@ -618,7 +618,6 @@ let prop_iter_add_hpred_footprint_to_prop pname tenv prop (lexp, typ) inst =
let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
let excluded_guardedby_string str =
str = "ui_thread" in (* don't warn on @GuardedBy("ui_thread") *)
let sigma = Prop.get_sigma prop in
let extract_guarded_by_str item_annot =
let annot_extract_guarded_by_str (annot, _) =
if Annotations.annot_ends_with annot Annotations.guarded_by
@ -658,7 +657,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
sigma in
(* warn if the access to [lexp] is not protected by the [guarded_by_fld_str] lock *)
let enforce_guarded_access accessed_fld guarded_by_str prop =
let enforce_guarded_access_ accessed_fld guarded_by_str prop =
(* return true if [pdesc] has an annotation that matches [guarded_by_str] *)
let proc_has_matching_annot pdesc guarded_by_str =
let proc_signature =
@ -716,21 +715,25 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
lock in the current prop). so just be silent. *)
prop in
let check_fld_locks typ prop_acc (fld, strexp) = match strexp with
| Sil.Eexp (exp, _) when Sil.exp_equal exp lexp ->
let enforce_guarded_access fld typ prop =
match get_guarded_by_fld_str fld typ with
| Some guarded_by_fld_str -> enforce_guarded_access fld guarded_by_fld_str prop_acc
| None -> prop_acc (* field not annotated; proceed as normal *)
| _ ->
prop_acc in
| Some guarded_by_fld_str -> enforce_guarded_access_ fld guarded_by_fld_str prop
| None -> prop in
let check_fld_locks typ prop_acc (fld, strexp) = match strexp with
| Sil.Eexp (exp, _) when Sil.exp_equal exp lexp -> enforce_guarded_access fld typ prop_acc
| _ -> prop_acc in
let hpred_check_flds prop_acc = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Estruct (flds, _), Sizeof (typ, _, _)) ->
IList.fold_left (check_fld_locks typ) prop_acc flds
| _ ->
prop_acc in
IList.fold_left hpred_check_flds prop sigma
match lexp with
| Sil.Lfield (_, fld, typ) ->
(* check for direct access to field annotated with @GuardedBy *)
enforce_guarded_access fld typ prop
| _ ->
(* check for access via alias *)
IList.fold_left hpred_check_flds prop (Prop.get_sigma prop)
(** Add a pointsto for [root(lexp): typ] to the iterator and to the
footprint, if it's compatible with the allowed footprint
@ -1261,7 +1264,8 @@ let rearrange ?(report_deref_errors=true) pdesc tenv lexp typ prop loc
if report_deref_errors then check_dereference_error pdesc prop nlexp (State.get_loc ());
let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let prop' =
if Config.csl_analysis && !Config.footprint && Procname.is_java pname
if Config.csl_analysis && !Config.footprint && Procname.is_java pname &&
not (Procname.is_constructor pname || Procname.is_class_initializer pname)
then add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc
else prop in
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop' with