[AL] Remove unused tableaux evaluation

Summary: The tableaux evaluation was an experiment and it was turned off because of bad perf. Let's kill it to clear up the code.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D18708388

fbshipit-source-id: 099f5a3d3
Dulma Churchill 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 48fd99d48f
commit c3e16dbdbc

@ -207,29 +207,23 @@ let compute_if_context (context : CLintersContext.context) stmt =
: CLintersContext.if_context )
let call_tableaux linters cxt an map_active =
if CFrontend_config.tableaux_evaluation then Tableaux.build_valuation linters an cxt map_active
let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt linters (context : CLintersContext.context)
(map_act : Tableaux.context_linter_map) stmt =
let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt linters (context : CLintersContext.context) stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let an = Ctl_parser_types.Stmt stmt in
(*L.(debug Linters Medium)
"@\n >>>>>>Visit node %i <<<<<@\n" (Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an) ; *)
let do_all_checks_on_stmts context map_active stmt =
let do_all_checks_on_stmts context stmt =
( match stmt with
| DeclStmt (_, _, decl_list) ->
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active) decl_list
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context) decl_list
| BlockExpr (_, _, _, decl) ->
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active) [decl]
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context) [decl]
| _ ->
() ) ;
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context map_active stmt
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context stmt
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
(* The map should be visited when we enter the node before visiting children *)
let map_active = Tableaux.update_linter_context_map linters an map_act in
let stmt_context_list =
match stmt with
| ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt (_, stmt_list) ->
@ -262,21 +256,13 @@ let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt linters (context : CLintersContext.context)
| _ ->
[(context, snd (Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt))]
if CFrontend_config.tableaux_evaluation then
(* Unlike in the standard algorithm, nodes reachable via transitions
PointerToDecl are not visited
during the evaluation of the formula. So we need to visit
them diring the general visit of the tree. *)
do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context map_active an CTL.PointerToDecl ;
~f:(fun (cxt, stmts) ->
List.iter ~f:(do_all_checks_on_stmts cxt map_active) stmts ;
call_tableaux linters cxt an map_active )
~f:(fun (cxt, stmts) -> List.iter ~f:(do_all_checks_on_stmts cxt) stmts)
(* Visit nodes via a transition *)
and do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context map_active an trans =
and do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context an trans =
let succs = CTL.next_state_via_transition an trans in
~f:(fun an' ->
@ -286,20 +272,18 @@ and do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context map_active an trans =
CTL.Debug.pp_transition (Some trans) ;*)
match an' with
| Ctl_parser_types.Decl d ->
do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active d
do_frontend_checks_decl linters context d
| Ctl_parser_types.Stmt st ->
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context map_active st )
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context st )
and do_frontend_checks_decl linters (context : CLintersContext.context)
(map_act : Tableaux.context_linter_map) decl =
and do_frontend_checks_decl linters (context : CLintersContext.context) decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
if CAst_utils.is_implicit_decl decl then () (* do not analyze implicit declarations *)
let an = Ctl_parser_types.Decl decl in
(* The map should be visited when we enter the node before visiting children *)
let map_active = Tableaux.update_linter_context_map linters an map_act in
match decl with
| FunctionDecl _
| CXXMethodDecl _
@ -307,41 +291,36 @@ and do_frontend_checks_decl linters (context : CLintersContext.context)
| CXXConversionDecl _
| CXXDestructorDecl _
| BlockDecl _
| ObjCMethodDecl _ ->
| ObjCMethodDecl _ -> (
let context' = CLintersContext.update_current_method context decl in
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context' an ;
(* We need to visit explicitly nodes reachable via Parameters transitions
because they won't be visited during the evaluation of the formula *)
