[sledge] Combine normalization and carrier extension when adding equalities

The normalization and then extension of the carrier can be combined
into one pass. This weakens the property that this normalization needs
to achieve, which yields a small simplification, and combining the
passes is a minor optimization.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D26400406

fbshipit-source-id: 8a3cbb2de
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 4bc33ba928
commit bba67169ec

@ -472,10 +472,6 @@ let rec canon x a =
(* Extending the carrier ==================================================*)
let add_to_cls elt rep cls =
Trm.Map.update rep cls ~f:(fun elts0 ->
Cls.add elt (Option.value elts0 ~default:Cls.empty) )
let add_use_of sup sub use =
Trm.Map.update sub use ~f:(fun u ->
Use.add sup (Option.value ~default:Use.empty u) )
@ -483,33 +479,15 @@ let add_use_of sup sub use =
let add_uses_of a use =
Iter.fold ~f:(add_use_of a) (Theory.solvable_trms a) use
let add_eq v ~rep:r x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ @[%a ↦ %a@]@ %a" Trm.pp v Trm.pp r pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} (_, x') -> pf "%a" pp_raw x')
@@ fun () ->
match Trm.Map.find_or_add v r x.rep with
| `Found v' ->
(* v ↦ v' already, so v' and r are congruent but not (yet) equal,
therefore add pending v' = r *)
let pnd = (v', r) :: x.pnd in
(v', {x with pnd})
| `Added rep ->
(* v ↦ r newly added, so can directly add v = r *)
let cls = add_to_cls v r x.cls in
let use = add_uses_of v x.use in
(r, {x with rep; cls; use})
(** [find_extend_ a x] is [a', x'] where [x'] is [x] extended so that
[a' = find_exn a x']. This adds [a] and all its subterms, normalizes [a]
to [a'], and uses the result to find equalities needed to reestablish
congruence closure. *)
let rec find_extend_ a x =
(** [canon_extend_ a x] is [a', x'] where [x'] is [x] extended so that
[a' = canon x' a]. This finds [a] in rep or recurses and then canonizes
if absent, adding the canonized term [a'] and its subterms. *)
let rec canon_extend_ a x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ | %a" Trm.pp a pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} (a', x') ->
pf "%a@ %a" Trm.pp a' pp_diff (x, x') ;
assert (Trm.equal a' (find_check a x')) )
assert (Trm.equal a' (canon x' a)) )
@@ fun () ->
match Theory.classify a with
| InterpAtom -> (a, x)
@ -518,37 +496,34 @@ let rec find_extend_ a x =
| `Found a' -> (a', x)
| `Added rep -> (a, {x with rep}) )
| InterpApp ->
if Trm.Map.mem a x.rep then (a, x)
else Trm.fold_map ~f:find_extend_ a x
if Trm.Map.mem a x.rep then
(* optimize: a already a rep so don't need to consider subterms *)
(a, x)
else Trm.fold_map ~f:canon_extend_ a x
| UninterpApp -> (
match Trm.Map.find_or_add a a x.rep with
| `Found a' ->
match Trm.Map.find a x.rep with
| Some a' ->
(* a already has rep a' *)
(a', x)
| None -> (
(* norm wrt rep and add subterms *)
let a_norm, x = Trm.fold_map ~f:canon_extend_ a x in
match Trm.Map.find_or_add a_norm a_norm x.rep with
| `Found a' ->
(* a_norm already equal to a' *)
(a', x)
| `Added rep ->
(* a now its own rep *)
let use = add_uses_of a x.use in
(* a_norm newly added *)
let use = add_uses_of a_norm x.use in
let x = {x with rep; use} in
(* add subterms and norm a using (old) reps *)
let a_norm, x = Trm.fold_map ~f:find_extend_ a x in
if Trm.equal a_norm a then (* a already normalized *)
(a_norm, x)
else add_eq a_norm ~rep:a x )
(a_norm, x) ) )
let find_extend a x =
(** normalize and add a term to the carrier *)
let canon_extend a x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp a pp_raw x)
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ | %a" Trm.pp a pp_raw x)
~retn:(fun {pf} (a', x') -> pf "%a@ %a" Trm.pp a' pp_diff (x, x'))
@@ fun () -> find_extend_ a x
(** add a term to the carrier *)
let extend a x =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ | %a" Trm.pp a pp x)
~retn:(fun {pf} x' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (x, x') ;
pre_invariant x' )
@@ fun () -> snd (find_extend a x)
@@ fun () -> canon_extend_ a x
(* Propagation ============================================================*)
@ -691,9 +666,8 @@ let and_eq ~wrt a b x =
@@ fun () ->
if not x.sat then x
let a' = canon x a in
let b' = canon x b in
let x = extend a' (extend b' x) in
let a', x = canon_extend a x in
let b', x = canon_extend b x in
if Trm.equal a' b' then x else merge ~wrt a' b' x
let extract_xs r = (r.xs, {r with xs= Var.Set.empty})
