[sledge] Switch from Base.List to Containers.List

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D24306101

fbshipit-source-id: a653f793d
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 409b21ec64
commit c35c4e2789

@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ let call ~summaries ~globals:_ ~actuals ~areturn ~formals ~freturn:_
let mangle r =
Llair.Reg.program (Llair.Reg.typ r) ("__tmp__" ^ Llair.Reg.name r)
let args = List.zip_exn formals actuals in
let args = List.combine_exn formals actuals in
let q' =
List.fold args ~init:q ~f:(fun q (f, a) -> assign (mangle f) a q)

@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ and xlate_value ?(inline = false) stk :
(pre, Exp.record typ (IArray.of_list args))
| ConstantStruct -> (
let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in
match List.findi llv stk with
| Some i -> ([], Exp.rec_record i typ)
match List.find_idx ~f:(( == ) llv) stk with
| Some (i, _) -> ([], Exp.rec_record i typ)
| None ->
let stk = llv :: stk in
let len = Llvm.num_operands llv in

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ let build_info =
( Build_info.Statically_linked_library.name lib
, version_to_string
(Build_info.Statically_linked_library.version lib) ) )
|> List.sort ~compare:[%compare: string * string]
|> List.sort ~cmp:[%compare: string * string]
let max_length =
List.fold_left libs ~init:0 ~f:(fun n (name, _) ->

@ -127,8 +127,6 @@ include module type of Iter.Import
(** Containers *)
type ('a, 'b) continue_or_stop = Continue of 'a | Stop of 'b
module Option = Option
include module type of Option.Infix

@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ let map_endo map t ~f =
(** Containers *)
type ('a, 'b) continue_or_stop = Continue of 'a | Stop of 'b
(* from upcoming Stdlib *)
module Either = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = Left of 'a | Right of 'b

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ let fold_map xs ~init ~f =
let a, ys = Array.fold_map (i2a xs) ~init ~f in
(a, a2i ys)
type ('a, 'b) continue_or_stop = Continue of 'a | Stop of 'b
let fold_map_until xs ~init ~f ~finish =
With_return.with_return (fun {return} ->

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ val contains_dup : compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> bool
val fold_map :
'a t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> 'a -> 'accum * 'b) -> 'accum * 'b t
type ('a, 'b) continue_or_stop = Continue of 'a | Stop of 'b
val fold_map_until :
'a t
-> init:'accum

@ -13,3 +13,40 @@ end
let pop seq =
match head seq with Some x -> Some (x, drop 1 seq) | None -> None
let contains_dup (type elt) seq ~cmp =
let module S = CCSet.Make (struct
type t = elt
let compare = cmp
end) in
let exception Found_dup in
fold ~init:S.empty seq ~f:(fun elts x ->
let elts' = S.add x elts in
if elts' == elts then raise_notrace Found_dup else elts' )
|> ignore ;
with Found_dup -> true
let fold_opt seq ~init ~f =
let state = ref init in
let exception Stop in
seq (fun x ->
match f !state x with
| Some s -> state := s
| None -> raise_notrace Stop ) ;
Some !state
with Stop -> None
let fold_until (type res) seq ~init ~f ~finish =
let state = ref init in
let exception Stop of res in
seq (fun x ->
match f !state x with
| `Continue s -> state := s
| `Stop r -> raise_notrace (Stop r) ) ;
finish !state
with Stop r -> r

@ -12,3 +12,16 @@ module Import : sig
val pop : 'a iter -> ('a * 'a iter) option
val contains_dup : 'a iter -> cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> bool
val fold_opt : 'a t -> init:'s -> f:('s -> 'a -> 's option) -> 's option
(** [fold_option t ~init ~f] is a short-circuiting version of [fold] that
runs in the [Option] monad. If [f] returns [None], [None] is returned
without any additional invocations of [f]. *)
val fold_until :
'a t
-> init:'s
-> f:('s -> 'a -> [`Continue of 's | `Stop of 'b])
-> finish:('s -> 'b)
-> 'b