do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context' map_active an CTL.Parameters ;
( match CAst_utils.get_method_body_opt decl with
do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context' an CTL.Parameters ;
match CAst_utils.get_method_body_opt decl with
| Some stmt ->
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context' map_active stmt
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context' stmt
| None ->
() ) ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
() )
| ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, decls, _, _) | ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, _, decls, _, _) ->
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = {context with current_objc_class= Some decl} in
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context') decls
| ObjCCategoryImplDecl (_, _, decls, _, _) | ObjCCategoryDecl (_, _, decls, _, _) ->
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = {context with current_objc_category= Some decl} in
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context') decls
| ObjCProtocolDecl (_, _, decls, _, _) ->
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = {context with current_objc_protocol= Some decl} in
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
| _ ->
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context') decls
| _ -> (
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
( match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple decl with
match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple decl with
| Some (decls, _) ->
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active) decls
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl linters context) decls
| None ->
() ) ;
call_tableaux linters context an map_active
() )
let context_with_ck_set context decl_list =
@ -361,6 +340,12 @@ let linters_files =
List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:String.compare (find_linters_files () @ Config.linters_def_file)
let is_decl_allowed lcxt decl =
let decl_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
CLocation.should_do_frontend_check lcxt.CLintersContext.translation_unit_context.source_file
let do_frontend_checks (trans_unit_ctx : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context) ast =
ALIssues.issue_log := IssueLog.empty ;
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
@ -379,15 +364,13 @@ let do_frontend_checks (trans_unit_ctx : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_conte
if Config.print_active_checkers then
L.progress "Linting file %a, active linters: @\n%a@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file
ALIssues.pp_linters parsed_linters ;
Tableaux.init_global_nodes_valuation () ;
match ast with
| Clang_ast_t.TranslationUnitDecl (_, decl_list, _, _) ->
let context = context_with_ck_set (CLintersContext.empty trans_unit_ctx) decl_list in
let allowed_decls = List.filter ~f:(Tableaux.is_decl_allowed context) decl_list in
let allowed_decls = List.filter ~f:(is_decl_allowed context) decl_list in
(* We analyze the top level and then all the allowed declarations *)
let active_map : Tableaux.context_linter_map = Tableaux.init_active_map parsed_linters in
ALIssues.invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node parsed_linters context (Ctl_parser_types.Decl ast) ;
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl parsed_linters context active_map) allowed_decls ;
List.iter ~f:(do_frontend_checks_decl parsed_linters context) allowed_decls ;
IssueLog.store !ALIssues.issue_log ~dir:Config.lint_issues_dir_name ~file:source_file ;
L.(debug Linters Medium) "End linting file %a@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file ;
CTL.save_dotty_when_in_debug_mode trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file

@ -540,6 +540,5 @@ let invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node parsed_linters context an =
Because depending on the formula it may give an error at line -1 *)
| _ ->
if not CFrontend_config.tableaux_evaluation then
invoke_set_of_parsed_checkers_an parsed_linters context an ) ;
if Config.default_linters then invoke_set_of_hard_coded_checkers_an context an

@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module CTLFormulaSet = Caml.Set.Make (CTL)
module ClosureHashtbl = Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = CTL.t [@@deriving compare]
(* This map associates a true/false to a formula in a node to
say if that is a good context where to evaluate the formula or not.
