Reimplement Utils.filename_to_absolute

Summary: Remove code that duplicates functionality in Core.Filename and simplify.

Reviewed By: akotulski

Differential Revision: D4370261

fbshipit-source-id: e11b711
Josh Berdine 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent fb9fed3441
commit c88fe26071

@ -103,83 +103,21 @@ let do_outf outf_opt f =
let close_outf outf = let close_outf outf =
Out_channel.close outf.out_c Out_channel.close outf.out_c
(** convert a filename to absolute path and normalize by removing occurrences of "." and ".." *)
module FileNormalize = struct
let rec fname_to_list_rev fname =
if fname = "" then [] else
let base = Filename.basename fname in
let dir = Filename.dirname fname in
let does_not_split = (* make sure it terminates whatever the implementation of Filename *)
fname = base || String.length dir >= String.length fname in
if does_not_split then [fname]
else base :: fname_to_list_rev dir
(* split a file name into a list of strings representing it as a path *)
let fname_to_list fname =
IList.rev (fname_to_list_rev fname)
(* concatenate a list of strings representing a path into a filename *)
let rec list_to_fname base path = match path with
| [] -> base
| x :: path' -> list_to_fname (base ^/ x) path'
(* normalize a path where done_l is a reversed path from the root already normalized *)
(* and todo_l is the path still to normalize *)
let rec normalize done_l todo_l = match done_l, todo_l with
| _, y :: tl when y = Filename.current_dir_name -> (* path/. --> path *)
normalize done_l tl
| [_], y :: tl when y = Filename.parent_dir_name -> (* /.. --> / *)
normalize done_l tl
| _ :: dl, y :: tl when y = Filename.parent_dir_name -> (* path/x/.. --> path *)
normalize dl tl
| _, y :: tl -> normalize (y :: done_l) tl
| _, [] -> IList.rev done_l
(* check if the filename contains "." or ".." *)
let fname_contains_current_parent fname =
let l = fname_to_list fname in
IList.exists (fun x -> x = Filename.current_dir_name || x = Filename.parent_dir_name) l
(* convert a filename to absolute path, if necessary, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let fname_to_absolute_normalize fname =
let is_relative = Filename.is_relative fname in
let must_normalize = fname_contains_current_parent fname in
let simple_case () =
if is_relative then Unix.getcwd () ^/ fname
else fname in
if must_normalize then begin
let done_l, todo_l =
if is_relative then
fname_to_list_rev (Unix.getcwd ()), fname_to_list fname
else match fname_to_list fname with
| [] -> [fname], [] (* should not happen *)
| root :: l -> [root], l in
let normal_l = normalize done_l todo_l in
match normal_l with
| base :: l -> list_to_fname base l
| [] -> (* should not happen *) simple_case ()
else simple_case ()
let test () =
let test_fname fname =
let fname' = fname_to_absolute_normalize fname in
Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "fname %s --> %s@." fname fname' in
let tests = [".";
"src/../././test.c"] in test_fname tests
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *) (** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let filename_to_absolute fname = let filename_to_absolute fname =
FileNormalize.fname_to_absolute_normalize fname let add_entry rev_done entry =
match entry, rev_done with
| ".", [] -> entry :: rev_done (* id on . *)
| ".", _ -> rev_done (* path/. --> path *)
| "..", ("." | "..") :: _ -> entry :: rev_done (* id on {.,..}/.. *)
| "..", ["/"] -> rev_done (* /.. -> / *)
| "..", _ :: rev_done_parent -> rev_done_parent (* path/dir/.. --> path *)
| _ -> entry :: rev_done
let abs_fname = if Filename.is_absolute fname then fname else (Unix.getcwd ()) ^/ fname in
Filename.of_parts (List.rev (List.fold_left ~f:add_entry ~init:[] ( abs_fname)))
(** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the current directory. *) (** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the current directory. *)
let filename_to_relative root fname = let filename_to_relative root fname =
