_origin =
let { offending_object
; object_loc
; coming_from_explanation
; what_is_used
; recommendation
; issue_type } =
get_info object_origin
get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability
let description =
"%s: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from %s without a check. %s is \
used at line %d. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or %s."
offending_object coming_from_explanation what_is_used bad_usage_location.Location.line
"%s: `@Nullsafe%a` mode prohibits using values coming from %s without a check. %s is used at \
line %d. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or %s."
offending_object NullsafeMode.pp nullsafe_mode coming_from_explanation what_is_used
bad_usage_location.Location.line recommendation
(description, issue_type, object_loc)

@ -13,9 +13,13 @@ val is_object_nullability_self_explanatory : object_expression:string -> TypeOri
(** In order to understand why such and such object is nullable (or not nullable), we render its
origin. In some cases this is redundant and adds extra noise for the user. *)
val get_strict_mode_violation_issue :
bad_usage_location:Location.t -> TypeOrigin.t -> string * IssueType.t * Location.t
(** Situation when we tried to use UncheckedNonnull as StrictNonnull. This is disallowed only in
strict mode. Returns a tuple (error message, issue type, error location). NOTE: Location of the
error will be NOT in the place when the value is used (that is [bad_usage_location]), but where
the value is first obtained from. *)
val mk_special_nullsafe_issue :
-> bad_nullability:Nullability.t
-> bad_usage_location:Location.t
-> TypeOrigin.t
-> string * IssueType.t * Location.t
(** Situation when we tried to use nonnull values of incompatible modes. This is disallowed in
strict and local mode. Returns a tuple (error message, issue type, error location). NOTE:
Location of the error will be NOT in the place when the value is used (that is
[bad_usage_location]), but where the value is first obtained from. *)

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ type t =
(** The type comes from a signature that is annotated (explicitly or implicitly according to
conventions) as non-nullable. However, it might still contain null since the truthfulness
of the declaration was not checked. *)
| LocallyCheckedNonnull
(** Non-nullable value the comes from a class checked under local mode. Local mode type-checks
files against its dependencies but does not require the dependencies to be transitively
checked. Therefore this type of non-nullable value is differentiated from StrictNonnull. *)
| StrictNonnull
(** Non-nullable value with the highest degree of certainty, because it is either:
@ -27,6 +31,8 @@ type t =
strike the balance between the strictness of analysis, convenience, and real-world risk. *)
[@@deriving compare, equal]
type pair = t * t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let top = Nullable
let join x y =
@ -39,6 +45,8 @@ let join x y =
| UncheckedNonnull, _ | _, UncheckedNonnull ->
| LocallyCheckedNonnull, _ | _, LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| StrictNonnull, StrictNonnull ->
@ -52,5 +60,7 @@ let to_string = function
| UncheckedNonnull ->
| LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| StrictNonnull ->

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ type t =
(** The type comes from a signature that is annotated (explicitly or implicitly according to
conventions) as non-nullable. Hovewer, it might still contain null since the truthfullness
of the declaration was not checked. *)
| LocallyCheckedNonnull
(** Non-nullable value that comes from a class checked under local mode. Local mode
type-checks files against its dependencies but does not require the dependencies to be
transitively checked. Therefore this type of non-nullable value is differentiated from
StrictNonnull. *)
| StrictNonnull
(** We believe that this value can not be null because it is either a non-null literal, an
expression that semantically cannot be null, or a non-null value that should not be null
@ -30,6 +35,8 @@ type t =
programs. *)
[@@deriving compare, equal]
type pair = t * t [@@deriving compare, equal]
val top : t
(** The most generic type. *)

