@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ let node_key node =
(** normalize the list of instructions by renaming let-bound ids *)
(** normalize the list of instructions by renaming let-bound ids *)
let instrs_normalize instrs =
let instrs_normalize instrs =
let bound_ids =
let bound_ids =
let do_instr ids = function Sil.Load (id, _, _, _) -> id :: ids | _ -> ids in
let do_instr = function Sil.Load (id, _, _, _) -> Some id | _ -> None in
List.fold ~f:do_instr ~init:[] instrs
List.rev_filter_map instrs ~f:do_instr
let subst =
let subst =
let count = ref Int.min_value in
let count = ref Int.min_value in
@ -150,72 +150,56 @@ let instrs_normalize instrs =
incr count ;
incr count ;
Ident.set_stamp id !count
Ident.set_stamp id !count
Sil.subst_of_list (List.map ~f:(fun id -> (id, Exp.Var (gensym id))) bound_ids)
Sil.subst_of_list (List.rev_map ~f:(fun id -> (id, Exp.Var (gensym id))) bound_ids)
List.map ~f:(Sil.instr_sub subst) instrs
List.rev_map ~f:(Sil.instr_sub subst) instrs
(** Create a function to find duplicate nodes.
(** Create a function to find duplicate nodes.
A node is a duplicate of another one if they have the same kind and location
A node is a duplicate of another one if they have the same kind and location
and normalized (w.r.t. renaming of let - bound ids) list of instructions. *)
and normalized (w.r.t. renaming of let - bound ids) list of instructions. *)
let mk_find_duplicate_nodes proc_desc : Procdesc.Node.t -> Procdesc.NodeSet.t =
let mk_find_duplicate_nodes : Procdesc.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Procdesc.NodeSet.t =
let module M = (* map from (loc,kind) *)
let module M = (* map from (loc,kind) *)
Caml.Map.Make (struct
Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = Location.t * Procdesc.Node.nodekind [@@deriving compare]
type t = Location.t * Procdesc.Node.nodekind [@@deriving compare]
end) in
end) in
let module S = (* set of nodes with normalized insructions *)
let module E = struct
Caml.Set.Make (struct
(** Threshold: do not build the map if too many nodes are duplicates. *)
type t = Procdesc.Node.t * Sil.instr list
let threshold = 100
let compare (n1, _) (n2, _) = Procdesc.Node.compare n1 n2
exception Threshold
end) in
end in
let get_key node =
let get_key node =
(* map key *)
(* map key *)
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node in
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node in
let kind = Procdesc.Node.get_kind node in
let kind = Procdesc.Node.get_kind node in
(loc, kind)
(loc, kind)
fun proc_desc ->
let map =
let map =
let m = ref M.empty in
(* map from (loc, kind) to (node -> instructions) map *)
(* map from (loc, kind) to (instructions, node) set *)
let do_node m node =
let module E = struct
(** Threshold: do not build the map if too many nodes are duplicates. *)
let threshold = 100
exception Threshold
end in
let do_node node =
let normalized_instrs = instrs_normalize (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node) in
let normalized_instrs = instrs_normalize (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node) in
let key = get_key node in
let key = get_key node in
let s = try M.find key !m with Caml.Not_found -> S.empty in
M.update key
if S.cardinal s > E.threshold then raise E.Threshold ;
(fun s_opt ->
let s' = S.add (node, normalized_instrs) s in
let s = Option.value s_opt ~default:Procdesc.NodeMap.empty in
m := M.add key s' !m
if Procdesc.NodeMap.cardinal s > E.threshold then raise E.Threshold ;
Some (Procdesc.NodeMap.add node normalized_instrs s) )
let nodes = Procdesc.get_nodes proc_desc in
try Procdesc.fold_nodes proc_desc ~init:M.empty ~f:do_node with E.Threshold -> M.empty
try List.iter ~f:do_node nodes ; !m with E.Threshold -> M.empty
let find_duplicate_nodes node =
let find_duplicate_nodes node =
let s = M.find (get_key node) map in
let s = M.find (get_key node) map in
let elements = S.elements s in
let node_normalized_instrs = Procdesc.NodeMap.find node s in
let (_, node_normalized_instrs), _ =
let collect_duplicates node' normalized_instrs' nset =
let filter (node', _) = Procdesc.Node.equal node node' in
if List.equal ~equal:Sil.equal_instr node_normalized_instrs normalized_instrs' then
match List.partition_tf ~f:filter elements with
Procdesc.NodeSet.add node' nset
| [this], others ->
else nset
(this, others)
| _ ->
raise Caml.Not_found
let duplicates =
let equal_normalized_instrs (_, normalized_instrs') =
List.equal ~equal:Sil.equal_instr node_normalized_instrs normalized_instrs'
List.filter ~f:equal_normalized_instrs elements
Procdesc.NodeMap.fold collect_duplicates s Procdesc.NodeSet.empty
~f:(fun nset (node', _) -> Procdesc.NodeSet.add node' nset)
~init:Procdesc.NodeSet.empty duplicates
with Caml.Not_found -> Procdesc.NodeSet.singleton node
with Caml.Not_found -> Procdesc.NodeSet.singleton node