@ -71,56 +71,6 @@ def base_argparser(description, module_name):
return _func
def clang_frontend_argparser ( description , module_name ) :
def _func ( group_name = module_name ) :
""" This creates an argparser for all the modules that require
clang for their capture phase , thus InferClang and clang wrappers """
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( add_help = False )
group = parser . add_argument_group (
' {grp} module ' . format ( grp = group_name ) ,
description = description ,
group . add_argument (
' -hd ' , ' --headers ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Analyze code in header files ' ,
group . add_argument (
' --models_mode ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
dest = ' models_mode ' ,
help = ' Mode for computing the models ' ,
group . add_argument (
' --no_failures_allowed ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
dest = ' no_failures_allowed ' ,
help = ' Fail if at least one of the translations fails ' ,
group . add_argument (
' -tm ' , ' --testing_mode ' ,
dest = ' testing_mode ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Testing mode for the translation: Do not translate headers ' )
group . add_argument (
' --cxx ' ,
dest = ' cxx ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Analyze C++ code, still experimental ' )
group . add_argument (
' -fs ' , ' --frontend-stats ' ,
dest = ' frontend_stats ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Output statistics about the capture phase to *.o.astlog ' )
group . add_argument (
' -fd ' , ' --frontend-debug ' ,
dest = ' frontend_debug ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Output debugging information to *.o.astlog during capture ' )
return parser
return _func
def get_clang_frontend_envvars ( args ) :
""" Return the environment variables that configure the clang wrapper, e.g.
to emit debug information if needed , and the invocation of the Infer