@ -8,18 +8,89 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
type t = Default | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
module Trust = struct
type t = All | Only of Typ.name list [@@deriving compare, equal]
let none = Only []
let extract_trust_list = function
| Annot.Array class_values ->
(* The only elements of this array can be class names; therefore short-circuit and return None if it's not the case. *)
IList.traverse_opt class_values ~f:(fun el ->
match el with Annot.Class class_typ -> Typ.name class_typ | _ -> None )
| _ ->
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let trust_all = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustAll" in
let* trust_list = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
let* trust_classes = extract_trust_list trust_list in
match trust_all with
| None ->
return none
| Some (Annot.Bool trust_all') ->
if trust_all' then return All else return (Only trust_classes)
| _ ->
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| All ->
F.fprintf fmt "all"
| Only [] ->
F.fprintf fmt "none"
| Only names ->
F.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:F.pp_print_space Typ.Name.pp) names
type t = Default | Local of Trust.t | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| Default ->
F.fprintf fmt "Def"
| Strict ->
F.fprintf fmt "Strict"
| Local trust ->
F.fprintf fmt "Local(trust=%a)" Trust.pp trust
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* mode = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
match mode with
| Annot.Enum {value= "STRICT"} ->
return Strict
| Annot.Enum {value= "LOCAL"} -> (
match Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustOnly" with
| None ->
(* When trustOnly values is missing, the default is in effect, which is Trust.All *)
return (Local Trust.All)
| Some (Annot.Annot trustOnly') ->
let* trust = Trust.of_annot trustOnly' in
return (Local trust)
| Some _ ->
None )
| _ ->
let of_class tenv typ_name =
match PatternMatch.type_name_get_annotation tenv typ_name with
| Some annots ->
if Annotations.ia_is_nullsafe_strict annots then Strict else Default
| Some annots -> (
if Annotations.ia_is_nullsafe_strict annots then Strict
match Annotations.ia_find_nullsafe annots with
| Some nullsafe_annot ->
Option.value_exn (of_annot nullsafe_annot)
~message:"Unexpected change in @Nullsafe annotation format"
| _ ->
Default )
| None ->
let severity = function Strict -> Exceptions.Error | Default -> Exceptions.Warning
let to_string = function Default -> " Def" | Strict -> "Strict"
let pp fmt t = F.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string t)
let severity = function Strict | Local _ -> Exceptions.Error | Default -> Exceptions.Warning

@ -9,7 +9,25 @@ open! IStd
(** Represents a type-checking mode of nullsafe. *)
type t = Default | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
module Trust : sig
[@@@warning "-32"]
type t = All | Only of Typ.name list [@@deriving compare, equal]
val none : t
val of_annot : Annot.t -> t option
(** Returns [Trust.t] when provided annotation matches the format of [@TrustList], otherwise
[None]. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type t = Default | Local of Trust.t | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
val of_annot : Annot.t -> t option
[@@warning "-32"]
(** Returns [t] when provided annotation matches the format of [@Nullsafe], otherwise [None]. *)
val of_class : Tenv.t -> Typ.name -> t
(** Extracts mode information from class annotations *)

@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ let is_declared_nonnull AnnotatedField.{annotated_type} =
match annotated_type.nullability with
| AnnotatedNullability.Nullable _ ->
| AnnotatedNullability.UncheckedNonnull _ ->
| AnnotatedNullability.UncheckedNonnull _
| AnnotatedNullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull
| AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull _ ->

@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ let get_method_ret_description pname call_loc
match nullability with
| AnnotatedNullability.Nullable _ ->
| AnnotatedNullability.UncheckedNonnull _ | AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull _ ->
| AnnotatedNullability.UncheckedNonnull _
| AnnotatedNullability.LocallyCheckedNonnull
| AnnotatedNullability.StrictNonnull _ ->
let model_info =

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let inputs =
; ("4", [4]) ]
let tests =
let inter_tests =
let inter_test input1 input2 _ =
let using_list = IList.inter ~cmp:Int.compare input1 input2 in
let using_set =
@ -31,9 +31,26 @@ let tests =
assert_equal using_list using_set
let tests_ =
List.concat_map inputs ~f:(fun (name1, input1) ->
List.map inputs ~f:(fun (name2, input2) ->
"inter_" ^ name1 ^ "_with_" ^ name2 >:: inter_test input1 input2 ) )
let traverse_test =
let test_empty _ = assert_equal (Some []) (IList.traverse_opt [] ~f:(fun _ -> None)) in
let test_none _ = assert_equal None (IList.traverse_opt [42] ~f:(fun _ -> None)) in
let test_none_first _ =
assert_equal None (IList.traverse_opt [42; 43] ~f:(fun n -> Option.some_if (Int.equal n 43) n))
let test_none_last _ =
assert_equal None (IList.traverse_opt [42; 43] ~f:(fun n -> Option.some_if (Int.equal n 42) n))
"IList_tests" >::: tests_
let test_some _ = assert_equal (Some [42; 43]) (IList.traverse_opt [42; 43] ~f:Option.some) in
[ "traverse_opt_empty" >:: test_empty
; "traverse_opt_none" >:: test_none
; "traverse_opt_none_first" >:: test_none_first
; "traverse_opt_none_last" >:: test_none_last
; "traverse_opt_some" >:: test_some ]
let tests = "IList_tests" >::: inter_tests @ traverse_test

