@ -12,15 +12,22 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import codecs
import csv
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import operator
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
try :
from lxml import etree
except ImportError :
etree = None
from . import colorize , config , source , utils
@ -82,6 +89,7 @@ JSON_INDEX_HASH = 'hash'
JSON_INDEX_KIND = ' kind '
JSON_INDEX_LINE = ' line '
JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE = ' procedure '
JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE_ID = ' procedure_id '
JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER = ' qualifier '
JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER_TAGS = ' qualifier_tags '
@ -103,6 +111,7 @@ JSON_INDEX_ISL_ENUM = 'enum'
QUALIFIER_TAGS = ' qualifier_tags '
BUCKET_TAGS = ' bucket '
ISSUE_TYPES_URL = ' http://fbinfer.com/docs/infer-issue-types.html# '
def clean_csv ( args , csv_report ) :
@ -252,15 +261,19 @@ def _is_user_visible(report):
def print_and_save_errors ( json_report , bugs_out ):
def print_and_save_errors ( json_report , bugs_out , xml_out ):
errors = utils . load_json_from_path ( json_report )
errors = filter ( _is_user_visible , errors )
utils . stdout ( ' \n ' + _text_of_report_list ( errors ) )
with codecs . open ( bugs_out , ' w ' ,
encoding = config . LOCALE , errors = ' replace ' ) as file_out :
plain_out = _text_of_report_list ( errors ,
formatter = colorize . PLAIN_FORMATTER )
with codecs . open ( bugs_out , ' w ' ,
encoding = config . LOCALE , errors = ' replace ' ) as file_out :
file_out . write ( plain_out )
if xml_out is not None :
with codecs . open ( xml_out , ' w ' ,
encoding = config . LOCALE , errors = ' replace ' ) as file_out :
file_out . write ( _pmd_xml_of_issues ( errors ) )
def merge_reports_from_paths ( report_paths ) :
@ -270,6 +283,48 @@ def merge_reports_from_paths(report_paths):
return _sort_and_uniq_rows ( json_data )
def _pmd_xml_of_issues ( issues ) :
if etree is None :
print ( ' ERROR: " etree " Python package not found. ' )
print ( ' ERROR: You need to install it to use Infer with --pmd-xml ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
root = etree . Element ( ' pmd ' )
root . attrib [ ' version ' ] = ' 5.4.1 '
root . attrib [ ' date ' ] = datetime . datetime . now ( ) . isoformat ( )
for issue in issues :
fully_qualifed_method_name = re . search ( ' (.*) \ (.* ' ,
class_name = ' '
package = ' '
if fully_qualifed_method_name is not None :
# probably Java
info = fully_qualifed_method_name . groups ( ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' )
class_name = info [ - 2 : - 1 ] [ 0 ]
method = info [ - 1 ]
package = ' . ' . join ( info [ 0 : - 2 ] )
else :
method = issue [ JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE ]
file_node = etree . Element ( ' file ' )
file_node . attrib [ ' name ' ] = issue [ JSON_INDEX_FILENAME ]
violation = etree . Element ( ' violation ' )
violation . attrib [ ' begincolumn ' ] = ' 0 '
violation . attrib [ ' beginline ' ] = str ( issue [ JSON_INDEX_LINE ] )
violation . attrib [ ' endcolumn ' ] = ' 0 '
violation . attrib [ ' endline ' ] = str ( issue [ JSON_INDEX_LINE ] + 1 )
violation . attrib [ ' class ' ] = class_name
violation . attrib [ ' method ' ] = method
violation . attrib [ ' package ' ] = package
violation . attrib [ ' priority ' ] = ' 1 '
violation . attrib [ ' rule ' ] = issue [ JSON_INDEX_TYPE ]
violation . attrib [ ' ruleset ' ] = ' Infer Rules '
violation . attrib [ ' externalinfourl ' ] = (
violation . text = issue [ JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER ]
file_node . append ( violation )
root . append ( file_node )
return etree . tostring ( root , pretty_print = True , encoding = config . LOCALE )
def _sort_and_uniq_rows ( l ) :
key = operator . itemgetter ( JSON_INDEX_FILENAME ,