@ -6,91 +6,81 @@
open! NS0
include Base.List
include ContainersLabels.List
exception Not_found_s = Base.Sexp.Not_found_s
type 'a t = 'a list [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
let rec pp ?pre ?suf sep pp_elt fs = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs ->
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) pre ;
pp_elt fs x ;
( match xs with
| [] -> ()
| xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ;
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) suf
let findi x xs =
let rec findi_ i xs =
match xs with
| [] -> None
| x' :: _ when x == x' -> Some i
| _ :: xs -> findi_ (i + 1) xs
findi_ 0 xs
let pop_exn = function
| x :: xs -> (x, xs)
| [] -> raise (Not_found_s (Atom __LOC__))
let hd_exn = hd
let hd = function [] -> None | hd :: _ -> Some hd
let tl_exn = tl
let tl = function [] -> None | _ :: tl -> Some tl
let pop_exn = function x :: xs -> (x, xs) | [] -> raise Not_found
let exists xs ~f = exists ~f xs
let for_all xs ~f = for_all ~f xs
let find_exn xs ~f = find ~f xs
let find xs ~f = find_opt ~f xs
let find_map xs ~f = find_map ~f xs
let find_map_exn xs ~f = Option.get_exn (find_map xs ~f)
let find_map_remove xs ~f =
let rec find_map_remove_ ys = function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs -> (
match f x with
| Some x' -> Some (x', rev_append ys xs)
| None -> find_map_remove_ (x :: ys) xs )
let remove_one_exn ~eq x xs =
let rec remove_ ys = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| z :: xs -> if eq x z then rev_append ys xs else remove_ (z :: ys) xs
find_map_remove_ [] xs
remove_ [] xs
let fold_option xs ~init ~f =
let@ {return} = With_return.with_return in
(fold xs ~init ~f:(fun acc elt ->
match f acc elt with Some res -> res | None -> return None ))
let remove_one ~eq x xs =
try Some (remove_one_exn ~eq x xs) with Not_found -> None
let remove ~eq x xs = remove ~eq ~key:x xs
let map xs ~f = map ~f xs
let map_endo t ~f = map_endo map t ~f
let rev_map_unzip xs ~f =
fold xs ~init:([], []) ~f:(fun (ys, zs) x ->
let rev_map_split xs ~f =
fold_left xs ~init:([], []) ~f:(fun (ys, zs) x ->
let y, z = f x in
(y :: ys, z :: zs) )
let remove_exn ?(equal = ( == )) xs x =
let rec remove_ ys = function
| [] -> raise (Not_found_s (Atom __LOC__))
| z :: xs ->
if equal x z then rev_append ys xs else remove_ (z :: ys) xs
remove_ [] xs
let combine_exn = combine
let combine xs ys =
try Some (combine_exn xs ys) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
let fold xs ~init ~f = fold_left ~f ~init xs
let remove ?equal xs x =
try Some (remove_exn ?equal xs x) with Not_found_s _ -> None
let reduce xs ~f =
match xs with [] -> None | x :: xs -> Some (fold xs ~init:x ~f)
let rec rev_init n ~f =
if n = 0 then []
let n = n - 1 in
let xs = rev_init n ~f in
f n :: xs
let fold2_exn xs ys ~init ~f = fold_left2 ~f ~init xs ys
let group_succ ~eq xs = group_succ ~eq:(fun y x -> eq x y) xs
let symmetric_diff ~compare xs ys =
let symmetric_diff ~cmp xs ys =
let rec symmetric_diff_ xxs yys : _ Either.t list =
match (xxs, yys) with
| x :: xs, y :: ys ->
let ord = compare x y in
let ord = cmp x y in
if ord = 0 then symmetric_diff_ xs ys
else if ord < 0 then Left x :: symmetric_diff_ xs yys
else Right y :: symmetric_diff_ xxs ys
| xs, [] -> map ~f:Either.left xs
| [], ys -> map ~f:Either.right ys
symmetric_diff_ (sort ~compare xs) (sort ~compare ys)
symmetric_diff_ (sort ~cmp xs) (sort ~cmp ys)
let rec pp ?pre ?suf sep pp_elt fs = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs ->
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) pre ;
pp_elt fs x ;
( match xs with
| [] -> ()
| xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ;
Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) suf
let pp_diff ~compare sep pp_elt fs (xs, ys) =
let pp_diff ~cmp sep pp_elt fs (xs, ys) =
let pp_diff_elt fs (elt : _ Either.t) =
match elt with
| Left x -> Format.fprintf fs "-- %a" pp_elt x
| Right y -> Format.fprintf fs "++ %a" pp_elt y
pp sep pp_diff_elt fs (symmetric_diff ~compare xs ys)
pp sep pp_diff_elt fs (symmetric_diff ~cmp xs ys)