@ -23,12 +23,28 @@ public class NullsafeMode {
class NonNullsafe extends VariousMethods {}
class NonNullsafe extends VariousMethods {
String OK_passUncheckedToLocal(String arg) {
return new TrustAllNullsafe().acceptVal(arg);
String OK_passUncheckedToStrictMode(String arg) {
return new NullsafeWithStrictMode().acceptVal(arg);
String OK_passUncheckedToStrict(String arg) {
return new StrictNullsafe().acceptVal(arg);
class AnotherNonNullsafe extends VariousMethods {}
class TrustAllNullsafe extends VariousMethods {
public String acceptVal(String arg) {
return arg;
String OK_returnFromAnyNonNullsafe() {
String a = new NonNullsafe().returnVal();
String b = new AnotherNonNullsafe().returnVal();
@ -38,11 +54,24 @@ public class NullsafeMode {
String BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe() {
return (new NonNullsafe()).returnNull();
String OK_passLocalToStrictMode(String arg) {
return new NullsafeWithStrictMode().acceptVal(arg);
String OK_passLocalToStrict(String arg) {
return new StrictNullsafe().acceptVal(arg);
@Nullsafe(value = Nullsafe.Mode.LOCAL, trustOnly = @Nullsafe.TrustList({NonNullsafe.class}))
class TrustSomeNullsafe extends VariousMethods {
String OK_returnFromNonNullsafe() {
public String returnVal() {
return "OK";
String FP_OK_returnFromNonNullsafe() {
return new NonNullsafe().returnVal();
@ -73,6 +102,15 @@ public class NullsafeMode {
class NullsafeWithStrictMode extends VariousMethods {
public String returnVal() {
return "OK";
public String acceptVal(String arg) {
return arg;
String BAD_returnFromNonStrict() {
return new TrustNoneNullsafe().returnVal();
@ -84,6 +122,15 @@ public class NullsafeMode {
class StrictNullsafe extends VariousMethods {
public String returnVal() {
return "OK";
public String acceptVal(String arg) {
return arg;
String BAD_returnFromNonNullsafe() {
return new NonNullsafe().returnVal();

