[reporting][perf] Add PerfStats support for ad-hoc timers

Perf reporting can now be registered at one point (with desired start real and cpu times) and triggered later
  - This is accomplished by storing perf file names in a hashtable mapping to the reporting function
  - New `stats_kind` parameter that is either Time, Memory, or TimeAndMemory, where Time requires a Unix.process_times and an Mtime_clock.counter to be passed in, but TimeAndMemory just uses the time from the start of the process.

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D7337158

fbshipit-source-id: 3890cc7
Varun Arora 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent fba4014d1c
commit c296c06996

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ type time_perf = {rtime: float; utime: float; stime: float; cutime: float; cstim
type perf_stats = {mem: mem_perf option; time: time_perf option} type perf_stats = {mem: mem_perf option; time: time_perf option}
type stats_kind = Time of Mtime_clock.counter * Unix.process_times | Memory | TimeAndMemory
type stats_type = type stats_type =
| ClangLinters | ClangLinters
| ClangFrontend | ClangFrontend
@ -230,13 +232,16 @@ let compute_mem_stats () =
(stats, mem) (stats, mem)
let compute_time_stats () = let compute_time_stats ?rtime_counter (initial_times: Unix.process_times) =
let exit_times = Unix.times () in let exit_times = Unix.times () in
let rtime = Mtime_clock.elapsed () |> Mtime.Span.to_s in let rtime_span = Mtime_clock.elapsed () in
let utime = exit_times.tms_utime -. Utils.initial_times.tms_utime in let rtime =
let stime = exit_times.tms_stime -. Utils.initial_times.tms_stime in Option.value_map ~default:rtime_span ~f:Mtime_clock.count rtime_counter |> Mtime.Span.to_s
let cutime = exit_times.tms_cutime -. Utils.initial_times.tms_cutime in in
let cstime = exit_times.tms_cstime -. Utils.initial_times.tms_cstime in let utime = exit_times.tms_utime -. initial_times.tms_utime in
let stime = exit_times.tms_stime -. initial_times.tms_stime in
let cutime = exit_times.tms_cutime -. initial_times.tms_cutime in
let cstime = exit_times.tms_cstime -. initial_times.tms_cstime in
let stats = Some {rtime; utime; stime; cutime; cstime} in let stats = Some {rtime; utime; stime; cutime; cstime} in
let time = let time =
Some Some
@ -249,9 +254,16 @@ let compute_time_stats () =
(stats, time) (stats, time)
let compute_stats ?(include_mem= true) ?(include_time= true) source_file stats_type = let compute_stats stats_kind source_file stats_type =
let mem, mem_perf = if include_mem then compute_mem_stats () else (None, None) in let (mem, mem_perf), (time, time_perf) =
let time, time_perf = if include_time then compute_time_stats () else (None, None) in match stats_kind with
| Time (rtime_counter, initial_times) ->
((None, None), compute_time_stats ~rtime_counter initial_times)
| Memory ->
(compute_mem_stats (), (None, None))
| TimeAndMemory ->
(compute_mem_stats (), compute_time_stats Utils.initial_times)
let stats = {mem; time} in let stats = {mem; time} in
let stats_event = let stats_event =
EventLogger.PerformanceStats EventLogger.PerformanceStats
@ -264,9 +276,9 @@ let compute_stats ?(include_mem= true) ?(include_time= true) source_file stats_t
(stats, stats_event) (stats, stats_event)
let report ?include_mem ?include_time file source_file stats_type () = let report stats_kind source_file file stats_type () =
try try
let stats, stats_event = compute_stats ?include_mem ?include_time source_file stats_type in let stats, stats_event = compute_stats stats_kind source_file stats_type in
let json_stats = to_json stats in let json_stats = to_json stats in
EventLogger.log stats_event ; EventLogger.log stats_event ;
(* We always log to EventLogger, but json files are unnecessary to log outside of developer mode *) (* We always log to EventLogger, but json files are unnecessary to log outside of developer mode *)
@ -286,24 +298,34 @@ let report ?include_mem ?include_time file source_file stats_type () =
(Printexc.get_backtrace ()) (Printexc.get_backtrace ())
let registered_files = ref String.Set.empty let registered = String.Table.create ~size:4 ()
let handle_report ?include_mem ?include_time filename ?source_file stats_type ~f = let get_relative_path filename stats_type =
let dirname = dirname_of_stats_type stats_type in let dirname = dirname_of_stats_type stats_type in
let relative_path = Filename.concat dirname filename in Filename.concat dirname filename
let register_report stats_kind ?source_file filename stats_type =
let relative_path = get_relative_path filename stats_type in
let absolute_path = Filename.concat Config.results_dir relative_path in let absolute_path = Filename.concat Config.results_dir relative_path in
let f = report stats_kind source_file absolute_path stats_type in
(* make sure to not double register the same perf stat report *) (* make sure to not double register the same perf stat report *)
if not (String.Set.mem !registered_files relative_path) then ( match String.Table.add registered ~key:relative_path ~data:f with
registered_files := String.Set.add !registered_files relative_path ; | `Ok ->
f (report ?include_mem ?include_time absolute_path source_file stats_type) relative_path ) ()
| `Duplicate ->
L.d_warning "Attempting to register same perf stats report multiple times"
let dummy_reporter () = ()
let report_now ?include_mem ?include_time filename ?source_file stats_type = let get_reporter filename stats_type =
handle_report ?include_mem ?include_time filename ?source_file stats_type ~f:(fun report _ -> let relative_path = get_relative_path filename stats_type in
report () ) String.Table.find registered relative_path |> Option.value ~default:dummy_reporter
let register_report_at_exit ?include_mem ?include_time filename ?source_file stats_type = let register_report_at_exit ?source_file filename stats_type =
handle_report ?include_mem ?include_time filename ?source_file stats_type ~f: register_report TimeAndMemory ?source_file filename stats_type ;
(fun report relative_path -> Epilogues.register
Epilogues.register ~f:report ("stats reporting in " ^ relative_path) ) ~f:(get_reporter filename stats_type)
(string_of_stats_type stats_type ^ "stats reporting in " ^ filename)

