@ -50,6 +50,188 @@ type ast_node =
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t . stmt
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t . stmt
| Decl of Clang_ast_t . decl
| Decl of Clang_ast_t . decl
module Debug = struct
let pp_transition_decl_to_stmt fmt trans_opt =
let pp_aux fmt trans = match trans with
| Body -> Format . pp_print_string fmt " Body "
| InitExpr -> Format . pp_print_string fmt " InitExpr " in
match trans_opt with
| Some trans -> pp_aux fmt trans
| None -> Format . pp_print_string fmt " None "
let rec pp_formula fmt phi =
match phi with
| True -> Format . fprintf fmt " True "
| False -> Format . fprintf fmt " False "
| Atomic p -> Predicates . pp_predicate fmt p
| Not phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " NOT(%a) " pp_formula phi
| And ( phi1 , phi2 ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " (%a AND %a) " pp_formula phi1 pp_formula phi2
| Or ( phi1 , phi2 ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " (%a OR %a) " pp_formula phi1 pp_formula phi2
| Implies ( phi1 , phi2 ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " (%a ==> %a) " pp_formula phi1 pp_formula phi2
| AX phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " AX(%a) " pp_formula phi
| EX phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " EX(%a) " pp_formula phi
| AF phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " AF(%a) " pp_formula phi
| EF phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " EF(%a) " pp_formula phi
| AG phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " AG(%a) " pp_formula phi
| EG phi -> Format . fprintf fmt " EG(%a) " pp_formula phi
| AU ( phi1 , phi2 ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " A[%a UNTIL %a] " pp_formula phi1 pp_formula phi2
| EU ( phi1 , phi2 ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " E[%a UNTIL %a] " pp_formula phi1 pp_formula phi2
| EH ( arglist , phi ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " EH[%a](%a) "
( Utils . pp_comma_seq Format . pp_print_string ) arglist
pp_formula phi
| ET ( arglist , trans , phi ) -> Format . fprintf fmt " ET[%a][%a](%a) "
( Utils . pp_comma_seq Format . pp_print_string ) arglist
pp_transition_decl_to_stmt trans
pp_formula phi
module EvaluationTracker = struct
exception Empty_stack of string
type eval_result = Eval_undefined | Eval_true | Eval_false
type content = {
ast_node : ast_node ;
phi : t ;
eval_result : eval_result ;
type node = {
id : int ;
content : content ;
type tree = Tree of node * ( tree list )
type t = {
next_id : int ;
eval_stack : tree Stack . t ;
forest : tree list ;
let create_content ast_node phi = { ast_node ; phi ; eval_result = Eval_undefined }
let create () = { next_id = 0 ; eval_stack = Stack . create () ; forest = [] }
let eval_begin t content =
let node = { id = t . next_id ; content } in
let create_subtree root = Tree ( root , [] ) in
let subtree' = create_subtree node in
Stack . push subtree' t . eval_stack ;
{ t with next_id = t . next_id + 1 }
let eval_end t result =
let eval_result_of_bool = function
| true -> Eval_true
| false -> Eval_false in
if Stack . is_empty t . eval_stack then
raise ( Empty_stack " Unbalanced number of eval_begin/eval_end invocations " ) ;
let evaluated_tree = match Stack . pop t . eval_stack with
| Tree ( { id = _ ; content } as node , children ) ->
let content' = { content with eval_result = eval_result_of_bool result } in
Tree ( { node with content = content' } , children ) in
let forest' =
if Stack . is_empty t . eval_stack then evaluated_tree :: t . forest
let parent = match Stack . pop t . eval_stack with
Tree ( node , children ) -> Tree ( node , evaluated_tree :: children ) in
Stack . push parent t . eval_stack ;
t . forest in
{ t with forest = forest' }
module DottyPrinter = struct
let dotty_of_ctl_evaluation t =
let buffer_content buf =
let result = Buffer . contents buf in
Buffer . reset buf ;
result in
let dotty_of_tree cluster_id tree =
let get_root tree = match tree with Tree ( root , _ ) -> root in
let get_children tree = match tree with Tree ( _ , children ) -> IList . rev children in
(* shallow: emit dotty about root node and edges to its children *)
let shallow_dotty_of_tree tree =
let root_node = get_root tree in
let children = get_children tree in
let edge child_node =
