[sqlite] write-server implementation

Implementation of write-serializer for Sqlite.   Points of note:
- A Unix socket is used for communication.  This avoids buffer-size limitations, as the objects we send for writing may exceed said limits.
- No daemon is used if running under buck or in genrule mode, as this usually means a single-threaded job capturing into the DB.
- When the daemon is running, read-only access is *not* enforced for other processes. This makes starting and stopping the daemon during Infer execution easier and more robust.  In WAL mode this should not have any effect on performance.
- This version is not economical with connections, it uses one per query, todo.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D17077183

fbshipit-source-id: fa9877d6c
Nikos Gorogiannis 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 26823b22f1
commit b8954e714e

@ -1684,6 +1684,10 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Cancel the effect of --sqlite-vfs.
Activates: Route all DB writes through a daemon process
(Conversely: --no-sqlite-write-daemon)
--starvation-skip-analysis json
Specify combinations of class/method list that should be skipped
during starvation analysis

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ let add source_file cfg tenv integer_type_widths =
(* NOTE: it's important to write attribute files to disk before writing cfgs to disk.
OndemandCapture module relies on it - it uses existance of the cfg as a barrier to make
sure that all attributes were written to disk (but not necessarily flushed) *)
if Config.sqlite_write_daemon then Cfg.store source_file cfg
SqliteUtils.with_transaction (ResultsDatabase.get_database ()) ~f:(fun () ->
Cfg.store source_file cfg ) ;

@ -6,24 +6,12 @@
open! IStd
module L = Logging
type 'a doer = 'a -> unit
type 'a task_generator = 'a ProcessPool.task_generator
let fork_protect ~f x =
(* this is needed whenever a new process is started *)
BackendStats.reset () ;
Epilogues.reset () ;
EventLogger.prepare () ;
L.reset_formatters () ;
ResultsDatabase.new_database_connection () ;
(* get different streams of random numbers in each fork, in particular to lessen contention in
`Filename.mk_temp` *)
Random.self_init () ;
f x
let fork_protect ~f x = BackendStats.reset () ; ForkUtils.protect ~f x
module Runner = struct
type ('work, 'final) t = ('work, 'final) ProcessPool.t

@ -2269,6 +2269,11 @@ and sqlite_vfs =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ?default ~long:"sqlite-vfs" "VFS for SQLite"
and sqlite_write_daemon =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~default:false "Route all DB writes through a daemon process"
and stats_report =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"stats-report" ~meta:"file"
"Write a report of the analysis results to a file"
@ -3176,6 +3181,8 @@ and sqlite_lock_timeout = !sqlite_lock_timeout
and sqlite_vfs = !sqlite_vfs
and sqlite_write_daemon = !sqlite_write_daemon
and starvation = !starvation
and starvation_skip_analysis = !starvation_skip_analysis

@ -652,6 +652,8 @@ val sqlite_lock_timeout : int
val sqlite_vfs : string option
val sqlite_write_daemon : bool
val starvation : bool
val starvation_skip_analysis : Yojson.Basic.t

