@ -1792,21 +1792,13 @@ module MemReach = struct
; mem_pure : MemPure . t
; mem_pure : MemPure . t
; alias : Alias . t
; alias : Alias . t
; latest_prune : LatestPrune . t
; latest_prune : LatestPrune . t
; oenv : ( ' has_oenv , OndemandEnv . t ) GOption . t }
; oenv : ( ' has_oenv , OndemandEnv . t ) GOption . t
; find_global_array : ( ' has_oenv , Loc . t -> Val . t option ) GOption . t }
type no_oenv_t = GOption . none t0
type no_oenv_t = GOption . none t0
type t = GOption . some t0
type t = GOption . some t0
let init : OndemandEnv . t -> t =
fun oenv ->
{ stack_locs = StackLocs . bot
; mem_pure = MemPure . bot
; alias = Alias . init
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . top
; oenv = GOption . GSome oenv }
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs =
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
@ -1825,7 +1817,8 @@ module MemReach = struct
; mem_pure = MemPure . widen oenv ~ prev : prev . mem_pure ~ next : next . mem_pure ~ num_iters
; mem_pure = MemPure . widen oenv ~ prev : prev . mem_pure ~ next : next . mem_pure ~ num_iters
; alias = Alias . widen ~ prev : prev . alias ~ next : next . alias ~ num_iters
; alias = Alias . widen ~ prev : prev . alias ~ next : next . alias ~ num_iters
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . widen ~ prev : prev . latest_prune ~ next : next . latest_prune ~ num_iters
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . widen ~ prev : prev . latest_prune ~ next : next . latest_prune ~ num_iters
; oenv = prev . oenv } )
; oenv = prev . oenv
; find_global_array = prev . find_global_array } )
let join : t -> t -> t =
let join : t -> t -> t =
@ -1836,7 +1829,8 @@ module MemReach = struct
; mem_pure = MemPure . join oenv x . mem_pure y . mem_pure
; mem_pure = MemPure . join oenv x . mem_pure y . mem_pure
; alias = Alias . join x . alias y . alias
; alias = Alias . join x . alias y . alias
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . join x . latest_prune y . latest_prune
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . join x . latest_prune y . latest_prune
; oenv = x . oenv }
; oenv = x . oenv
; find_global_array = x . find_global_array }
let pp : F . formatter -> _ t0 -> unit =
let pp : F . formatter -> _ t0 -> unit =
@ -1845,7 +1839,9 @@ module MemReach = struct
MemPure . pp x . mem_pure Alias . pp x . alias LatestPrune . pp x . latest_prune
MemPure . pp x . mem_pure Alias . pp x . alias LatestPrune . pp x . latest_prune
let unset_oenv : t -> no_oenv_t = function x -> { x with oenv = GOption . GNone }
let unset_oenv : t -> no_oenv_t =
fun x -> { x with oenv = GOption . GNone ; find_global_array = GOption . GNone }
let is_stack_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> bool = fun l m -> StackLocs . mem l m . stack_locs
let is_stack_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> bool = fun l m -> StackLocs . mem l m . stack_locs
@ -1855,10 +1851,17 @@ module MemReach = struct
let find_stack : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t = fun l m -> Option . value ( find_opt l m ) ~ default : Val . bot
let find_stack : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t = fun l m -> Option . value ( find_opt l m ) ~ default : Val . bot
(* * Find heap values from: ( 1 ) given abstract memory [m] ( 2 ) initializers of global array values
( 3 ) otherwise , it generates symbolic or unknown values ondemand * )
let find_heap_default : default : Val . t -> ? typ : Typ . t -> Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t =
let find_heap_default : default : Val . t -> ? typ : Typ . t -> Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t =
fun ~ default ? typ l m ->
fun ~ default ? typ l m ->
let ondemand_fallback () =
GOption . value_map m . oenv ~ default ~ f : ( fun oenv -> Val . on_demand ~ default ? typ oenv l )
IOption . value_default_f ( find_opt l m ) ~ f : ( fun () ->
IOption . value_default_f ( find_opt l m ) ~ f : ( fun () ->
GOption . value_map m . oenv ~ default ~ f : ( fun oenv -> Val . on_demand ~ default ? typ oenv l ) )
GOption . value_map_f m . find_global_array ~ default : ondemand_fallback
~ f : ( fun find_global_array ->
IOption . value_default_f ( find_global_array l ) ~ f : ondemand_fallback ) )
let find_heap : ? typ : Typ . t -> Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t =
let find_heap : ? typ : Typ . t -> Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Val . t =
@ -1900,6 +1903,22 @@ module MemReach = struct
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t = fun m -> Alias . find_ret m . alias
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t = fun m -> Alias . find_ret m . alias
type get_summary = Procname . t -> no_oenv_t option
let init : get_summary -> OndemandEnv . t -> t =
fun get_summary oenv ->
let find_global_array loc =
Option . bind ( Loc . get_global_array_initializer loc ) ~ f : ( fun pname ->
Option . bind ( get_summary pname ) ~ f : ( find_opt loc ) )
{ stack_locs = StackLocs . bot
; mem_pure = MemPure . bot
; alias = Alias . init
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . top
; oenv = GOption . GSome oenv
; find_global_array = GOption . GSome find_global_array }
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
fun id loc tgt m -> { m with alias = Alias . load id loc tgt m . alias }
fun id loc tgt m -> { m with alias = Alias . load id loc tgt m . alias }
@ -2235,7 +2254,13 @@ module Mem = struct
type get_summary = Procname . t -> no_oenv_t option
type get_summary = Procname . t -> no_oenv_t option
let init : OndemandEnv . t -> t = fun oenv -> NonBottom ( MemReach . init oenv )
let init : get_summary -> OndemandEnv . t -> t =
fun get_summary oenv ->
let get_summary pname =
match get_summary pname with Some ( NonBottom m ) -> Some m | _ -> None
NonBottom ( MemReach . init get_summary oenv )
let f_lift_default : default : ' a -> ( ' h MemReach . t0 -> ' a ) -> ' h t0 -> ' a =
let f_lift_default : default : ' a -> ( ' h MemReach . t0 -> ' a ) -> ' h t0 -> ' a =
fun ~ default f m -> match m with Bottom | ExcRaised -> default | NonBottom m' -> f m'
fun ~ default f m -> match m with Bottom | ExcRaised -> default | NonBottom m' -> f m'