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
open! NS0
include module type of Base.List
include module type of ContainersLabels.List
type 'a t = 'a list [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
val pp :
?pre:(unit, unit) fmt
@ -17,39 +19,43 @@ val pp :
(** Pretty-print a list. *)
val pp_diff :
compare:('a -> 'a -> int)
cmp:('a -> 'a -> int)
-> (unit, unit) fmt
-> 'a pp
-> ('a list * 'a list) pp
val findi : 'a -> 'a t -> int option
(** [findi x xs] is [Some i] when [nth xs i == x], otherwise [None]. *)
val hd : 'a t -> 'a option
val hd_exn : 'a t -> 'a
val tl : 'a t -> 'a t option
val tl_exn : 'a t -> 'a t
val pop_exn : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
val exists : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> bool
val find : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a option
val find_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a
val find_map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option
val find_map_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b
val find_map_remove :
'a list -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> ('b * 'a list) option
val remove_one_exn : eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
(** Returns the input list without the first element [eq]ual to the
argument, or raise [Not_found] if no such element exists. *)
val fold_option :
'a t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> 'a -> 'accum option) -> 'accum option
(** [fold_option t ~init ~f] is a short-circuiting version of [fold] that
runs in the [Option] monad. If [f] returns [None], that value is
returned without any additional invocations of [f]. *)
val remove_one : eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list option
val remove : eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val map_endo : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a) -> 'a t
(** Like map, but specialized to require [f] to be an endofunction, which
(** Like [map], but specialized to require [f] to be an endofunction, which
enables preserving [==] if [f] preserves [==] of every element. *)
val rev_map_unzip : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b * 'c) -> 'b list * 'c list
(** [rev_map_unzip ~f xs] is [unzip (rev_map ~f xs)] but more efficient. *)
val remove_exn : ?equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
(** Returns the input list without the first element [equal] to the
argument, or raise [Not_found_s] if no such element exists. [equal]
defaults to physical equality. *)
val rev_map_split : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b * 'c) -> 'b list * 'c list
(** [rev_map_split ~f xs] is [split (rev_map ~f xs)] but more efficient. *)
val remove : ?equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list option
val rev_init : int -> f:(int -> 'a) -> 'a list
val combine : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t option
val combine_exn : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
val fold : 'a list -> init:'s -> f:('s -> 'a -> 's) -> 's
val reduce : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a option
val fold2_exn : 'a t -> 'b t -> init:'s -> f:('s -> 'a -> 'b -> 's) -> 's
val symmetric_diff :
compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> ('a, 'a) Either.t t
cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> ('a, 'a) Either.t t

@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ let add_gcs base_gcs gcs row =
else List.fold ~f:(add_gc base_gcs) ~init:row gcs
let add_status base_status row status =
if List.mem ~equal:Report.equal_status row.status status then row
if List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_status status row.status then row
match base_status with
| Some base_status
when not (List.mem ~equal:Report.equal_status base_status status) ->
when not (List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_status status base_status) ->
{ row with
status= status :: row.status
; status_deltas=
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ let combine name b_result c_result =
; peak_size= ave_floats peaks }
let status =
Some (List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Report.compare_status statuses)
Some (List.sort_uniq ~cmp:Report.compare_status statuses)
(times, gcs, status)
| None -> (None, None, None)

