[Infer][incremental] Add changed field to procdesc's and code to compute if a procdesc has changed since the last run

Summary: Infer cannot tell if a procdesc has changed across procedure runs. If we want procedure-level incrementality, it has to know how to compute this information. This diff implements this capability by comparing a procdesc to an existing one before it is saved to disk, and marking the new one as unchanged if applicable.
Sam Blackshear 10 years ago
parent 089abea3d7
commit b80f74c34a

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module Node = struct
mutable pd_loc : Sil.location; (** location of this procedure in the source code *)
mutable pd_flags : proc_flags; (** flags for the procedure *)
pd_err_log: Errlog.t; (** error log at translation time *)
mutable pd_changed : bool; (** true if proc has changed since last analysis *)
let exn_handler_kind = Stmt_node "exception handler"
@ -72,6 +73,41 @@ module Node = struct
name_pdesc_tbl = Procname.Hash.create 1000;
priority_set = Procname.Set.empty }
(** compute the list of procedures added or changed in [cfg_new] over [cfg_old] *)
let mark_unchanged_pdescs cfg_new cfg_old =
let pdescs_eq pd1 pd2 =
(* formals are the same if their types are the same *)
let formals_eq formals1 formals2 =
list_equal (fun (_, typ1) (_, typ2) -> Sil.typ_compare typ1 typ2) formals1 formals2 in
let nodes_eq n1s n2s =
(* nodes are the same if they have the same id, instructions, and succs/preds *)
let node_eq n1 n2 =
let id_compare n1 n2 = Pervasives.compare n1.nd_id n2.nd_id in
let instrs_eq instrs1 instrs2 =
(* TODO (t7941664) : Sil.instr_compare looks at locs and variable names. we could mark
more code as unchanged if we ignored these details. *)
list_equal (fun i1 i2 -> Sil.instr_compare i1 i2) instrs1 instrs2 in
id_compare n1 n2 = 0 &&
list_equal id_compare n1.nd_succs n2.nd_succs &&
list_equal id_compare n1.nd_preds n2.nd_preds &&
instrs_eq n1.nd_instrs n2.nd_instrs in
list_for_all2 node_eq n1s n2s
with Invalid_argument _ -> false in
pd1.pd_is_defined = pd2.pd_is_defined &&
Sil.typ_equal pd1.pd_ret_type pd2.pd_ret_type &&
formals_eq pd1.pd_formals pd2.pd_formals &&
nodes_eq pd1.pd_nodes pd2.pd_nodes in
let old_procs = cfg_old.name_pdesc_tbl in
let new_procs = cfg_new.name_pdesc_tbl in
let mark_pdesc_if_unchanged pname new_pdesc =
let old_pdesc = Procname.Hash.find old_procs pname in
if pdescs_eq old_pdesc new_pdesc then
new_pdesc.pd_changed <- false
with Not_found -> () in
Procname.Hash.iter mark_pdesc_if_unchanged new_procs
let compute_enabled_verbose = false
(** restrict the cfg to the given enabled (active and not shadowed) procedures *)
@ -113,6 +149,12 @@ module Node = struct
let proc_name_to_proc_desc cfg proc_name =
pdesc_tbl_find cfg proc_name
let proc_name_is_changed cfg proc_name =
let pdesc = proc_name_to_proc_desc cfg proc_name in
with Not_found -> true
let iter_proc_desc cfg f =
Procname.Hash.iter f cfg.name_pdesc_tbl
@ -621,6 +663,12 @@ let save_source_files cfg =
(** Save a cfg into a file *)
let store_cfg_to_file (filename : DB.filename) (save_sources : bool) (cfg: cfg) =
if save_sources then save_source_files cfg;
if !Config.incremental_procs then
match load_cfg_from_file filename with
| Some old_cfg -> Node.mark_unchanged_pdescs cfg old_cfg
| None -> ()
Serialization.to_file cfg_serializer filename cfg
(* =============== START of module Procdesc =============== *)
@ -659,6 +707,7 @@ module Procdesc = struct
pd_loc = b.loc;
pd_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
pd_err_log = Errlog.empty ();
pd_changed = true
} in
pdesc_tbl_add b.cfg b.name pdesc;
@ -951,6 +1000,10 @@ let get_block_pdesc cfg block =
Some block_pdesc
with Not_found -> None
(** return true if the pdesc associated with [pname] changed since the last analysis run or did
not exist in the last analysis run *)
let pdesc_is_changed cfg pname = Node.proc_name_is_changed cfg pname
(** Removes seeds variables from a prop corresponding to captured variables in an objc block *)
let remove_seed_captured_vars_block captured_vars prop =
let is_captured pname vn = Mangled.equal pname vn in

@ -331,5 +331,9 @@ val check_cfg_connectedness : cfg -> unit
(** Given a mangled name of a block return its procdesc if exists*)
val get_block_pdesc : cfg -> Mangled.t -> Procdesc.t option
(** return true if the pdesc associated with [pname] changed since the last analysis run or did
not exist in the last analysis run *)
val pdesc_is_changed : cfg -> Procname.t -> bool
(** Removes seeds variables from a prop corresponding to captured variables in an objc block *)
val remove_seed_captured_vars_block : Mangled.t list -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t

@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ let idempotent_getters = ref true
(** Flag set when running in a child process (thus changes to global state will be lost *)
let in_child_process = ref false
(** if true, changes to code are checked at the procedure level; if false, at the file level *)
let incremental_procs = ref false
(** Flag to activate intraprocedural-only analysis *)
let intraprocedural = ref false

@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ let list_sort = List.sort
let list_stable_sort = List.stable_sort
let list_tl = List.tl
(** tail-recursive variant of List.fold_right *)
let list_fold_right f l a =
let g x y = f y x in
@ -134,6 +136,10 @@ let rec list_compare compare l1 l2 =
let n = compare x1 x2 in
if n <> 0 then n else list_compare compare l1' l2'
(** Generic equality of lists given a compare function for the elements of the list *)
let list_equal compare l1 l2 =
list_compare compare l1 l2 = 0
(** Returns (reverse input_list) *)
let rec list_rev_with_acc acc = function
| [] -> acc

@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ val triple_compare : ('a -> 'b -> int) -> ('c -> 'd -> int) -> ('e -> 'f -> int)
(** Generic comparison of lists given a compare function for the elements of the list *)
val list_compare : ('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> int
(** Generic equality of lists given a compare function for the elements of the list *)
val list_equal : ('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> bool
(** Comparison for strings *)
val string_compare : string -> string -> int
