@ -26,3 +26,126 @@ let severity_const = "severity"
let mode_const = "mode"
exception ALParsingException of string
(* Data structures for type parser.
Correspondence with clang types inferred from
StringRef BuiltinType::getName in
type builtin_kind =
| Void (* void *)
| Bool (* bool *)
| Char_U (* char *)
| UChar (* unsigned char *)
| WChar_U (* wchar_t *)
| Char16 (* char16_t *)
| Char32 (* char32_t *)
| UShort (* unsigned short *)
| UInt (* unsigned int *)
| ULong (* unsigned long *)
| ULongLong (* unsigned long long *)
| Int128 (* __int128 *)
| UInt128 (* unsigned __int128 *)
| SChar (* signed char *)
| Short (* short *)
| Int (* int *)
| Long (* long *)
| LongLong (* long long *)
| Half (* half of __fp16 *)
| Float (* float *)
| Double (* double *)
| LongDouble (* long double *)
| Float128 (* __float128 *)
| NullPtr (* nullptr_t *)
| ObjCId (* id *)
| ObjCClass (* Class *)
| ObjCSel (* SEL *)
(* | OCLSampler | OCLEvent | OCLClkEvent | OCLQueue | OCLNDRange
| OCLReserveID | Dependent | Overload | BoundMember | PseudoObject
| UnknownAny | BuiltinFn | ARCUnbridgedCast | OMPArraySection *)
let builtin_kind_to_string t =
match t with
| Char_U -> "char"
| Char16 -> "char16_t"
| Char32 -> "char32_t"
| WChar_U -> "wchar_t"
| Bool -> "bool"
| Short -> "short"
| Int -> "int"
| Long -> "long"
| Float -> "float"
| Double -> "double"
| Void -> "void"
| SChar -> "signed char";
| LongLong -> "long long";
| UChar -> "unsigned char";
| UShort -> "unsigned short";
| UInt -> "unsigned int";
| ULong -> "unsigned long";
| ULongLong -> "unsigned long long";
| LongDouble -> "long double";
| Int128 -> "__int128"
| Float128 -> "__float128"
| UInt128 -> "unsigned __int128"
| Half -> "half"
| NullPtr -> "nullptr_t"
| ObjCId -> "id"
| ObjCClass -> "Class"
| ObjCSel -> "SEL"
type abs_ctype =
| BuiltIn of builtin_kind
let abs_ctype_to_string t =
match t with
| BuiltIn t' -> "BuiltIn (" ^ (builtin_kind_to_string t') ^ ")"
(* Temporary, partial equality function. Cover only what's covered
by the types_parser. It needs to be replaced by a real
comparison function for Clang_ast_t.c_type *)
let tmp_c_type_equal ?name_c_type c_type abs_ctype =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match c_type, abs_ctype with
| BuiltinType (_ , `Char_U), BuiltIn (Char_U)
| BuiltinType (_ , `Char_S), BuiltIn (Char_U)
| BuiltinType (_, `Char16), BuiltIn (Char16)
| BuiltinType (_, `Char32), BuiltIn (Char32)
| BuiltinType (_, `WChar_U), BuiltIn (WChar_U)
| BuiltinType (_, `WChar_S), BuiltIn (WChar_U)
| BuiltinType (_, `Bool), BuiltIn (Bool)
| BuiltinType (_, `Short), BuiltIn (Short)
| BuiltinType (_, `Int), BuiltIn (Int)
| BuiltinType (_, `Long), BuiltIn (Long)
| BuiltinType (_, `Float), BuiltIn (Float)
| BuiltinType (_, `Double), BuiltIn (Double)
| BuiltinType (_, `Void), BuiltIn (Void)
| BuiltinType (_, `SChar), BuiltIn (SChar)
| BuiltinType (_, `LongLong), BuiltIn (LongLong)
| BuiltinType (_, `UChar), BuiltIn (UChar)
| BuiltinType (_, `UShort), BuiltIn (UShort)
| BuiltinType (_, `UInt), BuiltIn (UInt)
| BuiltinType (_, `ULong), BuiltIn (ULong)
| BuiltinType (_, `ULongLong), BuiltIn (ULongLong)
| BuiltinType (_, `LongDouble), BuiltIn (LongDouble)
| BuiltinType (_, `Int128), BuiltIn (Int128)
| BuiltinType (_, `UInt128), BuiltIn (UInt128)
| BuiltinType (_, `Float128), BuiltIn (Float128)
| BuiltinType (_, `NullPtr), BuiltIn (NullPtr)
| BuiltinType (_, `ObjCId), BuiltIn (ObjCId)
| BuiltinType (_, `ObjCClass), BuiltIn (ObjCClass)
| BuiltinType (_, `ObjCSel), BuiltIn (ObjCSel)
| BuiltinType (_, `Half), BuiltIn (Half) -> true
| _, _ ->
let name = (match name_c_type with
| None -> ""
| Some n -> n) in
"[WARNING:] Type Comparison failed... \
This might indicate that the types are different or the specified type \
is internally represented in a different way and therefore not recognized. \
Type compared: c_type = `%s` abs_ctype =`%s`\n"
name (abs_ctype_to_string abs_ctype);