@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
* )
* )
open ! IStd
open ! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module Implementation = struct
module Implementation = struct
let attribute_replace_statement =
let attribute_replace_statement =
@ -170,6 +172,27 @@ module Command = struct
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale
| MergeDBs of { infer_out_src : string }
| MergeDBs of { infer_out_src : string }
| Vacuum
| Vacuum
| Handshake
| Terminate
let to_string = function
| ReplaceAttributes _ ->
" ReplaceAttributes "
| AddSourceFile _ ->
" AddSourceFile "
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale ->
" MarkAllSourceFilesStale "
| MergeDBs _ ->
" MergeDBs "
| Vacuum ->
" Vacuum "
| Handshake ->
" Handshake "
| Terminate ->
" Terminate "
let pp fmt cmd = F . pp_print_string fmt ( to_string cmd )
let execute = function
let execute = function
| ReplaceAttributes { pname_str ; pname ; akind ; source_file ; attributes ; proc_desc ; callees } ->
| ReplaceAttributes { pname_str ; pname ; akind ; source_file ; attributes ; proc_desc ; callees } ->
@ -183,9 +206,108 @@ module Command = struct
Implementation . merge_dbs ~ infer_out_src
Implementation . merge_dbs ~ infer_out_src
| Vacuum ->
| Vacuum ->
Implementation . canonicalize ()
Implementation . canonicalize ()
| Handshake ->
| Terminate ->
let perform cmd = Command . execute cmd
type response = Ack
module Server = struct
(* General comment about socket/channel destruction: closing the in_channel associated with the socket
will close the file descriptor too , so closing also the out_channel sometimes throws an exception .
That's why in all code below only the input channel is ever closed . * )
let socket_name = " sqlite_write_socket "
let socket_addr = Unix . ADDR_UNIX socket_name
let socket_domain = Unix . domain_of_sockaddr socket_addr
(* * Unix socket * paths * have a historical length limit of ~100 chars ( !? * @& * $ ) . However, this only applies
to the argument passed in the system call to create the socket , not to the actual path .
Thus a workaround is to cd into the parent dir of the socket and then use it , hence this function . * )
let in_results_dir ~ f = Utils . do_in_dir ~ dir : Config . toplevel_results_dir ~ f
let rec server_loop socket =
let client_sock , _ client = Unix . accept socket in
let in_channel = Unix . in_channel_of_descr client_sock
and out_channel = Unix . out_channel_of_descr client_sock in
let command : Command . t = Marshal . from_channel in_channel in
L . debug Analysis Verbose " Sqlite write daemon: received command %a@. " Command . pp command ;
Command . execute command ;
Marshal . to_channel out_channel Ack [] ;
Out_channel . flush out_channel ;
In_channel . close in_channel ;
L . debug Analysis Verbose " Sqlite write daemon: closing connection@. " ;
match command with
| Terminate ->
L . debug Analysis Quiet " Sqlite write daemon: terminating@. " ;
| _ ->
server_loop socket
let socket_exists () = in_results_dir ~ f : ( fun () -> Sys . file_exists_exn socket_name )
let server () =
L . debug Analysis Quiet " Sqlite write daemon: starting up@. " ;
if socket_exists () then L . die InternalError " Sqlite write daemon: socket already exists@. " ;
let socket = Unix . socket ~ domain : socket_domain ~ kind : Unix . SOCK_STREAM ~ protocol : 0 in
in_results_dir ~ f : ( fun () -> Unix . bind socket ~ addr : socket_addr ) ;
(* [backlog] is ( supposedly ) the length of the queue for pending connections ;
there are no rules about the implied behaviour though . Here use optimistically
the number of workers , though even that is a guess . * )
Unix . listen socket ~ backlog : Config . jobs ;
L . debug Analysis Quiet " Sqlite write daemon: set up complete, waiting for connections@. " ;
let shutdown () = in_results_dir ~ f : ( fun () -> Unix . close socket ; Unix . remove socket_name ) in
Utils . try_finally_swallow_timeout ~ f : ( fun () -> server_loop socket ) ~ finally : shutdown
let send cmd =
let in_channel , out_channel = in_results_dir ~ f : ( fun () -> Unix . open_connection socket_addr ) in
Marshal . to_channel out_channel cmd [] ;
Out_channel . flush out_channel ;
let ( Ack : response ) = Marshal . from_channel in_channel in
In_channel . close in_channel
let rec retry ~ pred ~ timeout count =
if count < 0 then false
else if pred () then true
else (
Unix . nanosleep timeout | > ignore ;
retry ~ pred ~ timeout ( count - 1 ) )
let start () =
match Unix . fork () with
| ` In_the_child ->
ForkUtils . protect ~ f : server () ; L . exit 0
| ` In_the_parent _ child_pid ->
(* wait for socket to appear, try 5 times, with a 0.1 sec timeout each time ;
choice of numbers is completely arbitrary * )
if not ( retry ~ pred : socket_exists ~ timeout : 0 . 1 5 ) then
L . die InternalError " Sqlite write daemon never started@. " ;
send Command . Handshake
let server_running = ref false
let perform cmd = if ! server_running then Server . send cmd else Command . execute cmd
let start () =
if not ! server_running then (
Server . start () ;
server_running := true )
let stop () =
if ! server_running then (
Server . send Command . Terminate ;
server_running := false )
let replace_attributes ~ pname_str ~ pname ~ akind ~ source_file ~ attributes ~ proc_desc ~ callees =
let replace_attributes ~ pname_str ~ pname ~ akind ~ source_file ~ attributes ~ proc_desc ~ callees =
Command . ReplaceAttributes { pname_str ; pname ; akind ; source_file ; attributes ; proc_desc ; callees }
Command . ReplaceAttributes { pname_str ; pname ; akind ; source_file ; attributes ; proc_desc ; callees }