This is an optimization that avoids evaluation formulas where not necessary *)
type context_linter_map = bool ClosureHashtbl.t
(* This map associate to a formula the set of its subformulae
(is state only formula, linter_condition, list of subformulae of linter_condition) *)
let closure_map : (bool * CTL.t list) ClosureHashtbl.t ref = ref ClosureHashtbl.empty
type node_valuation_key = int * string [@@deriving compare]
(* Given a linter and a node, a node valuation is a set of
formulae valid in that node. The formulae are subformulae of the
linter.condition, and therefore their use is to be able to
evaluate the linter condition. *)
module NodesValuationHashtbl = Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = node_valuation_key [@@deriving compare]
type node_valuation = CTLFormulaSet.t
let global_nodes_valuation : node_valuation NodesValuationHashtbl.t ref =
ref NodesValuationHashtbl.empty
let init_global_nodes_valuation () =
global_nodes_valuation := NodesValuationHashtbl.empty ;
closure_map := ClosureHashtbl.empty
let add_formula_to_valuation k s =
global_nodes_valuation := NodesValuationHashtbl.add k s !global_nodes_valuation
let get_node_valuation k =
try NodesValuationHashtbl.find k !global_nodes_valuation
with Caml.Not_found -> CTLFormulaSet.empty
let is_decl_allowed lcxt decl =
let decl_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
CLocation.should_do_frontend_check lcxt.CLintersContext.translation_unit_context.source_file
(* true if it's an InNode formulae *)
let is_in_formula phi = match phi with CTL.InNode _ -> true | _ -> false
(* Map initialized with false for InNode formula and true for others *)
let init_active_map parsed_linters =
~f:(fun acc_map linter ->
let not_inf = not (is_in_formula linter.ALIssues.condition) in
ClosureHashtbl.add linter.ALIssues.condition not_inf acc_map )
~init:ClosureHashtbl.empty parsed_linters
(* update the context map for formulae of type InNode(tl, phi). When we
pass from a node in the list tl. The idea is that the context map tell us
when we are in a node that is a discendant of a node in tl so that is make
sense to keep evaluation phi. Otherwise we can skip the evaluation of phi and
its subformulae *)
let update_linter_context_map parsed_linters an linter_context_map =
let do_one_linter acc_map linter =
let phi = linter.ALIssues.condition in
match phi with
| CTL.InNode (tl, _) -> (
if ClosureHashtbl.find phi linter_context_map then acc_map
let res = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_has_kind tl an in
(*L.(debug Linters Medium) "@\n Updating linter map for node %i with '%b'"
(Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an) res; *)
ClosureHashtbl.add phi res acc_map
with Caml.Not_found ->
Logging.die InternalError "Every linter condition should have an entry in the map." )
| _ ->
List.fold ~f:do_one_linter ~init:linter_context_map parsed_linters
(* Takes phi and transform it by an equivalent formula containing
only a minimal set of operators *)
let rec normalize phi =
let open CTL in
match phi with
| True | False | Atomic _ ->
| Implies (phi1, phi2) ->
normalize (Or (Not phi1, phi2))
| Or (phi1, phi2) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
let phi2' = normalize phi2 in
Or (phi1', phi2')
| And (phi1, phi2) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
let phi2' = normalize phi2 in
And (phi1', phi2')
| Not phi1 ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
Not phi1'
| AG (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
Not (EF (trans, Not phi1'))
| EX (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
EX (trans, phi1')
| EF (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
EF (trans, phi1')
| EG (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
EG (trans, phi1')
| AX (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
Not (EX (trans, Not phi1'))
| AF (trans, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
Not (EG (trans, Not phi1'))
| EU (trans, phi1, phi2) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
let phi2' = normalize phi2 in
EU (trans, phi1', phi2')
| AU (trans, phi1, phi2) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
let phi2' = normalize phi2 in
Not (Or (EU (trans, Not phi2', Not (Or (phi1', phi2'))), EG (trans, phi2')))
| EH (cl, phi1) ->
normalize (ET (cl, None, EX (Some Super, EF (Some Super, phi1))))
| ET (tl, trs, phi1) -> (
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
match trs with
| Some _ ->
EF (None, InNode (tl, EX (trs, phi1')))
| None ->
EF (None, InNode (tl, phi1')) )
| InNode (nl, phi1) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
InNode (nl, phi1')
| InObjCClass (phi1, phi2) ->
let phi1' = normalize phi1 in
let phi2' = normalize phi2 in
InObjCClass (phi1', phi2')
(* Given a phi0 build the list of its subformulae including itself.
