[log] print sensible backtrace and message on `Logging.die`

Calling `Exn.backtrace` doesn't give us the current backtrace, only the one of
the latest exception raised. Change the logic of toplevel exception catching to
print the right backtrace.

Also, do not use `Format` to print from `Config` as `Logging` may have messed
with it already.

Finally, throw in some colours!

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D5764825

fbshipit-source-id: cd51688
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 6ab174f0c3
commit b5ff17825f

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module YBU = Yojson.Basic.Util
module L = SimpleLogging
module L = Die
let ( = ) = String.equal

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ open! PVariant
module F = Format
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = SimpleLogging
module L = Die
type analyzer =
| BiAbduction
@ -1791,29 +1791,33 @@ let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
-> () ) ;
if !version <> `None || !help <> `None then exit 0 ;
let uncaught_exception_handler exn raw_backtrace =
let backtrace, should_print_backtrace_default =
match exn with
| L.InferExternalError (_, bt) | L.InferInternalError (_, bt)
-> (bt, true)
| L.InferUserError (_, bt)
-> (bt, false)
| _
-> (Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string raw_backtrace, true)
let should_print_backtrace_default =
match exn with L.InferUserError _ -> false | _ -> true
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string raw_backtrace in
let print_exception () =
let error prefix msg =
ANSITerminal.(prerr_string [Bold; Foreground Red]) prefix ;
ANSITerminal.(prerr_string [Bold; Foreground Red]) msg ;
Out_channel.newline stderr
match exn with
| Failure msg
-> F.eprintf "ERROR: %s@\n" msg
| L.InferExternalError (msg, _)
-> F.eprintf "External Error: %s@\n" msg
| L.InferInternalError (msg, _)
-> F.eprintf "Internal Error: %s@\n" msg
| L.InferUserError (msg, _)
-> F.eprintf "Usage Error: %s@\n" msg
-> error "ERROR: " msg
| L.InferExternalError msg
-> error "External Error: " msg
| L.InferInternalError msg
-> error "Internal Error: " msg
| L.InferUserError msg
-> error "Usage Error: " msg
| _
-> F.eprintf "Uncaught error: %s@\n" (Exn.to_string exn)
-> error "Uncaught error: " (Exn.to_string exn)
if should_print_backtrace_default || !developer_mode then prerr_endline backtrace ;
if should_print_backtrace_default || !developer_mode then (
Out_channel.newline stderr ;
ANSITerminal.(prerr_string []) "Error backtrace:" ;
Out_channel.newline stderr ;
ANSITerminal.(prerr_string [Foreground Red] backtrace) ) ;
print_exception () ;
exit (L.exit_code_of_exception exn)

@ -11,24 +11,22 @@ module F = Format
type error = ExternalError | InternalError | UserError
exception InferExternalError of string * string
exception InferExternalError of string
exception InferInternalError of string * string
exception InferInternalError of string
exception InferUserError of string * string
exception InferUserError of string
let raise_error error msg backtrace =
let raise_error error ~msg =
match error with
| ExternalError
-> raise (InferExternalError (msg, backtrace))
-> raise (InferExternalError msg)
| InternalError
-> raise (InferInternalError (msg, backtrace))
-> raise (InferInternalError msg)
| UserError
-> raise (InferUserError (msg, backtrace))
-> raise (InferUserError msg)
let die error msg =
let backtrace = Exn.backtrace () in
F.kasprintf (fun s -> raise_error error s backtrace) msg
let die error fmt = F.kasprintf (fun msg -> raise_error error ~msg) fmt
let exit_code_of_exception = function
| InferUserError _

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ open! IStd
exception InferExternalError of string * string
exception InferExternalError of string
exception InferInternalError of string * string
exception InferInternalError of string
exception InferUserError of string * string
exception InferUserError of string
(** kind of error for [die], with similar semantics as [Logging.{external,internal,user}_error] *)
type error = ExternalError | InternalError | UserError
@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ val exit_code_of_exception : Exn.t -> int
val die : error -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, _) format4 -> 'a
(** Raise the corresponding exception. *)
val raise_error : error -> msg:string -> 'a

