@ -1826,6 +1826,27 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * report an error if [lexp] is tainted; otherwise, add untained ( [lexp] ) as a precondition *)
let execute___check_untainted cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname prop lexp in
( match Prop . get_taint_attribute prop n_lexp with
| Some ( Sil . Ataint source_pname ) ->
(* since set_taint_attribute and assert_untained are only used in the models, we should
never encounter this case ( unless someone is silly enough to write
set_taint_attribute ( o ) ; check_untainted ( o ) in a model . ) * )
failwith " Don't write set_taint_attribute(o); ...check_untainted(o) in the same method "
| _ ->
if ! Config . footprint then
let untaint_attr = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( Sil . Auntaint ) ) in
(* * add untained ( n_lexp ) to the footprint *)
[ ( Prop . conjoin_neq ~ footprint : true n_lexp untaint_attr prop , path ) ]
else [ ( prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * take a pointer to a struct, and return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
(* * take a pointer to a struct, and return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
let execute___get_hidden_field cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
let execute___get_hidden_field cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
: Builtin . ret_typ =
@ -1891,18 +1912,6 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
[ ( prop'' , path ) ]
[ ( prop'' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___state_untainted cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
( match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] ->
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
[ ( return_result ( Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ne , n_lexp , ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( ( Sil . Auntaint ) ) ) ) ) ) prop ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> [ ( _ prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* Update the objective-c hidden counter by applying the operation op and the operand delta. *)
(* Update the objective-c hidden counter by applying the operation op and the operand delta. *)
(* Eg. op=+/- delta is an integer *)
(* Eg. op=+/- delta is an integer *)
let execute___objc_counter_update
let execute___objc_counter_update
@ -2250,7 +2259,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
match args with
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let prop_assume = Prop . conjoin_eq lexp ( Sil . exp_bool true ) prop in
let prop_assume = Prop . conjoin_eq lexp ( Sil . exp_bool true ) prop in
if Prover . check_inconsistency prop_assume then execute_diverge prop_assume path
if Prover . check_inconsistency prop_assume then execute_diverge prop_assume path
else [ ( prop_assume , path ) ]
else [ ( prop_assume , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
@ -2320,7 +2329,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_hidden_field " execute___set_hidden_field (* set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_hidden_field " execute___set_hidden_field (* set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_taint_attribute " execute___set_taint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_taint_attribute " execute___set_taint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_untaint_attribute " execute___set_untaint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_untaint_attribute " execute___set_untaint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __ state_untainted" execute___state_untainted (* check if the parameter is tainte d *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __ check_untainted" execute___check_untainted (* report a taint error if the parameter is tainted, and assume it is untainted afterwar d *)
let _ _ objc_retain = Builtin . register " __objc_retain " execute___objc_retain (* objective-c "retain" *)
let _ _ objc_retain = Builtin . register " __objc_retain " execute___objc_retain (* objective-c "retain" *)
let _ _ objc_release = Builtin . register " __objc_release " execute___objc_release (* objective-c "release" *)
let _ _ objc_release = Builtin . register " __objc_release " execute___objc_release (* objective-c "release" *)
let _ _ objc_retain_cf = Builtin . register " __objc_retain_cf " execute___objc_retain_cf (* objective-c "retain" *)
let _ _ objc_retain_cf = Builtin . register " __objc_retain_cf " execute___objc_retain_cf (* objective-c "retain" *)