@ -147,11 +147,15 @@ codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullMethodCall.java, codetoanalyze.java.null
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullMethodCall.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullMethodCall.testSystemGetenvBad():int, 1, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`envValue` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `length()`: call to System.getenv(...) at line 240 (nullable according to nullsafe internal models).]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullMethodCall.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullMethodCall.withConditionalAssignemnt(codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullMethodCall$AnotherI,boolean,java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object):void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`i` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `withObjectParameter(...)`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullMethodCall.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullMethodCall.withConjuction(codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullMethodCall$AnotherI,boolean,boolean):void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`i` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `withBooleanParameter(...)`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$StrictNullsafe.BAD_returnFromNonNullsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 88. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$StrictNullsafe.OK_returnFromNullsafeWithStrictMode():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 92. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustAllNullsafe.BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to returnNull() at line 39.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to returnNull() at line 59.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$NullsafeWithStrictMode.BAD_returnFromNonStrict():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 115. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NullsafeMode$VariousMethods nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$StrictNullsafe.BAD_returnFromNonNullsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 135. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NullsafeMode$VariousMethods nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustAllNullsafe.BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to returnNull() at line 55.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustNoneNullsafe.BAD_returnFromNonNullsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeLocal(trust=none)` mode prohibits using values coming from non-nullsafe classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 95. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NullsafeMode$VariousMethods nullsafe.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.BAD_returnFromAnotherNonNullsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeLocal(trust=none)` mode prohibits using values coming from non-nullsafe classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 79. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NullsafeMode$VariousMethods nullsafe.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`BAD_returnNullFromNonNulsafe()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to returnNull() at line 88.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.FP_OK_returnFromNonNullsafe():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`: `@NullsafeLocal(trust=none)` mode prohibits using values coming from non-nullsafe classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 75. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NullsafeMode$VariousMethods nullsafe.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.OK_returnFromAnotherNonNullsafeAsNullable():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED, no_bucket, WARNING, [Method `OK_returnFromAnotherNonNullsafeAsNullable()` is annotated with `@Nullable` but never returns null.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/NullsafeMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.returnVal():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_INCONSISTENT_SUBCLASS_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [0th parameter `this` of method `NullsafeMode$TrustSomeNullsafe.returnVal()` is missing `@Nullable` declaration when overriding `NullsafeMode$VariousMethods.returnVal()`. The parent method declared it can handle `null` for this param, so the child should also declare that.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ParameterNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ParameterNotNullable$ConstructorCall.<init>(codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ParameterNotNullable,int), 0, ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`ParameterNotNullable$ConstructorCall(...)`: parameter #2(`s`) is declared non-nullable but the argument is `null`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ParameterNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ParameterNotNullable.callNull():void, 1, ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`ParameterNotNullable.test(...)`: parameter #1(`s`) is declared non-nullable but the argument `s` is `null`: null constant at line 39.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ParameterNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ParameterNotNullable.callNullable(java.lang.String):void, 0, ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`ParameterNotNullable.test(...)`: parameter #1(`s`) is declared non-nullable but the argument `s` is nullable.]
@ -222,14 +226,14 @@ codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.n
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ReturnNotNullable.return_null_in_catch_after_throw():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`return_null_in_catch_after_throw()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns `null`: null constant at line 172.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.ReturnNotNullable.tryWithResourcesReturnNullable(java.lang.String):java.lang.Object, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`tryWithResourcesReturnNullable(...)`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to nullToNullableIsOK() at line 142.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.<init>(), 0, ERADICATE_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED, no_bucket, ERROR, [Field `notInitializedIsBAD` is declared non-nullable, so it should be initialized in the constructor or in an `@Initializer` method]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_convertingNonnullToNonnullIsBad():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.getNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 163. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NonStrict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_convertingNonnullToNonnullIsBad():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.getNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 163. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NonStrict nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_convertingNonnullToNullableIsOK():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED, no_bucket, WARNING, [Method `nonStrictClass_convertingNonnullToNullableIsOK()` is annotated with `@Nullable` but never returns null.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_convertingNullableToNonnullIsBad():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`nonStrictClass_convertingNullableToNonnullIsBad()`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to getNullable() at line 137.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullFieldAfterCheckIsOK():void, 1, ERADICATE_CONDITION_REDUNDANT, no_bucket, ADVICE, [The condition NonStrict.nonnull might be always true according to the existing annotations.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullFieldIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.nonnull`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. This field is used at line 133. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NonStrict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullFieldIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.nonnull`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. This field is used at line 133. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NonStrict nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullMethodAfterCheckIsOK():void, 1, ERADICATE_CONDITION_REDUNDANT, no_bucket, ADVICE, [The condition lang.String(o)V might be always true: `NonStrict.getNonnull()` is not annotated as `@Nullable`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.getNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 115. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NonStrict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullStaticMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_NONSTRICT_FROM_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.staticNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 124. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or strictify NonStrict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.getNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 115. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NonStrict nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNonnullStaticMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNCHECKED_USAGE_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`NonStrict.staticNonnull()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from non-strict classes without a check. Result of this call is used at line 124. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or make NonStrict nullsafe strict.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNullableFieldIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`__new(...).nullable` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNullableMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`__new(...).getNullable()` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.nonStrictClass_dereferenceNullableStaticMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`staticNullable()` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`.]
@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.strictClass_dereferenceNullableMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`__new(...).getNullable()` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictMode.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Strict.strictClass_dereferenceNullableStaticMethodIsBad():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`staticNullable()` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictModeForThirdParty.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.StrictModeForThirdParty.dereferenceSpecifiedAsNullableIsBAD():void, 0, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`StrictModeForThirdParty.obj.returnSpecifiedAsNullable()` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`: call to ThirdPartyTestClass.returnSpecifiedAsNullable() at line 45 (declared nullable in nullsafe-default/third-party-signatures/some.test.pckg.sig at line 2).]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictModeForThirdParty.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.StrictModeForThirdParty.dereferenceUnspecifiedIsBAD():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNVETTED_THIRD_PARTY_IN_STRICT, no_bucket, ERROR, [`ThirdPartyTestClass.returnUnspecified()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from not vetted third party methods without a check. Result of this call is used at line 41. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or add the correct signature to nullsafe-default/third-party-signatures/some.test.pckg.sig.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictModeForThirdParty.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.StrictModeForThirdParty.dereferenceUnspecifiedIsBAD():void, 0, ERADICATE_UNVETTED_THIRD_PARTY_IN_NULLSAFE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`ThirdPartyTestClass.returnUnspecified()`: `@NullsafeStrict` mode prohibits using values coming from not vetted third party methods without a check. Result of this call is used at line 41. Either add a local check for null or assertion, or add the correct signature to nullsafe-default/third-party-signatures/some.test.pckg.sig.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictModeForThirdParty.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.StrictModeForThirdParty.passingNullableParamToUnspecifiedIsBAD():void, 0, ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, ERROR, [Third-party `ThirdPartyTestClass.paramUnspecified(...)` is missing a signature that would allow passing a nullable to param #1(`param`). Actual argument `getNullable()` is nullable. Consider adding the correct signature of `ThirdPartyTestClass.paramUnspecified(...)` to nullsafe-default/third-party-signatures/some.test.pckg.sig.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/StrictModeForThirdParty.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.StrictModeForThirdParty.passingNullableToParamSpecifiedAsNonnullIsBAD():void, 0, ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, ERROR, [`ThirdPartyTestClass.secondParamSpecifiedAsNonnull(...)`: parameter #2(`specifiedAsNonnull`) is declared non-nullable (see nullsafe-default/third-party-signatures/some.test.pckg.sig at line 3) but the argument `getNullable()` is nullable.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe-default/SwitchCase.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.SwitchCase.getNullableColor():codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe_default.Color, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED, no_bucket, WARNING, [Method `getNullableColor()` is annotated with `@Nullable` but never returns null.]
