[pp] refactor Pp functions and make them more flexible

Summary: I often find myself needing a generic `Pp.seq` where I can specify the separator.

Reviewed By: jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D5803915

fbshipit-source-id: fb8d30d
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent b3b4e42067
commit b740533945

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module FileOrProcMatcher = struct
let pp_method_pattern fmt mp =
let pp_params fmt l =
Format.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline Pp.text pp_string) l
Format.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text pp_string) l
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" (pp_key_value pp_string) ("class", Some mp.class_name)
(pp_key_value pp_string) ("method", mp.method_name) (pp_key_value pp_params)

@ -104,11 +104,13 @@ let pp_footprint _pe f fp =
let pe = {_pe with Pp.cmap_norm= _pe.Pp.cmap_foot} in
let pp_pi f () =
if fp.pi_fp <> [] then
F.fprintf f "%a ;@\n" (Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline pe (Sil.pp_atom pe)) fp.pi_fp
F.fprintf f "%a ;@\n"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:{pe with break_lines= false} (Sil.pp_atom pe))
if fp.pi_fp <> [] || fp.sigma_fp <> [] then
F.fprintf f "@\n[footprint@\n @[%a%a@] ]" pp_pi ()
(Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred pe))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred pe))
let pp_texp_simple pe =
@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ let pp_hpred_stackvar pe0 f (hpred: Sil.hpred) =
let pp_sub pe f = function
| `Exp sub
-> let pi_sub = List.map ~f:(fun (id, e) -> Sil.Aeq (Var id, e)) (Sil.sub_to_list sub) in
Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline pe (Sil.pp_atom pe) f pi_sub
Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:{pe with break_lines= false} (Sil.pp_atom pe) f pi_sub
| `Typ _
-> F.fprintf f "Printing typ_subst not implemented."
@ -160,19 +162,19 @@ let pp_sub_entry pe0 f entry =
(** Pretty print a substitution as a list of (ident,exp) pairs *)
let pp_subl pe =
if Config.smt_output then Pp.semicolon_seq pe (pp_sub_entry pe)
else Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline pe (pp_sub_entry pe)
if Config.smt_output then Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (pp_sub_entry pe)
else Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:{pe with break_lines= false} (pp_sub_entry pe)
(** Pretty print a pi. *)
let pp_pi pe =
if Config.smt_output then Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_atom pe)
else Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline pe (Sil.pp_atom pe)
if Config.smt_output then Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_atom pe)
else Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:{pe with break_lines= false} (Sil.pp_atom pe)
(** Dump a pi. *)
let d_pi (pi: pi) = L.add_print_action (PTpi, Obj.repr pi)
(** Pretty print a sigma. *)
let pp_sigma pe = Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred pe)
let pp_sigma pe = Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred pe)
(** Split sigma into stack and nonstack parts.
The boolean indicates whether the stack should only include local variales. *)
@ -190,7 +192,8 @@ let pp_sigma_simple pe env fmt sigma =
let sigma_stack, sigma_nonstack = sigma_get_stack_nonstack false sigma in
let pp_stack fmt _sg =
let sg = List.sort ~cmp:Sil.compare_hpred _sg in
if sg <> [] then Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (Pp.semicolon_seq pe (pp_hpred_stackvar pe)) sg
if sg <> [] then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (pp_hpred_stackvar pe)) sg
let pp_nl fmt doit =
if doit then
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ let pp_sigma_simple pe env fmt sigma =
-> Format.fprintf fmt " ; \\\\@\n"
let pp_nonstack fmt = Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)) fmt in
let pp_nonstack fmt = Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)) fmt in
if sigma_stack <> [] || sigma_nonstack <> [] then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" pp_stack sigma_stack pp_nl
(sigma_stack <> [] && sigma_nonstack <> [])
@ -259,11 +262,11 @@ let pp_hpara_simple _pe env n f pred =
match pe.kind with
-> F.fprintf f "P%d = %a%a" n (pp_evars pe) pred.Sil.evars
(Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
-> F.fprintf f "P_{%d} = %a%a\\\\" n (pp_evars pe) pred.Sil.evars
(Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(** Print an hpara_dll in simple mode *)
@ -273,11 +276,11 @@ let pp_hpara_dll_simple _pe env n f pred =
match pe.kind with
-> F.fprintf f "P%d = %a%a" n (pp_evars pe) pred.Sil.evars_dll
(Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
-> F.fprintf f "P_{%d} = %a%a" n (pp_evars pe) pred.Sil.evars_dll
(Pp.semicolon_seq pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred_env pe (Some env)))
(** Create an environment mapping (ident) expressions to the program variables containing them *)