if root_node . content . ast_node = child_node . content . ast_node then
Printf . sprintf " %d -> %d [style=dotted] " root_node . id child_node . id
Printf . sprintf " %d -> %d [style=bold] " root_node . id child_node . id in
let color =
match root_node . content . eval_result with
| Eval_true -> " green "
| Eval_false -> " red "
| _ -> failwith " Tree is not fully evaluated " in
let label =
let string_of_ast_node an =
match an with
| Stmt stmt -> Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string stmt
| Decl decl -> Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string decl in
let smart_string_of_formula phi =
let num_children = IList . length children in
match phi with
| And _ when num_children = 2 -> " (...) AND (...) "
| Or _ when num_children = 2 -> " (...) OR (...) "
| Implies _ when num_children = 2 -> " (...) ==> (...) "
| Not _ -> " NOT(...) "
| _ -> Utils . pp_to_string pp_formula phi in
Format . sprintf " (%d) \\ n%s \\ n%s "
root_node . id
( Escape . escape_dotty ( string_of_ast_node root_node . content . ast_node ) )
( Escape . escape_dotty ( smart_string_of_formula root_node . content . phi ) ) in
let edges =
let buf = Buffer . create 16 in
IList . iter
( fun subtree -> Buffer . add_string buf ( ( edge ( get_root subtree ) ) ^ " \n " ) )
children ;
buffer_content buf in
Printf . sprintf " %d [label= \" %s \" shape=box color=%s] \n %s \n "
root_node . id label color edges in
let rec traverse buf tree =
Buffer . add_string buf ( shallow_dotty_of_tree tree ) ;
IList . iter ( traverse buf ) ( get_children tree ) in
let buf = Buffer . create 16 in
traverse buf tree ;
Printf . sprintf " subgraph cluster_%d { \n %s \n } " cluster_id ( buffer_content buf ) in
let buf = Buffer . create 16 in
IList . iteri
( fun cluster_id tree -> Buffer . add_string buf ( ( dotty_of_tree cluster_id tree ) ^ " \n " ) )
( IList . rev t . forest ) ;
Printf . sprintf " digraph CTL_Evaluation { \n %s \n } \n " ( buffer_content buf )
let ctl_evaluation_tracker = match Config . debug_mode with
| true -> Some ( ref ( Debug . EvaluationTracker . create () ) )
| false -> None
let debug_create_payload ast_node phi =
match ctl_evaluation_tracker with
| Some _ -> Some ( Debug . EvaluationTracker . create_content ast_node phi )
| None -> None
let debug_eval_begin payload =
match ctl_evaluation_tracker , payload with
| Some tracker , Some payload ->
tracker := Debug . EvaluationTracker . eval_begin ! tracker payload
| _ -> ()
let debug_eval_end result =
match ctl_evaluation_tracker with
| Some tracker ->
tracker := Debug . EvaluationTracker . eval_end ! tracker result
| None -> ()
let save_dotty_when_in_debug_mode source_file =
match ctl_evaluation_tracker with
| Some tracker ->
let dotty_dir = Config . results_dir // Config . lint_dotty_dir_name in
create_dir dotty_dir ;
let source_file_basename = Filename . basename ( DB . source_file_to_string source_file ) in
let file = dotty_dir // ( source_file_basename ^ " .dot " ) in
let dotty = Debug . EvaluationTracker . DottyPrinter . dotty_of_ctl_evaluation ! tracker in
with_file file ~ f : ( fun oc -> output_string oc dotty )
| _ -> ()
(* Helper functions *)
(* Helper functions *)
@ -130,11 +312,10 @@ let eval_Atomic pred_name params an lcxt =
such that ( st' , lcxt ) satifies EF phi
such that ( st' , lcxt ) satifies EF phi
* )
* )
let rec eval_EF_st phi st lcxt =
let rec eval_EF_st phi st lcxt =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating EF in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string st ) ;
let _ , succs = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
let _ , succs = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
( eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt ) | |
eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt
IList . exists ( fun s -> eval_EF phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) succs
| | IList . exists ( fun s -> eval_EF phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) succs
(* dec, lcxt |= EF phi <=>
(* dec, lcxt |= EF phi <=>
dec , lcxt | = phi or exists dec' in Successors ( dec ) : dec' , lcxt | = EF phi
dec , lcxt | = phi or exists dec' in Successors ( dec ) : dec' , lcxt | = EF phi
@ -142,9 +323,7 @@ let rec eval_EF_st phi st lcxt =
This is as eval_EF_st but for decl .
