@ -9,6 +9,50 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(* * Wrap a call to buck while ( i ) logging standard error to our standard error in real time; ( ii )
redirecting standard out to a file , the contents of which are returned ; ( iii ) protect the child
process from [ SIGQUIT ] .
We want to ihnibit [ SIGQUIT ] because the standard action of the JVM is to print a thread dump on
stdout , polluting the output we want to collect ( and normally does not lead to process death ) .
To achieve this we need to do two things : ( i ) tell the JVM not to use signals , meaning it leaves
the default handler for [ SIGQUIT ] in place ; ( ii ) uninstall the default handler for [ SIGQUIT ]
because now that the JVM doesn't touch it , it will lead to process death . * )
let wrap_buck_call ? ( extend_env = [] ) ~ label cmd =
let stdout_file =
let prefix = Printf . sprintf " buck_%s " label in
Filename . temp_file ~ in_dir : ( ResultsDir . get_path Temporary ) prefix " .stdout "
let escaped_cmd = List . map ~ f : Escape . escape_shell cmd | > String . concat ~ sep : " " in
let sigquit_protected_cmd =
(* Uninstall the default handler for [SIGQUIT]. *)
Printf . sprintf " trap '' SIGQUIT ; exec %s >'%s' " escaped_cmd stdout_file
let env =
(* Instruct the JVM to avoid using signals. *)
` Extend ( ( " BUCK_EXTRA_JAVA_ARGS " , " -Xrs " ) :: extend_env )
let Unix . Process_info . { stdin ; stdout ; stderr ; pid } =
Unix . create_process_env ~ prog : " sh " ~ args : [ " -c " ; sigquit_protected_cmd ] ~ env ()
let buck_stderr = Unix . in_channel_of_descr stderr in
Utils . with_channel_in buck_stderr ~ f : ( L . progress " BUCK: %s@. " ) ;
Unix . close stdin ;
Unix . close stdout ;
In_channel . close buck_stderr ;
match Unix . waitpid pid with
| Ok () -> (
match Utils . read_file stdout_file with
| Ok lines ->
| Error err ->
L . die ExternalError " *** failed to read output of buck command %s: %s " sigquit_protected_cmd
err )
| Error _ as err ->
L . die ExternalError " *** failed to execute buck command %s: %s " sigquit_protected_cmd
( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum err )
module Target = struct
type t = { name : string ; flavors : string list }
@ -121,9 +165,7 @@ module Query = struct
let cmd =
( " buck " :: " query " :: buck_config ) @ List . rev_append Config . buck_build_args_no_inline [ query ]
let tmp_prefix = " buck_query_ " in
let debug = L . ( debug Capture Medium ) in
Utils . with_process_lines ~ debug ~ cmd ~ tmp_prefix ~ f : Fn . id
wrap_buck_call ~ label : " query " cmd
let accepted_buck_commands = [ " build " ]
@ -194,15 +236,13 @@ let resolve_pattern_targets (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) ~filter_kind targets =
let resolve_alias_targets aliases =
let debug = L . ( debug Capture Medium ) in
(* we could use buck query to resolve aliases but buck targets --resolve-alias is faster *)
let cmd = " buck " :: " targets " :: " --resolve-alias " :: aliases in
let tmp_prefix = " buck_targets_ " in
let on_result_lines =
die_if_empty ( fun die ->
die " *** No alias found for: '%a'. " ( Pp . seq ~ sep : " ', ' " F . pp_print_string ) aliases )
Utils . with_process_lines ~ debug ~ cmd ~ tmp_prefix ~ f : on_result_lines
wrap_buck_call ~ label : " targets " cmd | > on_result_lines
type parsed_args =
@ -381,27 +421,12 @@ let capture_buck_args =
let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args =
L . debug Capture Verbose " %s %s@. " prog ( List . to_string ~ f : Fn . id buck_build_args ) ;
let buck_output_file =
Filename . temp_file ~ in_dir : ( ResultsDir . get_path Temporary ) " buck_output " " .log "
let infer_args =
Option . fold ( Sys . getenv CommandLineOption . args_env_var ) ~ init : " --fcp-syntax-only "
~ f : ( fun acc arg -> Printf . sprintf " %s%c%s " acc CommandLineOption . env_var_sep arg )
let shell_cmd =
List . map ~ f : Escape . escape_shell ( prog :: buck_build_args )
| > String . concat ~ sep : " "
| > fun cmd -> Printf . sprintf " %s >'%s' " cmd buck_output_file
let env = ` Extend [ ( CommandLineOption . args_env_var , infer_args ) ] in
let { Unix . Process_info . stdin ; stdout ; stderr ; pid } =
Unix . create_process_env ~ prog : " sh " ~ args : [ " -c " ; shell_cmd ] ~ env ()
let buck_stderr = Unix . in_channel_of_descr stderr in
Utils . with_channel_in buck_stderr ~ f : ( L . progress " BUCK: %s@. " ) ;
Unix . close stdin ;
Unix . close stdout ;
In_channel . close buck_stderr ;
let extend_env = [ ( CommandLineOption . args_env_var , infer_args ) ] in
let lines = wrap_buck_call ~ extend_env ~ label : " build " ( prog :: buck_build_args ) in
(* Process a line of buck stdout output, in this case the result of '--show-output'
These paths ( may ) contain a ' infer - deps . txt' file , which we will later merge
* )
@ -419,16 +444,7 @@ let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args =
L . internal_error " Couldn't parse buck target output: %s " line ;
match Unix . waitpid pid with
| Ok () -> (
match Utils . read_file buck_output_file with
| Ok lines ->
List . fold lines ~ init : [] ~ f : process_buck_line
| Error err ->
L . die ExternalError " *** capture failed to execute: %s " err )
| Error _ as err ->
L . die ExternalError " *** capture failed to execute: %s "
( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum err )
let merge_deps_files depsfiles =