@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ module F = Format
module BoTrace = struct
type lib_fun = Snprintf | Vsnprintf [@@deriving compare]
type final = UnknownFrom of Typ.Procname.t option | RiskyLibCall of lib_fun
[@@deriving compare]
type final = UnknownFrom of Typ.Procname.t option [@@deriving compare]
type elem = ArrayDeclaration | Assign of PowLoc.t | Parameter of Loc.t | Through
type elem =
| ArrayDeclaration
| Assign of PowLoc.t
| Parameter of Loc.t
| Through of {risky_fun: lib_fun option}
[@@deriving compare]
type t =
@ -25,9 +28,9 @@ module BoTrace = struct
| Call of {location: Location.t; length: int; caller: t; callee: t}
[@@deriving compare]
let snprintf = RiskyLibCall Snprintf
let snprintf = Snprintf
let vsnprintf = RiskyLibCall Vsnprintf
let vsnprintf = Vsnprintf
let length = function Empty -> 0 | Final _ -> 1 | Elem {length} | Call {length} -> length
@ -39,6 +42,8 @@ module BoTrace = struct
let singleton location kind = add_elem location kind Empty
let through ~risky_fun = Through {risky_fun}
let call location ~caller ~callee =
Call {location; length= 1 + length caller + length callee; caller; callee}
@ -62,8 +67,6 @@ module BoTrace = struct
let pp_final f = function
| UnknownFrom pname_opt ->
F.fprintf f "UnknownFrom `%a`" pp_pname_opt pname_opt
| RiskyLibCall lib_fun ->
F.fprintf f "RiskyLibCall `%a`" pp_lib_fun lib_fun
let pp_elem f = function
@ -73,8 +76,9 @@ module BoTrace = struct
F.fprintf f "Assign `%a`" PowLoc.pp locs
| Parameter loc ->
F.fprintf f "Parameter `%a`" Loc.pp loc
| Through ->
F.pp_print_string f "Through"
| Through {risky_fun} ->
F.pp_print_string f "Through" ;
if Option.is_some risky_fun then F.pp_print_string f " RiskyLibCall"
let rec pp f = function
@ -101,9 +105,23 @@ module BoTrace = struct
final_exists ~f caller || final_exists ~f callee
let has_unknown = final_exists ~f:(function UnknownFrom _ -> true | RiskyLibCall _ -> false)
let has_unknown = final_exists ~f:(function UnknownFrom _ -> true)
let elem_has_risky = function
| ArrayDeclaration | Assign _ | Parameter _ ->
| Through {risky_fun} ->
Option.is_some risky_fun
let rec has_risky = function
| Empty | Final _ ->
| Elem {kind; from} ->
elem_has_risky kind || has_risky from
| Call {caller; callee} ->
has_risky caller || has_risky callee
let has_risky = final_exists ~f:(function UnknownFrom _ -> false | RiskyLibCall _ -> true)
let exists_str ~f =
let rec helper = function
@ -127,8 +145,6 @@ module BoTrace = struct
let final_err_desc = function
| UnknownFrom pname_opt ->
F.asprintf "Unknown value from: %a" pp_pname_opt pname_opt
| RiskyLibCall lib_fun ->
F.asprintf "Risky value from: %a" pp_lib_fun lib_fun
let elem_err_desc = function
@ -138,8 +154,12 @@ module BoTrace = struct
| Parameter loc ->
if Loc.is_pretty loc then F.asprintf "Parameter `%a`" Loc.pp loc else ""
| Through ->
| Through {risky_fun} -> (
match risky_fun with
| None ->
| Some f ->
F.asprintf "Risky value from: %a" pp_lib_fun f )
let rec make_err_trace depth t tail =