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ type colormap = Obj.t -> color
type env =
{ opt: simple_kind (** Current option for simple printing *)
; kind: print_kind (** Current kind of printing *)
; break_lines: bool (** whether to let Format add its own line breaks or not *)
; cmap_norm: colormap (** Current colormap for the normal part *)
; cmap_foot: colormap (** Current colormap for the footprint part *)
; color: color (** Current color *)
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ let colormap_red (_: Obj.t) = Red
let text =
; kind= TEXT
; break_lines= false
; cmap_norm= colormap_black
; cmap_foot= colormap_black
; color= Black
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ let html color =
let latex color =
; kind= LATEX
; break_lines= false
; cmap_norm= colormap_from_color color
; cmap_foot= colormap_from_color color
; color
@ -99,59 +102,26 @@ let color_string = function
| Red
-> "color_red"
(** Pretty print a space-separated sequence *)
let rec seq pp f = function
let seq ?(print_env= text) ?sep:(sep_text = " ") ?(sep_html= sep_text) ?(sep_latex= sep_text) pp =
let rec aux f = function
| []
-> ()
| [x]
-> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x :: l
-> F.fprintf f "%a %a" pp x (seq pp) l
(** Print a comma-separated sequence *)
let rec comma_seq pp f = function
| []
-> ()
| [x]
-> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x :: l
-> F.fprintf f "%a,%a" pp x (comma_seq pp) l
(** Print a ;-separated sequence. *)
let rec _semicolon_seq oneline pe pp f =
let sep fmt () = if oneline then F.fprintf fmt " " else F.fprintf fmt "@\n" in
| []
-> ()
| [x]
-> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x :: l ->
match pe.kind with
-> F.fprintf f "%a ; %a%a" pp x sep () (_semicolon_seq oneline pe pp) l
-> F.fprintf f "%a ;\\\\%a %a" pp x sep () (_semicolon_seq oneline pe pp) l
-> let sep =
match print_env.kind with TEXT -> sep_text | HTML -> sep_html | LATEX -> sep_latex
if print_env.break_lines then F.fprintf f "%a%s@ %a" pp x sep aux l
else F.fprintf f "%a%s%a" pp x sep aux l
(** Print a ;-separated sequence with newlines. *)
let semicolon_seq pe = _semicolon_seq false pe
let comma_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"," pp f l
(** Print a ;-separated sequence on one line. *)
let semicolon_seq_oneline pe = _semicolon_seq true pe
let semicolon_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:";" pp f l
(** Print an or-separated sequence. *)
let or_seq pe pp f = function
| []
-> ()
| [x]
-> F.fprintf f "%a" pp x
| x :: l ->
match pe.kind with
-> F.fprintf f "%a || %a" pp x (semicolon_seq pe pp) l
-> F.fprintf f "%a &or; %a" pp x (semicolon_seq pe pp) l
-> F.fprintf f "%a \\vee %a" pp x (semicolon_seq pe pp) l
let or_seq ?print_env pp f = seq ?print_env ~sep:" ||" ~sep_html:" &or;" ~sep_latex:" \\vee" pp f
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let current_time f () =
@ -162,4 +132,6 @@ let current_time f () =
(** Print the time in seconds elapsed since the beginning of the execution of the current command. *)
let elapsed_time fmt () =
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. Utils.initial_timeofday in
Format.fprintf fmt "%f" elapsed
F.fprintf fmt "%f" elapsed
let to_string ~f fmt x = F.fprintf fmt "%s" (f x)

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Pretty Printing} *)
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ val equal_print_kind : print_kind -> print_kind -> bool
type env =
{ opt: simple_kind (** Current option for simple printing *)
; kind: print_kind (** Current kind of printing *)
; break_lines: bool
(** whether to let Format add its own line breaks or not (false by default) *)
; cmap_norm: colormap (** Current colormap for the normal part *)
; cmap_foot: colormap (** Current colormap for the footprint part *)
; color: color (** Current color *)
@ -65,24 +68,26 @@ val latex : color -> env
val color_string : color -> string
(** string representation of colors *)
val seq : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a space-separated sequence *)
val seq :
?print_env:env -> ?sep:string -> ?sep_html:string -> ?sep_latex:string
-> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a sequence with [sep] followed by a space between each element. By default,
[print_env] is [text], [sep] is "", and [sep_html] and [sep_latex] set to [sep]. *)
val comma_seq : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a comma-separated sequence *)
val comma_seq : ?print_env:env -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a comma-separated sequence. *)
val semicolon_seq : env -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val semicolon_seq : ?print_env:env -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a ;-separated sequence *)
val semicolon_seq_oneline :
env -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a ;-separated sequence on one line *)
val or_seq : env -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val or_seq : ?print_env:env -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a or-separated sequence *)
val current_time : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val to_string : f:('a -> string) -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit
(** turn a "to_string" function into a "pp_foo" *)
val current_time : F.formatter -> unit -> unit
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
val elapsed_time : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val elapsed_time : F.formatter -> unit -> unit
(** Print the time in seconds elapsed since the beginning of the execution of the current command. *)
