[preanalysis] Handle closure substitution in conditionals

Specialized closure substitution was broken for conditionals:

void foo(dispatch_block_t block1){
 if (x){
   block1(); // not replaced with specialized implementation

The problem was that when substituting function calls, it only used memory state at the exit node, rather than at each program point.

We could solve this by

- reverting the domain change in D24418560 (c47911359a), i.e. collecting all possible mappings conservatively (e.g. switch the domain back to `Map`)
- pass the `invariant_map` for substitutions at each program point.

We go with the second option here.

The closure substitution is still somewhat broken as exemplified by the following example:

void foo(dispatch_block_t block1){
 dispatch_block_t  local_block = block1;
 local_block(); // we don't substitute the call here

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D24993962

fbshipit-source-id: ebadddb58
Ezgi Çiçek 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 498da13cad
commit c80b80d0d7

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ let standard_name kind =
else Name.Primed
(** Every identifier with a given stamp should unltimately be created using this function *)
(** Every identifier with a given stamp should ultimately be created using this function *)
let create_with_stamp kind name stamp =
NameGenerator.update_name_hash name stamp ;
{kind; name; stamp}

@ -116,9 +116,7 @@ let map (t : not_reversed t) ~f =
map_and_fold t ~f ~init:()
let concat_map t ~f =
let instrs = get_underlying_not_reversed t in
let instrs' = Array.concat_map ~f instrs in
let check_instr_equality t instrs instrs' =
Int.equal (Array.length instrs) (Array.length instrs')
&& Array.for_all2_exn ~f:phys_equal instrs instrs'
@ -126,6 +124,19 @@ let concat_map t ~f =
else NotReversed instrs'
let concat_map t ~f =
let instrs = get_underlying_not_reversed t in
let instrs' = Array.concat_map ~f instrs in
check_instr_equality t instrs instrs'
let concat_map_and_fold t ~f ~init =
let cm ~f ~init t = Array.concat (Array.to_list (Array.folding_map ~init ~f t)) in
let instrs = get_underlying_not_reversed t in
let instrs' = cm ~init ~f instrs in
check_instr_equality t instrs instrs'
let reverse_order t =
let instrs = get_underlying_not_reversed t in
Reversed (RevArray.of_rev_array instrs)
@ -205,3 +216,15 @@ let find_map t ~f = Container.find_map ~iter t ~f
let pp pe fmt t =
iter t ~f:(fun instr -> F.fprintf fmt "%a;@\n" (Sil.pp_instr ~print_types:false pe) instr)
(** Return the list of normal ids occurring in the instructions *)
let instrs_get_normal_vars instrs =
let do_instr res instr =
Sil.exps_of_instr instr
|> List.fold_left ~init:res ~f:(fun res e ->
Exp.free_vars e
|> Sequence.filter ~f:Ident.is_normal
|> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence ~init:res )
fold ~init:(Ident.HashQueue.create ()) ~f:do_instr instrs |> Ident.HashQueue.keys

@ -34,11 +34,15 @@ val map : not_reversed t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr) -> not_reversed t
val map_and_fold :
not_reversed t -> f:('a -> Sil.instr -> 'a * Sil.instr) -> init:'a -> not_reversed t
[@@warning "-32"]
(** replace every instruction [instr] with [snd (f context instr)]. The context is computed by
folding [f] on [init] and previous instructions (before [instr]) in the collection. Preserve
physical equality. **)
val concat_map_and_fold :
not_reversed t -> f:('a -> Sil.instr -> 'a * Sil.instr array) -> init:'a -> not_reversed t
(** Like [map_and_fold] but replace every instruction [instr] with the list [snd (f context instr)]
by threading an accumulator. Preserve physical equality. **)
val concat_map : not_reversed t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr array) -> not_reversed t
(** replace every instruction [instr] with the list [f instr]. Preserve physical equality. **)
@ -67,3 +71,5 @@ val fold : (_ t, Sil.instr, 'a) Container.fold
val iter : (_ t, Sil.instr) Container.iter
val get_underlying_not_reversed : not_reversed t -> Sil.instr array
val instrs_get_normal_vars : not_reversed t -> Ident.t list