This is as eval_EF_st but for decl .
* )
* )
and eval_EF_decl phi dec lcxt =
and eval_EF_decl phi dec lcxt =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating EF in %s \n "
eval_formula phi ( Decl dec ) lcxt | |
( Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string dec ) ;
( eval_formula phi ( Decl dec ) lcxt ) | |
( match Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_context_tuple dec with
( match Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_context_tuple dec with
| Some ( decl_list , _ ) ->
| Some ( decl_list , _ ) ->
IList . exists ( fun d -> eval_EF phi ( Decl d ) lcxt ) decl_list
IList . exists ( fun d -> eval_EF phi ( Decl d ) lcxt ) decl_list
@ -163,8 +342,6 @@ and eval_EF phi an lcxt =
such that ( st' , lcxt ) satifies phi
such that ( st' , lcxt ) satifies phi
* )
* )
and eval_EX_st phi st lcxt =
and eval_EX_st phi st lcxt =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating EX in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string st ) ;
let _ , succs = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
let _ , succs = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
IList . exists ( fun s -> eval_formula phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) succs
IList . exists ( fun s -> eval_formula phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) succs
@ -173,8 +350,6 @@ and eval_EX_st phi st lcxt =
Same as eval_EX_st but for decl .
Same as eval_EX_st but for decl .
* )
* )
and eval_EX_decl phi dec lcxt =
and eval_EX_decl phi dec lcxt =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating EF in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string dec ) ;
match Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_context_tuple dec with
match Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_context_tuple dec with
| Some ( decl_list , _ ) ->
| Some ( decl_list , _ ) ->
IList . exists ( fun d -> eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt ) decl_list
IList . exists ( fun d -> eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt ) decl_list
@ -218,14 +393,11 @@ and eval_EH classes phi an lcxt =
| Some idi ->
| Some idi ->
( match Ast_utils . get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl idi with
( match Ast_utils . get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl idi with
| Some ( Clang_ast_t . ObjCImplementationDecl ( _ , _ , _ , _ , idi' ) as d ) ->
| Some ( Clang_ast_t . ObjCImplementationDecl ( _ , _ , _ , _ , idi' ) as d ) ->
eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt
eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt | | eval_super ( Some idi' )
| | ( eval_super ( Some idi' ) )
| _ -> false )
| _ -> false )
| None -> false in
| None -> false in
match an with
match an with
| Decl d when node_has_type classes ( Decl d ) ->
| Decl d when node_has_type classes ( Decl d ) ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating EH in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string d ) ;
eval_super ( Ast_utils . get_impl_decl_info d )
eval_super ( Ast_utils . get_impl_decl_info d )
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
@ -251,71 +423,50 @@ and eval_ET tl trs phi an lcxt =
let _ , stmt_list = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
let _ , stmt_list = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple st in
IList . exists ( fun s -> eval phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) stmt_list in
IList . exists ( fun s -> eval phi ( Stmt s ) lcxt ) stmt_list in
let do_decl d =
let do_decl d =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating ET in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string d ) ;
match trs , node_has_type tl ( Decl d ) with
match trs , node_has_type tl ( Decl d ) with
| Some _ , true ->
| Some _ , true ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Declaration is in types and has label " ;
( match transition_from_decl_to_stmt d trs with
( match transition_from_decl_to_stmt d trs with
| None ->
| None -> false
Logging . out " \n ->>>> NO transition returned " ;
| Some st -> eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt )
| None , true -> eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt
| Some st ->
| _ , false -> evaluate_on_subdeclarations d ( eval_ET tl trs ) in
Logging . out " \n ->>>> A transition is returned \n " ;
eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt )