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
include SimpleLogging
include Die
(* log files *)
(* make a copy of [f] *)
@ -260,14 +260,7 @@ let log_of_kind error fmt =
-> log ~to_console:false internal_error_file_fmts fmt
let die error msg =
(fun s ->
(* backtraces contain line breaks, which results in lines without the [pid][error kind] prefix in the logs if printed as-is *)
Exn.backtrace () |> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> List.iter ~f:(fun line -> log_of_kind error "%s@\n" line) ;
log_of_kind error "%s@\n" s ;
die error "%s" s)
F.kasprintf (fun msg -> log_of_kind error "%s@\n" msg ; raise_error error ~msg) msg
(* create new channel from the log file, and dumps the contents of the temporary log buffer there *)
let setup_log_file () =
@ -341,7 +334,7 @@ type print_action = print_type * Obj.t (** data to be printed *)
let delayed_actions = ref []
(** hook for the current printer of delayed print actions *)
let printer_hook = ref (fun _ -> SimpleLogging.(die InternalError) "uninitialized printer hook")
let printer_hook = ref (fun _ -> Die.(die InternalError) "uninitialized printer hook")
(** extend the current print log *)
let add_print_action pact =

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
(* If Logging has not been set up yet, SimpleLogging can be used instead. Prefer to use the
functions here, as they can do more logging. *)
(* If Logging has not been set up yet, Die can be used instead. Prefer to use the
functions here, as they can do more logging. These functions are documented in Die. *)
include module type of SimpleLogging
include module type of Die
val environment_info : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** log information about the environment *)

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open! IStd
open! PVariant
module F = Format
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
module L = SimpleLogging
module L = Die
(** initial process times *)
let initial_times = Unix.times ()

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let test_file_renamings_from_json =
~cmp:DifferentialFilters.FileRenamings.VISIBLE_FOR_TESTING_DO_NOT_USE_DIRECTLY.equal exp
(test_output test_input)
| Raise exc
-> UnitUtils.assert_raises exc (fun () -> test_output test_input)
-> assert_raises exc (fun () -> test_output test_input)
[ ( "test_file_renamings_from_json_with_good_input"
, "[" ^ "{\"current\": \"aaa.java\", \"previous\": \"BBB.java\"},"
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let test_file_renamings_from_json =
[]) )
; ( "test_file_renamings_from_json_with_well_formed_but_unexpected_input"
, "{}"
, Raise (Logging.InferUserError ("Expected JSON list but got '{}'", "")) )
, Raise (Logging.InferUserError "Expected JSON list but got '{}'") )
; ( "test_file_renamings_from_json_with_well_formed_but_unexpected_value"
, "[{\"current\": 1, \"previous\": \"BBB.java\"}]"
, Raise
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ let test_file_renamings_from_json =
( "Error parsing file renamings: \"current\" field is not a string"
^ "\nExpected JSON object of the following form: "
^ "'{\"current\": \"aaa.java\", \"previous\": \"BBB.java\"}', "
^ "but instead got: '{\"current\":1,\"previous\":\"BBB.java\"}'"
, "" )) )
^ "but instead got: '{\"current\":1,\"previous\":\"BBB.java\"}'" )) )
; ( "test_file_renamings_from_json_with_malformed_input"
, "A"
, Raise (Yojson.Json_error "Line 1, bytes 0-1:\nInvalid token 'A'") ) ]

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
let erase_backtrace exn =
match exn with
| Logging.InferUserError (msg, _)
-> Logging.InferUserError (msg, "")
| Logging.InferExternalError (msg, _)
-> Logging.InferExternalError (msg, "")
| Logging.InferInternalError (msg, _)
-> Logging.InferInternalError (msg, "")
| _
-> exn
let assert_raises ?msg exn f =
OUnit2.assert_raises ?msg (erase_backtrace exn) (fun () ->
try f ()
with exn -> raise (erase_backtrace exn) )

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
val assert_raises : ?msg:string -> exn -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit
(** OUnit2.assert_raises checks that a function raises some exception that's exactly the same as a
reference exception, but some of our internal exceptions contain verbose and flaky data, eg
backtraces. This will normalize such known exceptions by erasing their verbose data. Use this if
you're suffering from OUnit2.assert_raises. *)

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let empty_string_test =
let empty_string_test_ _ =
UnitUtils.assert_raises (Logging.InferUserError ("Empty stack trace", "")) (fun () ->
Stacktrace.of_string "" )
assert_raises (Logging.InferUserError "Empty stack trace") (fun () -> Stacktrace.of_string "")
"empty_string" >:: empty_string_test_