@ -269,6 +269,16 @@ module Node = struct
true )
(** Concat map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context *)
let replace_instrs_by_using_context node ~f ~update_context ~context_at_node =
let f node context instr = (update_context context instr, f node context instr) in
let instrs' = Instrs.concat_map_and_fold node.instrs ~f:(f node) ~init:context_at_node in
if phys_equal instrs' node.instrs then false
else (
node.instrs <- instrs' ;
true )
(** Like [replace_instrs], but 1 instr gets replaced by 0, 1, or more instructions. *)
let replace_instrs_by node ~f =
let instrs' = Instrs.concat_map node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
@ -594,6 +604,14 @@ let replace_instrs_using_context pdesc ~f ~update_context ~context_at_node =
update_nodes pdesc ~update
let replace_instrs_by_using_context pdesc ~f ~update_context ~context_at_node =
let update node =
Node.replace_instrs_by_using_context ~f ~update_context ~context_at_node:(context_at_node node)
update_nodes pdesc ~update
let replace_instrs_by pdesc ~f =
let update node = Node.replace_instrs_by ~f node in
update_nodes pdesc ~update

@ -293,6 +293,15 @@ val replace_instrs_using_context :
(** Map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context that we built with previous
instructions in the node. Returns true if at least one substitution occured. *)
val replace_instrs_by_using_context :
-> f:(Node.t -> 'a -> Sil.instr -> Sil.instr array)
-> update_context:('a -> Sil.instr -> 'a)
-> context_at_node:(Node.t -> 'a)
-> bool
(** Like [replace_instrs_using_context], but slower, and each instruction may be replaced by 0, 1,
or more instructions. *)
val replace_instrs_by : t -> f:(Node.t -> Sil.instr -> Sil.instr array) -> bool
(** Like [replace_instrs], but slower, and each instruction may be replaced by 0, 1, or more
instructions. *)

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
module CFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module L = Logging
module PPPVar = struct
type t = Pvar.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
@ -16,24 +17,26 @@ end
module VDom = AbstractDomain.Flat (PPPVar)
module Domain = AbstractDomain.SafeInvertedMap (Ident) (VDom)
let eval_instr astate instr =
let open Sil in
match instr with
| Load {id; e= Exp.Lvar pvar} ->
Domain.add id (VDom.v pvar) astate
| Load {id} ->
Domain.add id VDom.top astate
| Call ((id, _), _, _, _, _) ->
Domain.add id VDom.top astate
| _ ->
module TransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Domain
type analysis_data = unit
let exec_instr astate _analysis_data _node instr =
let open Sil in
match instr with
| Load {id; e= Exp.Lvar pvar} ->
Domain.add id (VDom.v pvar) astate
| Load {id} ->
Domain.add id VDom.top astate
| Call ((id, _), _, _, _, _) ->
Domain.add id VDom.top astate
| _ ->
let exec_instr astate _ _node instr = eval_instr astate instr
let pp_session_name node fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "Closure Subst Specialized Method %a" CFG.Node.pp_id (CFG.Node.id node)
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ end
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (TransferFunctions)
let exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map _node instr =
let exec_instr proc_name formals_to_blocks_map domain instr =
let open Sil in
let res =
let exec_exp exp =
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ let exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map _node instr =
|> List.unzip
L.debug Capture Verbose "substituting specialized method@\n" ;
@ [ Call
(ret_id_typ, Const (Cfun procname), extra_args @ converted_args, loc, call_flags)
@ -88,6 +92,14 @@ let exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map _node instr =
Array.of_list res
let analyze_at_node (map : Analyzer.invariant_map) node : Domain.t =
match Analyzer.InvariantMap.find_opt (Procdesc.Node.get_id node) map with
| Some abstate ->
| None ->
let process summary =
let pdesc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
@ -95,19 +107,22 @@ let process summary =
match proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.specialized_with_blocks_info with
| Some spec_with_blocks_info -> (
match AnalysisCallbacks.get_proc_desc spec_with_blocks_info.orig_proc with
| Some orig_proc_desc -> (
| Some orig_proc_desc ->
let formals_to_blocks_map = spec_with_blocks_info.formals_to_procs_and_new_formals in
Procdesc.shallow_copy_code_from_pdesc ~orig_pdesc:orig_proc_desc ~dest_pdesc:pdesc ;
let analysis_data = () in
match Analyzer.compute_post ~initial:Domain.empty analysis_data pdesc with
| Some domain ->
let used_ids = Domain.bindings domain |> List.map ~f:fst in
Ident.update_name_generator used_ids ;
Procdesc.replace_instrs_by pdesc ~f:(exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map)
|> ignore ;
| None ->
() )
let node_cfg = CFG.from_pdesc pdesc in
let invariant_map = Analyzer.exec_cfg node_cfg () ~initial:Domain.empty in
let update_context = eval_instr in
CFG.fold_nodes node_cfg ~init:() ~f:(fun _ node ->
let used_ids = Instrs.instrs_get_normal_vars (CFG.instrs node) in
Ident.update_name_generator used_ids ) ;
let replace_instr _node = exec_instr proc_name formals_to_blocks_map in
let context_at_node node = analyze_at_node invariant_map node in
let _has_changed : bool =
Procdesc.replace_instrs_by_using_context pdesc ~f:replace_instr ~update_context
| _ ->
() )
| _ ->