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module Implementation = struct
let attribute_replace_statement =
@ -170,6 +172,27 @@ module Command = struct
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale
| MergeDBs of {infer_out_src: string}
| Vacuum
| Handshake
| Terminate
let to_string = function
| ReplaceAttributes _ ->
| AddSourceFile _ ->
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale ->
| MergeDBs _ ->
| Vacuum ->
| Handshake ->
| Terminate ->
let pp fmt cmd = F.pp_print_string fmt (to_string cmd)
let execute = function
| ReplaceAttributes {pname_str; pname; akind; source_file; attributes; proc_desc; callees} ->
@ -183,9 +206,108 @@ module Command = struct
Implementation.merge_dbs ~infer_out_src
| Vacuum ->
Implementation.canonicalize ()
| Handshake ->
| Terminate ->
type response = Ack
module Server = struct
(* General comment about socket/channel destruction: closing the in_channel associated with the socket
will close the file descriptor too, so closing also the out_channel sometimes throws an exception.
That's why in all code below only the input channel is ever closed. *)
let socket_name = "sqlite_write_socket"
let socket_addr = Unix.ADDR_UNIX socket_name
let socket_domain = Unix.domain_of_sockaddr socket_addr
(** Unix socket *paths* have a historical length limit of ~100 chars (!?*@&*$). However, this only applies
to the argument passed in the system call to create the socket, not to the actual path.
Thus a workaround is to cd into the parent dir of the socket and then use it, hence this function. *)
let in_results_dir ~f = Utils.do_in_dir ~dir:Config.toplevel_results_dir ~f
let rec server_loop socket =
let client_sock, _client = Unix.accept socket in
let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr client_sock
and out_channel = Unix.out_channel_of_descr client_sock in
let command : Command.t = Marshal.from_channel in_channel in
L.debug Analysis Verbose "Sqlite write daemon: received command %a@." Command.pp command ;
Command.execute command ;
Marshal.to_channel out_channel Ack [] ;
Out_channel.flush out_channel ;
In_channel.close in_channel ;
L.debug Analysis Verbose "Sqlite write daemon: closing connection@." ;
match command with
| Terminate ->
L.debug Analysis Quiet "Sqlite write daemon: terminating@." ;
| _ ->
server_loop socket
let socket_exists () = in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Sys.file_exists_exn socket_name)
let server () =
L.debug Analysis Quiet "Sqlite write daemon: starting up@." ;
if socket_exists () then L.die InternalError "Sqlite write daemon: socket already exists@." ;
let socket = Unix.socket ~domain:socket_domain ~kind:Unix.SOCK_STREAM ~protocol:0 in
in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Unix.bind socket ~addr:socket_addr) ;
(* [backlog] is (supposedly) the length of the queue for pending connections ;
there are no rules about the implied behaviour though. Here use optimistically
the number of workers, though even that is a guess. *)
Unix.listen socket ~backlog:Config.jobs ;
L.debug Analysis Quiet "Sqlite write daemon: set up complete, waiting for connections@." ;
let shutdown () = in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Unix.close socket ; Unix.remove socket_name) in
Utils.try_finally_swallow_timeout ~f:(fun () -> server_loop socket) ~finally:shutdown
let send cmd =
let in_channel, out_channel = in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Unix.open_connection socket_addr) in
Marshal.to_channel out_channel cmd [] ;
Out_channel.flush out_channel ;
let (Ack : response) = Marshal.from_channel in_channel in
In_channel.close in_channel
let rec retry ~pred ~timeout count =
if count < 0 then false
else if pred () then true
else (
Unix.nanosleep timeout |> ignore ;
retry ~pred ~timeout (count - 1) )
let start () =
match Unix.fork () with
| `In_the_child ->
ForkUtils.protect ~f:server () ; L.exit 0
| `In_the_parent _child_pid ->
(* wait for socket to appear, try 5 times, with a 0.1 sec timeout each time ;
choice of numbers is completely arbitrary *)
if not (retry ~pred:socket_exists ~timeout:0.1 5) then
L.die InternalError "Sqlite write daemon never started@." ;
send Command.Handshake
let perform cmd = Command.execute cmd
let server_running = ref false
let perform cmd = if !server_running then Server.send cmd else Command.execute cmd
let start () =
if not !server_running then (
Server.start () ;
server_running := true )
let stop () =
if !server_running then (
Server.send Command.Terminate ;
server_running := false )
let replace_attributes ~pname_str ~pname ~akind ~source_file ~attributes ~proc_desc ~callees =
Command.ReplaceAttributes {pname_str; pname; akind; source_file; attributes; proc_desc; callees}

@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ val merge_dbs : infer_out_src:string -> unit
val canonicalize : unit -> unit
(** put the database on disk in deterministic form *)
val start : unit -> unit
val stop : unit -> unit

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let protect ~f x =
Epilogues.reset () ;
EventLogger.prepare () ;
L.reset_formatters () ;
ResultsDatabase.new_database_connection () ;
(* get different streams of random numbers in each fork, in particular to lessen contention in
`Filename.mk_temp` *)
Random.self_init () ;
f x

@ -24,16 +24,10 @@ let shell = "sh"
type server = {input: In_channel.t; output: Out_channel.t}
(* Unix socket paths have a historical length limit of ~100 chars (!?*@&*$). However, this applies
to the argument passed in the system call to create the socket. Thus a workaround is to cd into
the parent dir of the socket and then create it, hence this function. *)
let in_results_dir ~f =
let cwd = Unix.getcwd () in
let () = Unix.chdir results_dir in
let res = f () in
let () = Unix.chdir cwd in
(** Unix socket *paths* have a historical length limit of ~100 chars (!?*@&*$). However, this only applies
to the argument passed in the system call to create the socket, not to the actual path.
Thus a workaround is to cd into the parent dir of the socket and then use it, hence this function. *)
let in_results_dir ~f = Utils.do_in_dir ~dir:results_dir ~f
let fail_on response_line = L.die InternalError "Unexpected server response: %s" response_line

@ -398,3 +398,9 @@ let timeit ~f =
let ret_val = f () in
let duration_ms = Mtime_clock.count start_time |> Mtime.Span.to_ms |> int_of_float in
(ret_val, duration_ms)
let do_in_dir ~dir ~f =
let cwd = Unix.getcwd () in
Unix.chdir dir ;
try_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.chdir cwd)

@ -136,3 +136,6 @@ val yojson_lookup :
val timeit : f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a * int
(** Returns the execution time of [f] in milliseconds together with its result *)
val do_in_dir : dir:string -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
(** executes [f] after cding into [dir] and then restores original cwd *)

@ -576,7 +576,8 @@ let run_prologue mode =
mono-threaded execution. *)
Unix.unsetenv "MAKEFLAGS" ;
(* disable the Buck daemon as changes in the Buck or infer config may be missed otherwise *)
Unix.putenv ~key:"NO_BUCKD" ~data:"1" ) ;
Unix.putenv ~key:"NO_BUCKD" ~data:"1" ;
if Config.(sqlite_write_daemon && not (buck || genrule_mode)) then DBWriter.start () ) ;
@ -587,6 +588,7 @@ let run_prologue mode =
let run_epilogue () =
if CLOpt.is_originator then (
if Config.developer_mode then StatsAggregator.generate_files () ;
if Config.sqlite_write_daemon then DBWriter.stop () ;
if Config.fail_on_bug then fail_on_issue_epilogue () ;
() ) ;
if Config.buck_cache_mode then clean_results_dir () ;