The order of the list is such that, for any formula phi, its strict subformulae
occur before. The order is important for the evaluation. *)
let formula_closure phi0 =
let open CTL in
let rec do_subformula phi =
match phi with
| True | False | Atomic _ ->
| Not phi1 ->
phi :: do_subformula phi1
| And (phi1, phi2) | Or (phi1, phi2) | EU (_, phi1, phi2) | InObjCClass (phi1, phi2) ->
let cl1 = do_subformula phi1 in
let cl2 = do_subformula phi2 in
phi :: (cl1 @ cl2)
| EX (_, phi1) | EF (_, phi1) | EG (_, phi1) | InNode (_, phi1) ->
phi :: do_subformula phi1
| AG _ | AX _ | AF _ | AU _ | EH _ | ET _ | Implies _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "@\n Failing with formula @\n %a@\n" CTL.Debug.pp_formula phi
let cl0 = do_subformula phi0 in
let cl0' = List.rev cl0 in
~f:(fun acc e -> if List.mem acc e ~equal:CTL.equal then acc else acc @ [e])
~init:[] cl0'
(* check if there is a formula phi in the set of valid formula of
a successor *)
let exists_formula_in_successor_nodes an checker trans phi =
(*L.(debug Linters Medium) "@\n Successor nodes of %i: " (Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an) ;*)
let succs =
match trans with
| Some l ->
(* L.(debug Linters Medium) " (passing by '%a' transition) " CTL.Debug.pp_transition trans ;*)
CTL.next_state_via_transition an l
| None ->
(*L.(debug Linters Medium) " (passing by None) " ;*)
Ctl_parser_types.get_direct_successor_nodes an
~f:(fun an' -> L.(debug Linters Medium) " [%i] " (Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an'))
succs ;*)
~f:(fun an' ->
let node_pointer = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an' in
let key = (node_pointer, checker) in
let succ_sat_set = get_node_valuation key in
(*print_formula_set succ_sat_set "SUCC_SAT_SET" ;*)
CTLFormulaSet.mem phi succ_sat_set )
(* Given a node an and a closure cl, returns the subset of valid formulae of
cl in an. The hipothesis is that you have constructed the set of valid formulae
for the successors of the node an *)
let add_valid_formulae an checker lcxt cl =
let open CTL in
(*let name = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_kind an in
let pointer = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an in *)
let add_in_set phi acc_set =
(* L.(debug Linters Medium)
"@\n **** In (%i, %s) ADDING FORMULA **** @\n %a@\n@\n" pointer name CTL.Debug.pp_formula
phi ; *)
CTLFormulaSet.add phi acc_set
let is_valid phi acc_set = CTLFormulaSet.mem phi acc_set in
let do_formula acc_set phi =
(* L.(debug Linters Medium)
"@\n In (%i, %s) Dealing with formula @\n %a@\n" pointer name CTL.Debug.pp_formula phi ;
L.(debug Linters Medium) "@\n ---------------------------- @\n" ;*)
match phi with
| True ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| False ->
| Atomic _ ->
if Option.is_some (eval_formula phi an lcxt) then add_in_set phi acc_set else acc_set
| And (phi1, phi2) when is_valid phi1 acc_set && is_valid phi2 acc_set ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| InObjCClass (phi1, phi2) when is_valid phi1 acc_set && is_valid phi2 acc_set ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| Or (phi1, phi2) when is_valid phi1 acc_set || is_valid phi2 acc_set ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| Not phi1 when not (is_valid phi1 acc_set) ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| InNode (tl, phi1) when Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_has_kind tl an && is_valid phi1 acc_set ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| EX (trans, phi1) when exists_formula_in_successor_nodes an checker trans phi1 ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| EF (trans, phi1)
when is_valid phi1 acc_set || exists_formula_in_successor_nodes an checker trans phi ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| EG (trans, phi1)
when is_valid phi1 acc_set && exists_formula_in_successor_nodes an checker trans phi ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| EU (trans, phi1, phi2)
when is_valid phi2 acc_set
|| (is_valid phi1 acc_set && exists_formula_in_successor_nodes an checker trans phi) ->
add_in_set phi acc_set
| AG _ | AX _ | AF _ | AU _ | EH _ | ET _ | Implies _ ->
Logging.die InternalError
\ We should not have operators AG, AX, AF, AU, EH, ET.\n\
\ Failing with formula @\n\
\ %a@\n"
CTL.Debug.pp_formula phi