| None , true ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Declaration has NO transition label \n " ;
eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt
| _ , false ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Declaration is NOT in types and _ label \n " ;
evaluate_on_subdeclarations d ( eval_ET tl trs ) in
let do_stmt st =
let do_stmt st =
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Evaluating ET in %s \n "
( Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string st ) ;
match trs , node_has_type tl ( Stmt st ) with
match trs , node_has_type tl ( Stmt st ) with
| Some _ , true ->
| Some _ , true ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Statement is in types and has label " ;
( match transition_from_stmt_to_decl st trs with
( match transition_from_stmt_to_decl st trs with
| None ->
| None -> false
Logging . out " \n ->>>> NO transition returned \n " ;
| Some d -> eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt )
| None , true -> eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt
| Some d ->
| _ , false -> evaluate_on_substmt st ( eval_ET tl trs ) in
Logging . out " \n ->>>> A transition is returned \n " ;
eval_formula phi ( Decl d ) lcxt )
| None , true ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Statement has NO transition label \n " ;
eval_formula phi ( Stmt st ) lcxt
| _ , false ->
Logging . out " \n ->>>> Declaration is NOT in types and _ label \n " ;
evaluate_on_substmt st ( eval_ET tl trs ) in
match an with
match an with
| Decl d -> do_decl d
| Decl d -> do_decl d
| Stmt BlockExpr ( _ , _ , _ , d ) ->
| Stmt BlockExpr ( _ , _ , _ , d ) ->
(* From BlockExpr we jump directly to its BlockDecl *)
(* From BlockExpr we jump directly to its BlockDecl *)
Logging . out " \n ->>>> BlockExpr evaluated in ET, evaluating its BlockDecl \n " ;
eval_ET tl trs phi ( Decl d ) lcxt
eval_ET tl trs phi ( Decl d ) lcxt
| Stmt st -> do_stmt st
| Stmt st -> do_stmt st
(* Formulas are evaluated on a AST node an and a linter context lcxt *)
(* Formulas are evaluated on a AST node an and a linter context lcxt *)
and eval_formula f an lcxt =
and eval_formula f an lcxt =
match f with
debug_eval_begin ( debug_create_payload an f ) ;
| True -> true
let res = match f with
| False -> false
| True -> true
| Atomic ( name , params ) -> eval_Atomic name params an lcxt
| False -> false
| Not f1 -> not ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt )
| Atomic ( name , params ) -> eval_Atomic name params an lcxt
| And ( f1 , f2 ) -> ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) && ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
| Not f1 -> not ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt )
| Or ( f1 , f2 ) -> ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) | | ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
| And ( f1 , f2 ) -> ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) && ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
| Implies ( f1 , f2 ) ->
| Or ( f1 , f2 ) -> ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) | | ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
not ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) | | ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
| Implies ( f1 , f2 ) ->
| AU ( f1 , f2 ) -> eval_AU f1 f2 an lcxt
not ( eval_formula f1 an lcxt ) | | ( eval_formula f2 an lcxt )
| EU ( f1 , f2 ) -> eval_EU f1 f2 an lcxt
| AU ( f1 , f2 ) -> eval_AU f1 f2 an lcxt
| EF f1 -> eval_EF f1 an lcxt
| EU ( f1 , f2 ) -> eval_EU f1 f2 an lcxt
| AF f1 -> eval_formula ( AU ( True , f1 ) ) an lcxt
| EF f1 -> eval_EF f1 an lcxt
| AG f1 -> eval_formula ( Not ( EF ( Not f1 ) ) ) an lcxt
| AF f1 -> eval_formula ( AU ( True , f1 ) ) an lcxt
| EX f1 -> eval_EX f1 an lcxt
| AG f1 -> eval_formula ( Not ( EF ( Not f1 ) ) ) an lcxt
| AX f1 -> eval_formula ( Not ( EX ( Not f1 ) ) ) an lcxt
| EX f1 -> eval_EX f1 an lcxt
| EH ( cl , phi ) -> eval_EH cl phi an lcxt
| AX f1 -> eval_formula ( Not ( EX ( Not f1 ) ) ) an lcxt
| EG f1 -> (* st |= EG f1 <=> st |= f1 /\ EX EG f1 *)
| EH ( cl , phi ) -> eval_EH cl phi an lcxt
eval_formula ( And ( f1 , EX ( EG ( f1 ) ) ) ) an lcxt
| EG f1 -> (* st |= EG f1 <=> st |= f1 /\ EX EG f1 *)
| ET ( tl , sw , phi ) -> eval_ET tl sw phi an lcxt
eval_formula ( And ( f1 , EX ( EG ( f1 ) ) ) ) an lcxt
| ET ( tl , sw , phi ) -> eval_ET tl sw phi an lcxt in
debug_eval_end res ;