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ open! IStd
type perf_stats type perf_stats
type stats_kind = Time of Mtime_clock.counter * Unix.process_times | Memory | TimeAndMemory
type stats_type = type stats_type =
| ClangLinters | ClangLinters
| ClangFrontend | ClangFrontend
@ -27,12 +29,11 @@ val from_json : Yojson.Basic.json -> perf_stats
val aggregate : perf_stats list -> Yojson.Basic.json val aggregate : perf_stats list -> Yojson.Basic.json
val report_now : val register_report : stats_kind -> ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> string -> stats_type -> unit
?include_mem:bool -> ?include_time:bool -> string -> ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> stats_type (** Register performance reporting function *)
-> unit
(** Create performance report immediately *) val get_reporter : string -> stats_type -> unit -> unit
(** Get reporting function that can be called at any time to create a performance report *)
val register_report_at_exit : val register_report_at_exit : ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> string -> stats_type -> unit
?include_mem:bool -> ?include_time:bool -> string -> ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> stats_type
-> unit
(** Create performance report when the current process terminates *) (** Create performance report when the current process terminates *)

@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ let dump_duplicate_procs (exe_env: Exe_env.t) procs =
let create_perf_stats_report source_file = let create_perf_stats_report source_file =
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding source_file in let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding source_file in
let filename = F.sprintf "%s_%s.json" Config.perf_stats_prefix abbrev_source_file in let filename = F.sprintf "%s_%s.json" Config.perf_stats_prefix abbrev_source_file in
PerfStats.report_now filename ~source_file PerfStats.Backend PerfStats.register_report PerfStats.TimeAndMemory ~source_file filename PerfStats.Backend ;
PerfStats.get_reporter filename PerfStats.Backend ()
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *) (** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