| _ ->
List.fold ~f:do_formula cl ~init:CTLFormulaSet.empty
(* true if it's a formulae that does not contain temporal operators
and can be decided in a single node *)
let rec is_state_only_formula phi =
let open CTL in
match phi with
| True | False | Atomic _ ->
(*L.(debug Linters Medium) "@\n ****** FOUND state_only_formula ***** @\n" ;*) true
| Not phi1 ->
is_state_only_formula phi1
| And (phi1, phi2) | Or (phi1, phi2) | Implies (phi1, phi2) | InObjCClass (phi1, phi2) ->
is_state_only_formula phi1 && is_state_only_formula phi2
| InNode (_, phi1) ->
is_state_only_formula phi1
| AX _ | EX _ | AF _ | EF _ | AG _ | EG _ | AU _ | EU _ | EH _ | ET _ ->
(* Report an issue provided that a declaration is allowed
(i.e., it's in the analized file )*)
let report_issue an lcxt linter (*npo_condition*) =
let open Ctl_parser_types in
let open ALIssues in
(*let name = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_kind an in
let pointer = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an in
L.(debug Linters Medium)
"@\n@\n@\n ***** In (%i, %s) Reporting because we found @\n%a@\n@\n@\n@\n" pointer name
CTL.Debug.pp_formula linter.condition ;*)
let loc = ALUtils.location_from_an lcxt an in
let should_report = match an with Decl dec -> is_decl_allowed lcxt dec | Stmt _ -> true in
if should_report then
fill_issue_desc_info_and_log lcxt ~witness:an ~current_node:an linter.issue_desc loc
let check_linter_map linter_map_contex phi =
try ClosureHashtbl.find phi linter_map_contex
with Caml.Not_found ->
Logging.die InternalError "@\n ERROR: linter_map must have an entry for each formula"
(* skip the evaluation of a InNode because an is not among the set tl *)
let skip_evaluation_InNode_formula an phi =
match phi with
| CTL.InNode (tl, _) when not (Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_has_kind tl an) ->
| _ ->
(* Build valuation, i.e. set of valid subformula for a pair (node, checker) *)
let build_valuation parsed_linters an lcxt linter_map_context =
let open ALIssues in
let node_pointer = Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_pointer an in
(*L.(debug Linters Medium)
"@\n@\n ******** Tableaux called for node %i ******** @\n@\n" node_pointer ;*)
let do_one_check linter =
(*transition_set_in_formula := TransitionSet.empty ;
build_transition_set npo_condition ; *)
let normalized_condition = normalize linter.condition in
let is_state_only, cl =
try ClosureHashtbl.find normalized_condition !closure_map
with Caml.Not_found ->
let cl' = formula_closure normalized_condition in
let is_state_only = is_state_only_formula normalized_condition in
(*print_closure cl' ; *)
closure_map := ClosureHashtbl.add normalized_condition (is_state_only, cl') !closure_map ;
(is_state_only, cl')
if not (is_state_only && skip_evaluation_InNode_formula an normalized_condition) then (
let sat_set =
add_valid_formulae an linter.issue_desc.issue_type.IssueType.unique_id lcxt cl
(*L.progress " [Set Size: %i] @\n" (CTLFormulaSet.cardinal sat_set);*)
if CTLFormulaSet.mem normalized_condition sat_set then report_issue an lcxt linter ;
(node_pointer, linter.issue_desc.issue_type.IssueType.unique_id)
sat_set )
~f:(fun (linter : linter) ->
CIssue.should_run_check linter.issue_desc.CIssue.mode
&& check_linter_map linter_map_context linter.condition
then do_one_check linter )

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module ClosureHashtbl : Caml.Map.S with type key = CTL.t
type context_linter_map = bool ClosureHashtbl.t
val init_global_nodes_valuation : unit -> unit
val init_active_map : ALIssues.linter list -> bool ClosureHashtbl.t
val update_linter_context_map :
ALIssues.linter list -> Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> context_linter_map -> context_linter_map
val build_valuation :
ALIssues.linter list
-> Ctl_parser_types.ast_node
-> CLintersContext.context
-> context_linter_map
-> unit
val is_decl_allowed : CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool

@ -138,6 +138,3 @@ let reset_global_state () =
sil_types_map := Clang_ast_extend.TypePointerMap.empty ;
procedures_attempted := 0 ;
procedures_failed := 0
let tableaux_evaluation = false

@ -119,5 +119,3 @@ val get_fresh_block_index : unit -> int
val reset_block_counter : unit -> unit
val reset_global_state : unit -> unit
val tableaux_evaluation : bool