@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ module Context = struct
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (rep, cls) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) rep (ppx_cls x)
(List.sort ~compare:Term.compare cls) )
(List.sort ~cmp:Term.compare cls) )
fs (Term.Map.to_alist clss)
let pp fs r = ppx_classes (fun _ -> None) fs (classes r)

@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ module Func = struct
if is_undefined func then Format.fprintf fs " #%i@]" sort_index
let cfg =
List.sort ~compare:Block.compare (List.tl_exn (entry_cfg func))
List.sort ~cmp:Block.compare (List.tl_exn (entry_cfg func))
Format.fprintf fs " { #%i %a@;<1 4>@[<v>%a@ %a@]%t%a@]@ }"
sort_index Loc.pp name.loc pp_cmnd cmnd Term.pp term
@ -475,8 +475,9 @@ module Func = struct
| Pointer {elt= Function {return; _}; _} ->
assert (
(List.contains_dup (entry_cfg func) ~compare:(fun b1 b2 ->
String.compare b1.lbl b2.lbl )) ) ;
(Iter.of_list (entry_cfg func))
~cmp:(fun b1 b2 -> String.compare b1.lbl b2.lbl)) ) ;
assert (
Bool.equal (Option.is_some return) (Option.is_some func.freturn)
) ;
@ -615,5 +616,5 @@ module Program = struct
(List.pp "@\n@\n" Func.pp)
( String.Map.data functions
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun x y -> compare_block x.entry y.entry) )
|> List.sort ~cmp:(fun x y -> compare_block x.entry y.entry) )

@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
let ppx_cls x = List.pp "@ = " (Term.ppx x)
let pp_cls = ppx_cls (fun _ -> None)
let pp_diff_cls = List.pp_diff ~compare:Term.compare "@ = " Term.pp
let pp_diff_cls = List.pp_diff ~cmp:Term.compare "@ = " Term.pp
let ppx_classes x fs clss =
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (rep, cls) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) rep (ppx_cls x)
(List.sort ~compare:Term.compare cls) )
(List.sort ~cmp:Term.compare cls) )
fs (Term.Map.to_alist clss)
let pp_classes fs r = ppx_classes (fun _ -> None) fs (classes r)
@ -903,17 +903,14 @@ let solve_class us us_xs ~key:rep ~data:cls (classes, subst) =
Subst.pp subst]
let cls, cls_not_ito_us_xs =
~f:(fun e -> Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv e) ~of_:us_xs)
(rep :: cls)
let cls, subst = solve_interp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls, subst = solve_uninterp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls = List.rev_append cls_not_ito_us_xs cls in
let cls =
List.remove ~equal:Term.equal cls (Subst.norm subst rep)
|> Option.value ~default:cls
let cls = List.remove ~eq:Term.equal (Subst.norm subst rep) cls in
let classes =
if List.is_empty cls then Term.Map.remove classes rep
else Term.Map.set classes ~key:rep ~data:cls
@ -959,7 +956,8 @@ let solve_concat_extracts_eq r x =
let solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) =
List.filter_map (solve_concat_extracts_eq r x) ~f:(fun rev_extracts ->
List.fold_option rev_extracts ~init:[] ~f:(fun suffix e ->
Iter.fold_opt (Iter.of_list rev_extracts) ~init:[]
~f:(fun suffix e ->
let+ rep_ito_us =
List.fold (cls_of r e) ~init:None ~f:(fun rep_ito_us trm ->
match rep_ito_us with
@ -969,7 +967,8 @@ let solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) =
| _ -> rep_ito_us )
Term.sized ~siz:(Term.seq_size_exn e) ~seq:rep_ito_us :: suffix ) )
|> List.min_elt ~compare:[%compare: Term.t list]
|> Iter.of_list
|> Iter.min ~lt:(fun xs ys -> [%compare: Term.t list] xs ys < 0)
| Some extracts ->
let concat = Term.concat (Array.of_list extracts) in
@ -1036,7 +1035,7 @@ let solve_for_vars vss r =
|| fail "@[%a@ = %a@ not entailed by@ @[%a@]@]" Term.pp key
Term.pp data pp_classes r () ) ;
assert (
List.fold_until vss ~init:us
Iter.fold_until (Iter.of_list vss) ~init:us
~f:(fun us xs ->
let us_xs = Var.Set.union us xs in
let ks = Term.fv key in
@ -1046,8 +1045,8 @@ let solve_for_vars vss r =
&& Var.Set.is_subset ds ~of_:us_xs
&& ( Var.Set.is_subset ds ~of_:us
|| not (Var.Set.is_subset ks ~of_:us) )
then Stop true
else Continue us_xs )
then `Stop true
else `Continue us_xs )
~finish:(fun _ -> false) ) )]
let elim xs r = {r with rep= Subst.remove xs r.rep}