@ -354,25 +354,13 @@ exception RE_EXE_ERROR
let pp_name fmt = F.pp_print_string fmt "biabduction"
(** Return the list of normal ids occurring in the instructions *)
let instrs_get_normal_vars instrs =
let do_instr res instr =
Sil.exps_of_instr instr
|> List.fold_left ~init:res ~f:(fun res e ->
Exp.free_vars e
|> Sequence.filter ~f:Ident.is_normal
|> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence ~init:res )
Instrs.fold ~init:(Ident.HashQueue.create ()) ~f:do_instr instrs |> Ident.HashQueue.keys
(** Perform symbolic execution for a node starting from an initial prop *)
let do_symbolic_execution ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; _} as analysis_data) proc_cfg handle_exn
(node : ProcCfg.Exceptional.Node.t) (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : Paths.Path.t) =
State.mark_execution_start node ;
let instrs = ProcCfg.Exceptional.instrs node in
(* fresh normal vars must be fresh w.r.t. instructions *)
Ident.update_name_generator (instrs_get_normal_vars instrs) ;
Ident.update_name_generator (Instrs.instrs_get_normal_vars instrs) ;
let pset =
SymExec.node handle_exn analysis_data proc_cfg node
(Paths.PathSet.from_renamed_list [(prop, path)])

@ -29,4 +29,37 @@
int i = [x indexOfObjectPassingTest:b];
- (void)conditionalRunBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block {
if (x) {
- (void)call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:(int)k {
int i = 0;
while (i < k) {
[self conditionalRunBlock:^{
NoArcCallee* o = [NoArcCallee giveMeObject];
- (void)callBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block {
dispatch_block_t local_block = block;
local_block(); // pre-analysis can't specialize here and we drop the trace
- (void)call_CallBlock_linear:(int)k {
int i = 0;
while (i < k) {
[self callBlock:^{
NoArcCallee* o = [NoArcCallee giveMeObject];

@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
${XCODE_ISYSROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/NSArray.h, NSArray.indexOfObjectPassingTest:[objc_blockArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_linear:_1], 0, OnUIThread:false, []
${XCODE_ISYSROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/NSArray.h, NSArray.indexOfObjectPassingTest:[objc_blockArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_param_linear:_2], 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callBlock:, |block|, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callBlock:[objc_blockArcBlock.call_CallBlock_linear:_4], |block|, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_linear:, x->elements.length.ub, OnUIThread:false, [{x->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to indexOfObjectPassingTest:,autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_param_linear:, x->elements.length.ub, OnUIThread:false, [{x->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to indexOfObjectPassingTest:,autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.call_CallBlock_linear:, k, OnUIThread:false, [{k},Loop]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:, k, OnUIThread:false, [{k},Loop,autorelease,Call to ArcBlock.conditionalRunBlock:[objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3],Call to objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.conditionalRunBlock:, |block|, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.conditionalRunBlock:[objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3], 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.dealloc, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, objc_blockArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_linear:_1, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, objc_blockArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_param_linear:_2, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, objc_blockArcBlock.call_CallBlock_linear:_4, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_callee.m, ArcCallee.allocObject, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_callee.m, ArcCallee.copyObject:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_callee.m, ArcCallee.dealloc, 0, OnUIThread:false, []

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{x->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to indexOfObjectPassingTest:,autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.callIndexOfObjectPassingTest_param_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{x->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to indexOfObjectPassingTest:,autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.call_CallBlock_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{k},Loop]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_block.m, ArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{k},Loop,autorelease,Call to ArcBlock.conditionalRunBlock:[objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3],Call to objc_blockArcBlock.call_ConditionalRunBlock_linear:_3,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_caller.m, ArcCaller.callGiveMeObject_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{n},Loop,autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.callMyEnumerator_linear_FP:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{x->elements.length.ub + 1},Call to MyEnumerator.nextObject,Loop,{x->elements.length.ub + 1},Call to MyEnumerator.nextObject,Loop,{x->elements.length.ub + 1},Loop]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.callMyEnumerator_nextObject_linear:, 0, EXPENSIVE_AUTORELEASEPOOL_SIZE, no_bucket, ERROR, [{x->elements.length.ub + 1},Call to MyEnumerator.nextObject,Loop]