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let m =
List.fold ~init:m_stem q.djns ~f:(fun m djn ->
let ms = List.map ~f:(fun dj -> snd (var_strength_ xs m dj)) djn in
List.reduce_balanced ms ~f:(fun m1 m2 ->
List.reduce ms ~f:(fun m1 m2 ->
Var.Map.merge_skewed m1 m2 ~combine:(fun ~key:_ s1 s2 ->
match (s1, s2) with
| `Anonymous, `Anonymous -> `Anonymous
@ -175,19 +175,18 @@ let pp_heap x ?pre ctx fs heap =
| Some const -> (Term.sub e (Term.rational const), const)
| None -> (e, Q.zero)
let compare s1 s2 =
let cmp s1 s2 =
[%compare: Term.t * (Term.t * Q.t)]
(Context.normalize ctx s1.bas, bas_off (Context.normalize ctx s1.loc))
(Context.normalize ctx s2.bas, bas_off (Context.normalize ctx s2.loc))
let break s1 s2 =
(not (Term.equal s1.bas s2.bas))
|| (not (Term.equal s1.len s2.len))
|| not
(Context.implies ctx (Formula.eq (Term.add s1.loc s1.siz) s2.loc))
let eq s1 s2 =
Term.equal s1.bas s2.bas
&& Term.equal s1.len s2.len
&& Context.implies ctx (Formula.eq (Term.add s1.loc s1.siz) s2.loc)
let heap = List.map heap ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Context.normalize ctx)) in
let blocks = List.group ~break (List.sort ~compare heap) in
let blocks = List.group_succ ~eq (List.sort ~cmp heap) in
List.pp ?pre "@ * " (pp_block x) fs blocks
let pp_us ?(pre = ("" : _ fmt)) ?vs () fs us =
@ -569,7 +568,8 @@ let seg pt =
(** Update *)
let rem_seg seg q =
{q with heap= List.remove_exn q.heap seg} |> check invariant
{q with heap= List.remove_one_exn ~eq:( == ) seg q.heap}
|> check invariant
let filter_heap ~f q =
{q with heap= List.filter q.heap ~f} |> check invariant
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ let rec propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx q =
exists xs
(List.fold djns ~init:ancestor_stem ~f:(fun q' djn ->
let dj_ctxs, djn =
List.rev_map_unzip djn ~f:(fun dj ->
List.rev_map_split djn ~f:(fun dj ->
let dj = propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx dj in
(dj.ctx, dj) )

@ -653,7 +653,8 @@ let excise_dnf : Sh.t -> Var.Set.t -> Sh.t -> Sh.t option =
fun minuend xs subtrahend ->
let dnf_minuend = Sh.dnf minuend in
let dnf_subtrahend = Sh.dnf subtrahend in
List.fold_option dnf_minuend
(Iter.of_list dnf_minuend)
~init:(Sh.false_ (Var.Set.union minuend.us xs))
~f:(fun remainders minuend ->
